MPAA Study Links Piracy To Terrorists

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
A report, funded by the MPAA, has concluded that gangs and terrorists are responsible for pirating movies. Gangs or terrorists? Not much of a choice is it? What if you bootlegged the Jonas Brothers 3D movie?

The MPAA funded report titled ‘Film Piracy, Organized Crime, and Terrorism’ claims that terrorist groups use film piracy to finance their activities, while organized gangs see it as a significant revenue stream. Selling pirated goods is a ‘low-risk, high-profit enterprise’ which attracts criminals of all sorts according to the report.
of course they do. But buying the movies funds good old fashion honest American Organized Crime....

because we all know the guy on the street corner selling the latest disney PoS is in cahoots with al-ciada.
If you're buying pirated things you are clearly doing it wrong.

LOL. Exactly what I was thinking.

Now, if only the MPAA could figure out that the people they tend to drag into court (dead people, 13 year old girls) are not those who are in the piracy for profit business.

Oh, wait, the for-profit piracy people are hard to catch. It's easier to go after the newbs and the dead.
Piracy is also linked to impotency, Area 51, the Inuits, and global warming... I'm surprised they missed all those links too.
If you're buying pirated things you are clearly doing it wrong.

LOL. Exactly what I was thinking.

Now, if only the MPAA could figure out that the people they tend to drag into court (dead people, 13 year old girls) are not those who are in the piracy for profit business.

Oh, wait, the for-profit piracy people are hard to catch. It's easier to go after the newbs and the dead.

Actually if you visit countries in Asia you will see street vendors selling burned copies of software or Video CDs for a buck or two openly on street corners and sidewalks as well as mall kiosks. You could buy Photoshop for 10 bucks, Windows for 5 bucks and so on. Those are probably the piracy MPAA are referring to.

Hell, even movie theaters show low quality VCD rips instead of the real thing.
If you're buying pirated things you are clearly doing it wrong.

I used to live in a small mountain town that only had dial-up when I lived in south america. The only way for me to get games at a decent price was to buy pirated copies at the shop :(. Or buy them for 20x the price at the legal places, but noone bought em there.
Actually if you visit countries in Asia you will see street vendors selling burned copies of software or Video CDs for a buck or two openly on street corners and sidewalks as well as mall kiosks. You could buy Photoshop for 10 bucks, Windows for 5 bucks and so on. Those are probably the piracy MPAA are referring to.

Hell, even movie theaters show low quality VCD rips instead of the real thing.

Yes, I am aware of this, but you honestly can't imagine maybe the MPAAA wants to get popular/ some credibility by making wild conclusions based on self funded (biased) studies?
Well then MPAA grab your RIAA side kick and go after thosecommercial pirates, and organized criminal groups that are linked to terrorism and leave elderly grandma's, dead people, and 12 year old kids alone.
hell hit down town toronto, funyn enough "china town" and you can find any movie, with purscy DVD cases and all, but as said...

if your paying for illegal content....LOL
They are about 6-7 years to late on this...might of had more of an impact during the OMG TERRORIST ARE GONNA DESTROY US years

Actually if you visit countries in Asia you will see street vendors selling burned copies of software or Video CDs for a buck or two openly on street corners and sidewalks as well as mall kiosks. You could buy Photoshop for 10 bucks, Windows for 5 bucks and so on. Those are probably the piracy MPAA are referring to.

Hell, even movie theaters show low quality VCD rips instead of the real thing.

You know, i would probably be more willing to pay 5-10 dollars for a program, hell i might even consider buying a copy for each computer i own if it was that cheap.
Well then MPAA grab your RIAA side kick and go after thosecommercial pirates, and organized criminal groups that are linked to terrorism and leave elderly grandma's, dead people, and 12 year old kids alone.

It could be said then that when they try to eliminate the free internet piracy that the MPAA is actually helping encourage business for gangs and terrorists! If a person can do A) legally obtain a copy, B) illegally obtain a free copy, and C) pay a small amount to illegally obtain a copy guess what they will pick most often - B. If they try to wipe out option B what will those same people who are only concerned with lowest price do? Option C. So, there you go, the MPAA is helping gangs and terrorists by their own study!
terroism? Really? REALLY? dear god. I know they are out of touch, but didn't they get the memo that the US voted linking shit to terrorism isn't enough to get you elected?
So I guess it must be these same Terrorists who pirate Fitna, 300, The Kingdom, Passion of the Christ, etc?

