moving a RAID array to a new machine...???


Limp Gawd
Sep 5, 2001
If you have a pair of SATA drives stripped and want to move them to a new machine that is using a different brand SATA controller, can you just hook them up and have the controller recognize the data? Or is the way its raided dependent on the controller (meaning do I have to reformat those drives and lose all the data there)?

Thanks guys
Your best bet is to backup the data BEFORE moving it. You try running a repair from the XP CD, and then loading the RAID drivers....but chances are, it won't even make it into XP without the new drivers being loaded somehow. I personally would back up the data, wipe the drives, and then move them.
I havy only done this on SCSI, but I haved moved a RAID to a different model of the same brand, but I highly doubt moving to another brand would work. If its a mirror set throw one of the drives on it and see what happens, you can always rebuild with the good one. if its a striped set Id say yer humped, but hey let us know if you get it to work!