Moving RAID Array to New Mobo


Limp Gawd
Feb 12, 2004
I have two SATA 160gb drives in RAID 0 using the onboard SATA RAID ability of my Gigabyte K8N Pro.

I would like to move these drives to a new motherboard, also with onboard SATA RAID capability. Is this possible? I know it would be possible if I'd used a RAID card (done it before), but I've never tried with onboard RAID -> onboard RAID.

Thanks in advance :) .
Verrrrry iffffffy.
It all depends on how close the two controllers are.
Same make/model then you may get away with it.
Different make/model then probably not.
Plus do you know your stripe/cluster size as the default values may have altered.

If you do do it then expect to loose all your data so back everything up.
Then if you do get away with it then look at it as a very good bonus.

Luck......... :D
Right-o, that's what I feared . . .

It's just ~300gb of movies, more movies, and naughty movies :)p). . . so it's not the biggest deal in the world if I have to back up some data and lose the rest.