That little list alone makes this whole article BS.

Here is an idea, study founded by me found that the MPAA is a bunch of thugs and are similar to the Gotti family and other Mob families.
In fact, by the definitions given, the RIAA may be an organised crime gang

Hehe. Otherwise it's just the usual routine of trying to conjure up associations between piracy and Very Bad Things in a vain attempt to win some public support for their actions against lone p2p users.
MPAA are terrorists who are trying to divert the attention away from themselves by setting up scapegoats.
I'm quite sure they (or maybe it was the RIAA) already made this connection shortly after 9-11 just so they can cash in on that huge scapegoat bonanza!
while we are at it, all illegal drugs do too. .. its all propaganda. whatever people associate with bad and evil at the time is usually with what is wrong. If piracy was an issue a few decades ago, pirates would be associated with Communists. Mid evil times; pagans.
A lot of you people are missing the point. They're referring to counterfeiting industries when they talk about piracy. Counterfeit toys, films, software, etc. are an epidemic and not limited to non-Western markets. Very often the buyers don't actually realise that the product they are purchasing is not official, and go off to sell it to legitimate customers as if it was the real thing. Often it only gets exposed when things like warranties, poor build quality, etc. appears. Selling stolen product is another issue. I know from talking to some owners of several independent videogame stores that there are a few around that sell stolen games, because they are able to sell them at launch for significantly less than list price and still somehow draw a profit (typical profit margins on new games are less than $5 most of the time).
A report, funded by the MPAA...

Where did they get the money for this enormous data analysis? Was it by stealing it from the tax payers through political associates all whom have similar agendas? That being to remain a rich greedy bastard with hundreds of millions to billions in their banks accounts. Plus, are they not using terrorist tactics themselves? They're the ones trying to scare people into thinking something is super bad when it's not.

At the end of the day
0 - 0 = 0

I watched Terminator 2, in the Saudi Arabian desert before it was in theaters in the US. Thankfully I didn't have to wait the other six months before I got home, as my friends wrote me letters telling me al about it.

I'm as conservative as the next one, but when it comes to Hoollywoude, I'm all about sticking it to them. Why demonize the rich entrepreneur but dieify those that are in old speak 'con men'--those that portray that which they are not? Gogo video piracy!
So someone explain to me why they sue the hell out of the average american citizen?
If this were the 1970's we'd link piracy to communism.

Different time period, different American public fear.
So someone explain to me why they sue the hell out of the average american citizen?

Because they're much easier to go after than people actually who are the masterminds behind the piracy.

Same thing with drugs, why go after the major drug dealers when you can pinch any person on a street corner selling dimebags.
I am taking a break from downloading of decadent western movies to tell you that the MPAA's accusations are completely baseless and character assassination of the highest order. I will now go back to my illegal downloading of decadent western movies.

Whoops I almost forgot,

Death to America
Do they really think this helps their cause, spewing such propaganda? They must be as dumb as they seemed all along. Like child molesters. There must be a study that links MPAA to child molesters. Probably a study that "links" child molestation to piracy. There you have it, MPAA is "linked" to piracy.
Ain't it obvious RIAA are saying beware of those 13 year old girl terrorist, undead terrorist, and average American terrorist.:eek:
maybe they can recruit christian bale to cuss out old grandma's and kids about pirating!
maybe they can recruit christian bale to cuss out old grandma's and kids about pirating!

lol the new PSA while sitting in the theater waiting for the commercials...i to start

i can see it now....the theater dims....john connor walks out...peers into the audience, then unleashes a fury so intense, that the grandma who has the cell phone taking the shitty cam rip immediately craps her pants and turns herself and her 12 year old granddaughter into the nearest army outpost saying they are terrorists
Heh...teh biggest MAFIAA syndicate talking about gangs & terrorists. I see, trying to show off their expertise in those fields...

What if you bootlegged the Jonas Brothers 3D movie?

...then you're gay, no offense