Mouse sensitivity settings

Feb 15, 2005
I recently purchased a MX518 and am so far loving it but I have a question about mouse sensitivity settings in game and how they affect the DPI level of the mouse. Now, as I understand, the mouse sensitivity settings in windows changes the dpi of your mouse to acheive lower/higher mouse sensitivity. I was wondering if the mouse sensitivity settings in games work in a similar way? I want to be able to run my mouse at it's full capacity at all time and if changing the mouse sensitivity settings in game forces the mouse to a lower dpi setting I would like to know. I'm just guessing but I assume the mouse sensitivity in game is probably something that would be programmed into the game engine that deals with how fast the mouse scrolls through the 3d space and doesnt affect your dpi settings at all. I'd like to get some conformation on this. thanks.
As far as i know and have experienced...mouse settings in windows are seperate from settings
in game. I use a medium setting for windows...and low setting for BF2, and double or quadruple
it when I enter a vehicle...the MX518's on the fly sensitivy adjustments is the tits.
Thats the one problem I have with high sens mice. With their drivers, sometimes even with windows sens all the way down, as well as the games sens all the way down...your sens is still high as a mother. The quick change sens buttons on the 518 change your dpi down.
the 518 should default to 800 dpi (i know cuz i used mine for about a week before realising it could go higher)

i think 800 is good for everyday computing stuff and then i jack it up to 1600 for gaming so i can turn the gaming sense way down (good for bf2s grid aiming ;))
I haven't installed logitech's driver...I've only ever used windows's built in drivers and they
work fine with the MX518 and ALL its button functionalities.