MS @ GDC (Gears of War 2, Fable 2, Ninja Gaiden 2)

GEARS OF WAR 2 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lol, i like what someone did to my post, i actually didn't notice that:eek:. This may come to PC tho.
Woot, GoW 2.

Just my take on the trailer, but I think they hinted at some sort of combo/finish move. Kinda like in Assassins Creed where you can counter kill.
eh. the GoW2 trailer is kinda lame. Doesn't show any actual game play at all and just uses some pretty cheesey lines and themes.
eh. the GoW2 trailer is kinda lame. Doesn't show any actual game play at all and just uses some pretty cheesey lines and themes.

yea, it is a tad lame, but thats what you get from a teaser trailer, wait til they release a real trailer in like 2 months (at E3 or something)
that video showing off the new features in UE3 is pretty awesome as well. Didn't think they'd be able to surpass the visuals of Gears of War this gen, but it's good to be proven wrong sometimes :)
There's plenty of great games coming out this year, on the 360. I know for a fact I'll be getting at least 2 of the 3 games mentioned.
I wonder how they will manage to improve upon GoW's graphics? That's not gonna be easy...

Oh, and Fable 2 looks awesome. What Fable1 should have been...
I only really liked NG2.... Fable seems meh, like its predecessor, I'm hoping otherwise but I doubt it. Gears didn't show you jack, so no comment. I did like the first, just didn't have much replay value for me.
GOW2! Yes! Great News, hopefully the pc version if any will come out shortly afterwards, Ill still be getting it straight away for the 360 though.
GOW2! Yes! Great News, hopefully the pc version if any will come out shortly afterwards, Ill still be getting it straight away for the 360 though.
Trusting Epic to create a good PC port after Gears of War 1 and Unreal Tournament 3, well, it's like good old George Bush said: "fool me once, shame on you. fool me twice... uh, well, the point is that we don't get fooled twice!" :p

Seriously though, Epic used to be the worlds best PC gaming dev house IMO, and ever since they realized they could make more money on the consoles, they've been downhill.

I'll look forward to the 360 version of Gears of War 2, but having just finished Gears 1 on Insane difficulty, I've gotta say that they need to do something new with this, as the campaign got pretty repetetive in the first game. Yes, it was fun, but if the sequel is just the same running and ducking in new environments with one or two tacked on gimmicks, then this will be a game I'll buy once it's in the bargain bin.

Hopefully Epic can pull it off. As much as I hate how they've alienated PC gamers, I still trust them to make damn good games on the consoles.
Only thing that looked cool was Fable 2
NG2 is the stuff. You'll see. :)

Anyways, Microsoft had an absolutely fantastic keynote. The XNA community stuff has a lot of potential. I gave the viewer a whirl, and they weren't lying - it really did feel like the YouTube of games. Small stuff not professionally produced, yet fun all the same.
The Gears trailer could've been skipped as it's about as effective as just an announcement and a logo.

NG2 looked dandy. I like how they showed several weapons, combos, and ninpo. I absolutely can't wait for this game. The new dodge moves seem to be almost too effective, although the flails didn't seem to have much going for them, 'cept their charge move. I pretty much just use the Dragon Sword and Dabilahro anyway, though.
June can't come soon enough.
One thing than can inprove upon in UE3 is getting rid of the fucking texture pop up. I don't care how good it looks if 15-20 seconds after the loading is done my character still has no textures on him :rolleyes:

Mass effect, GOW, pretty much EVERY UE3 game has this problem, and is unacceptable IMO for a highly licensed game engine.
One thing than can inprove upon in UE3 is getting rid of the fucking texture pop up. I don't care how good it looks if 15-20 seconds after the loading is done my character still has no textures on him :rolleyes:

Mass effect, GOW, pretty much EVERY UE3 game has this problem, and is unacceptable IMO for a highly licensed game engine.

That is really annoying. I do wish they'd fix that really soon

Actually though. I THINK the one game I havent noticed this problem in is Lost Odyssey.
Yeah, even the PC versions of GOW, Bioshock, and UT3 have it to a lesser degree. Rather than taking 10 seconds on the 360, it's closer to about 3-4. Bioshock takes the longest of the ones I've played, but it's most noticeable with Mass Effect, just because the game is constantly going between load screens.
i can't wait for NG2, it looks a bit over the top to me, w/ all the crazy weapons so i hope they pull it off alright.

fable 2 co-op is awesome

if they made ng2 co-op i'd literally crap my pants
man including the pc stuff like age of conan and far cry 2 this is TOO much to handle!! and people are saying this could be a dead year for gaming YEAH RIGHT!!!