Movies on my new iPad


Ravenufo's Macs
Feb 28, 2001
I picked up an iPad for Christmas and I would like to know the "best" way to get the movies I own on it. Currently I am using AnyDVD with CloneDVD Mobile. It seems the files are a bit large using CloneDVD mobile. Is there another video file format that the iPad can read or another method or application that is better than my current method?
if you are watching movies at home, I recommend AirVideo app and server. On the fly converts your video files and streams them to your device. I think it can work from anywhere, not just over your local network, but I didn't play around with it that much.

IMO, worth the $2.99 app to have access to your whole movie collection without having the transfer any files.

There's a free version of the app too with limited features. Give it a shot.
I am using a nightly build of Handbrake and I used the iPad preset. However, in Videos on my iPad no thumbnail or movie name is displayed. The only thing displayed for the file is white with a TV on it. I do not know what movie it is because no name was written to the thumbnail.
If you have AVI files and don't want to go throughout the hassle of coverting them you can also use aps such as Cinexplayer and VLC to watch native AVI files straight from the iPad.. Not all files will work but the majority do. Cinexplayer has the better quality playback.

I second the use of air video. Use it daily and it works like a charm. Keeps me from having to constantly transfer movies to my device. Occasionally I've had troubles with the sound being off when using the convert while watching. This program will convert it for you and store the converted copy on your computer and then it works flawlessly. A definite buy!

Edit: Forgot to mention that yea, you can also stream your movies with this from anywhere that you have internet (or if you have 3g, then you can watch them anywhere).