MP3 Player Headphones

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
For all those situations where lugging around your iPod / MP3 player isn’t an option, these new MP3 headphones might be just what you need.

I met with SkullCandy COO, Jeremy Andrus, and he showed me this new product hidden in a room in the back of the booth. Users load the SD card with music, plug it in the headphones and that’s it, they are ready to go snowboarding. The Double Agent will come with pre-loaded SD cards with songs from SkullCandy’s music partners, that’s even less work to do!
These things or similar concepts have been out for a while now :) They need to make a micro mp3 player that takes the size of a small earpiece.
I likey. This product will practically eliminate the tripping over the headphone cord and ripping it out of the receptacle problem experienced.
Reminds me of the Oakley MP3 playing sunglasses. I have to go dig mine out, now.
I can pickup a pair of mp3 headphones for 5 bucks at NationalWholesaleLiquidators. 128mb.
I remember when I was all psyched about headsets that can listen to FM stations that looked all tacky an worked like crap.

Oh how the days have changed.