Movie on dual screens?


Limp Gawd
Oct 7, 2003
I'm wondering what options will allow me to watch a movie on a dual screen setup with a 6800gt... any ideas?
are u wanting to 'clone' the image so you have it on 2 monitors, or split it like half on one half on the other.
I think if you set up your displays so that the secondary screen is a clone of the primary display you should get the same output on both screens. That should allow you to view the movie on both screens.

Right click on the Nvidia icon in the system tray. Go to the Nview Display settings and pick Clone. That should do the trick. It works for me.
are u wanting to 'clone' the image so you have it on 2 monitors, or split it like half on one half on the other.

Half on half... so I can see the whole movie on both monitors... clone didn't work and I picked horizontal and that didn't do the trick either... maybe if I use windows media player it will work..?
videos sometmies have problems with dual monitors (mine had), lemee do some reasearch and see if i can fnid anything.
Only way I got it to work was by using the "Span" option to span the desktop across both screens, then go into nvidia properties and check the box for "Allow WIndow Spanning Across Multiple Displays." You can't use the maximize feature, you have to manually size the window to stretch it across the two displays.