MS Intellimouse explorer - $19.99 shipped

just got one, cant wait to see how the tilt wheel action is. I've been looking for another functionality for gaming.
Has anyone who ordered this actually have it ship yet? damn they are slow.

Wireless = blah. Yes, even the bluetooth logitech one.

I disagree with you, my mx700 is one of the best mice ive ever owned.
laserdemon said:
Has anyone who ordered this actually have it ship yet? damn they are slow.

I disagree with you, my mx700 is one of the best mice ive ever owned.

I had one for about two weeks, couldn't stand the lag - moved to an MX500. Almost nobody can tell there's lag, but I tried two units, and one at a friend's... and they all pissed me off to no end. Plus, low end wireless mice suck even worse. :)
I ordered mine over the weekend. They shipped on Monday, but I didn't get shipping notice until Tues.
mx900 (the bluetooth one) is great for everything but gaming, had to go back to corded dual optical for fps's.
Mine is on backorder and i ordered on sunday. Kinda ticked off that they didnt let me know without me asking.