Movie Maker broken since win7 sp1?


Supreme [H]ardness
May 29, 2001
Anyone else getting this? Ive tried to reinstall and used compatability mode but the program just refuses to load.
Hmm, I'll have to try it. I've installed SP1 on two machines but haven't launched Movie Maker on either.
Works fine for me on both my desktop and laptop (post SP1). You might wanna roll back that SP1 install and then reinstall Live Essentials 2011.
Doesn't movie maker require .net 3.5 or something? Installing SP1 does run a .net optimization service for a little while. I wonder if your .net is screwed up.

*edit* Appears .net 2.0 is required but only for Writer.
I figured I'd just come back in here and say that I had no problems running Movie Maker on my systems, after installing SP1.