Move to E760 Classified from E758 X58 ???


Jun 2, 2006
I'm currently in the process of upgrading from tri sli gtx 280s to 5870 tri fire, im curious as to wether the classified board will offer 3 pci 2.0 x16 lanes running at full speed ? Or if it will be the same outcome as my current e758 evga x58 board i got at launch which is x16,x16,x8 if im not mistaken. I'm just looking to not bottleneck the 5870s if possible. Any insight is appreciated, thnx.
I think you'll be needing a board with the nf200 chip if you want x16 to three cards. I dont know if the e759 is still available (it was considered a 'limited edition'). Read up on nf200 before you buy though. It has been rather unpopular - for the added cost and the additional heat it generates.
Yeah the nf200 classified version is no longer available. But thanks for the link DrNick, thats exactly what i was wondering, just how much a x8 lane would affect a card. Looks like i'll keep my currnet board till my next upgrade, which is still a great overall x58 mobo. Thnx guys :).