Mozilla Now Makes You 'Click To Play' Plugins

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
I see what they are going for here but does anyone like the idea of having to click on every plugin? How long before that is exploited by crafty criminals?

Mozilla is changing the way Firefox loads third party plugins such as Flash, Java and Silverlight. This change will help increase Firefox performance and stability, and provide significant security benefits, while at the same time providing more control over plugins to our users.
this sounds like a good change for failfox to fail slightly less.
I suspect there might be a little editors bias since this allows users to 'skip' ads in a sense.
Users can also configure sites to never run plugins or conversely always run plugins. This change puts the user in control.
:) Having to find playing media on a 200 tab session is a pain in the ass.

I already choose which cookies I want from sites so I like this idea.
I prefer it that way actually, some sites like this one are allowed, as it is non-intrusive and not annoying at all (the ads), But other sites, ones that have Auto-play enabled for fifty billion embedded videos, No thanks.
Flash stays on be default, guys. And you guessed right, Mozilla bended on this one because of the ads. If they do the right thing and include Flash, the entire industry is going to be against them.
Agreed, given the track record of plugins' security (java, flash, we're looking at you), a whitelist model makes a lot of sense.
This is pretty much what noscript does (among other things). Only allowing what you want to run > *
Flashblock add-on does this for flash content, I like it, no videos auto play or even download until you press the play button. You can whitelist sites like youtube easily. It's nice and I think a good addition for Mozilla to add to Firefox.
I do this already in Chrome with Flashblock, and it's a huge improvement in browser speed and stability. With all the zero-day exploits discovered practically daily in all these plugins, this just makes sense, if nothing else, from a security standpoint.
This is exactly what NoScript does, except NoScript also does alot of other useful security related things as well.
Mozilla is changing the way Firefox loads third party plugins such as Flash, Java and Silverlight. This change will help increase Firefox performance and stability

And so came the day where I for the first time since leaving childhood, shat myself while laughing.
I prefer this click-and-enable option, some websites I've come across will continually nag you or not display anything at all until NoScript and/or AdBlock is disabled/removed.

A whitelist option is good as well.
Overall. this is a great benefit to most users. Provides security, usability, better resource utilization etc... many of the most popular addons are those like AdBlock Plus, Flashblock, and NoScript which all have this behavior available. Having it at the core browser level is a benefit. I can guarantee that those who really don't like it, will be able to turn it off.
This sounds really annoying, Why wouldn't this be an option?

Oh well, anyone who cares isn't running Firefox anymore. Maybe they should work on performance, RAM usage and interface so they can at least compete with the more modern browsers?
I prefer it that way actually, some sites like this one are allowed, as it is non-intrusive and not annoying at all (the ads), But other sites, ones that have Auto-play enabled for fifty billion embedded videos, No thanks.

YouTube does that and it is annoying as hell.
:) Having to find playing media on a 200 tab session is a pain in the ass.

I already choose which cookies I want from sites so I like this idea.

I did not see a point other than ads until I saw this, I usually just mute the sound until I find which tab it is. But still an annoyance.
Thank You! Used flashblock for a long while, glad to see this make it in to the main branch.
Sounded like a great idea until I read:
Our plan is to enable Click to Play for all versions of all plugins except the current version of Flash ... Note: The most current version of Flash will NOT have Click To Play.
I'm sure they're just bending to corporate pressure, but that kind of defeats the whole point imo since Flash is about the most insecure and most annoyingly-used plugin out there.
mcfly your not skipping ads to see the site your just not seeing them unless you click on them to make them load If they are static none flash the ads will load normally, but best not to talk about ads at all on this site (instaban hammer)

if sites choose to not have an static or animated png or jpg for backup then I see nothing there loss apart from an click to play box (if not all H ads are static so not an issue), I have over 100 tabs open between opera and chrome so with all the sites that have flash on them I run out if ram (12gb) if flash/java was allowed to auto start on every page on top of the cpu that each page would use as well

if your using chrome flashblock is no longer needed, remove it as chrome has "click to play" native built in now (tools > setting > adv at the bottom > content > go down and change it to click to play)

tools pref content (I think) tick load plug ins on demand

I use no ad blocking on any of my browsers as I find its not needed
also they are only turning on click to play for older insecure/older plug ins , unless you change the default in firefox it will run plug ins with no questions
Might sound a little annoying (and it is slightly) but this is exactly what I use the NoScript plugin to do. It does really help if you are a tab junkie like me.
The problem is so many websites nowadays use javascript from shared sources, noscript is pretty much useless because you have to allow everything for the page to even load. These other plugins will eventually move the same direction!
I am using Opera without Javascript and flash in a guest account. Web sites load faster and are more secured. Only time I turn it on is banking, and school.
chrome needs this shit.
Often when I visit a page with a bunch of flash ads, chrome freezes until flash plugin crashes.
The problem is so many websites nowadays use javascript from shared sources, noscript is pretty much useless because you have to allow everything for the page to even load. These other plugins will eventually move the same direction!

That's not true, you only have to allow those required for the content you're wanting to view. With a bit of experience it's usually easy to predict which of those you need to enable, like or any subdomain beginning with "scripts" is usually a good start in enabling proper functionality.