MS Live One Care -- Cheap OS Maintenance / Security?


May 18, 2002
So, I assume enough people have at least heard of the Microsoft plunge into the antivirus realm. What I wasn't aware of, however, was the number of useful features were going to be in the package for the health of the OS as a whole, and not just for things like e-mail or some documents (which is why I'm posting this to OS, since it is so pertinent).

We all typically suggest to end-users that they should have an A/V, a firewall, and so on. Not counting the freeware scanners, the two main options have been Norton and McAffee for the consumer end. NOD32 has been seeing an up-swing in popularity, mostly due to it becoming popular to the type of crowd who posts here. There are other options, but when you walk into an electronics store you are mostly hit with Norton and McAffee as your main options

Microsoft has had a working firewall for years, and since the advent of XP Service Pack 2 it has had a pretty easy-to-use firewall. However, the likes of ZoneAlarm still have a strong presence, because they are so visually easy to figure out and don't take much thought from the end-user. Since they bought Giant, Microsoft has had a steadily improving piece of antispyware software, as well. One Care goes beyond both of those, adding better firewall capability, an antivirus scanner, a scheduled defrag, cleanup, and even a backup job. Because I already had a Microsoft Live account and because one license purchase covers 3 computers (making it the cheapest for-pay antivirus), I decided to try it out.

Holy crap! Where the heck was this five years ago? Where was it one year ago, when I decided to eschew Norton altogether? I had actually already created scheduled defrags and cleanup jobs using batch files and the cleanmgr command, but this program now makes it easy for me to suggest it to my family members (who live across the country) without me having to also teach them how to create regular system maintenance tasks. I saw it selling for around $50 in stores here (Dallas), which spread across the allowed three systems still only amounts to a little more than $16 for each computer. I bought mine from Amazon for $30, where that alone kicks the crap out of Norton or McAffee suites.

To run One Care, you have to register to their Live program (use your Passport ID), but other than that the process is the same as installing any other A/V system. The user control panel could use some tweaks on Microsoft's end, to allow for some more granular tweaking by home users, but overall things are solid. It gets automatically scheduled and you can run the "Tune Up" to manually have it defrag and clean your system. I also like the fact that it runs Microsoft Update instead of just Windows Update-- those of you using MS Office who haven't gone to windowsupdate and installed MS Update are seriously missing out.

This one program takes care of a lot of the major OS concerns I have for new users that I've supported. How is it that this hasn't gotten more attention than it has? I read a report that it debuted with a popularity second only to Symantec, but I hadn't heard much about it that I didn't look up on my own before deciding to install it myself last week.

Has anyone else tried this out on your system? Since I don't game, I have no idea how it affects gaming performance. I haven't noticed any drops in performance so far, and I don't see any more overhead with it than I would with any other A/V software. Have other people had worse experiences?
I wasn't aware of the fact it covers three computers. I'm going to look into it now, since I could cover all three of mine at home for one low price.
Three computers, and it covers all the basics of home computer protection in one software package. I'm going to test it further, but it appears the firewall in the program does outbound filtering.
Glad you're happy with it. I work on the AV part of the product. ;)

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I have been trying several AV for the past few years (Norton, Mcafee, pc-cillin, kaspersky, nod32, panda, AVG, others I can't even remembers) and I still didn't find any that meeted my needs.

For real security you should NEVER be buying your AV from big trend such as norton, microsoft or mcafee as the hacker will try their virus on those popular software to make sure they by-pass their protection and they'll then reach a very wide "market" of users.

Even though it my not be safe, I think I'll give microsoft AV a try anyway :rolleyes:
Thx for sharing your impressions with us.
Ranma_Sao said:
Glad you're happy with it. I work on the AV part of the product. ;)
Tell everyone at work there I give kudos on the product. Keep up the good work.

Also, tell the other projects to follow this example. Very nicely done yet still very useful.
I was an early Beta tester for this product, liked it a lot, but it was giving me some major conflicts with other software, so I uninstalled. I just installed the 90 day trial to see what has changed under the hood....I wouldn't mind having an all encompassing utility that works well and can be used on 3 boxes, so we shall see.
SJConsultant said:
Any chance they'll come out with a "corporate" version :D ?
Dude, heck yeah. If there were an enterprise version of this I would be all over it!
I've heard great things about it also. I am switching to it for our 3 home computers once our current subs run out. Hard to beat $20 for 1 yr on 3 boxes.
You might want to buy it now, then. I'm sure the $20 price is limited time only.
MajorDomo said:
I was an early Beta tester for this product, liked it a lot, but it was giving me some major conflicts with other software, so I uninstalled. I just installed the 90 day trial to see what has changed under the hood....I wouldn't mind having an all encompassing utility that works well and can be used on 3 boxes, so we shall see.

Yea works on 3 machines. I also saw compusa selling the tech version for like 30 bucks or something a few weeks ago when I was there(we have a business account with them). From what I've seen it seems to be a pretty good program and hell if they did manage to make an enterprise version yea I would be saying lets ditch symantec so fast. I would love to have a av tab in active directory or something. That would be nice.
Sounds cool, maybe I'll hookup some of my family. My uncle has a home PC, and his 2 sons each have a laptop, so that would work out nicely. (I can't COUNT the number of times I've had to go to their house and clean 400+ pieces of spyware off).

Thanks for the info GreNME
Keep us updated. I dont really have a use for it right now (my ISP gives me the Mcafee suite for free on all my rigs), but this may have its uses.
Monkey34 said:
Keep us updated. I dont really have a use for it right now (my ISP gives me the Mcafee suite for free on all my rigs), but this may have its uses.

I really don't like Mcafee, I've had way too many issues with it. Yea my question is didn't the old ms antispyware remove pirate copies of office? It would be pretty funny to see this do it.
-(Xyphox)- said:
umm might have to give it a try

Ditto. I am going to go home this afternoon and install the trial. That is one hell of a price for all that protection for 3 machines.
Saw it at Target the other day and was like "Ummm WTF?" Might go back and pick it up!
I saw in the Best Buy ad it was $19.99 & i have a $20 rewards certificate from there. I can almost get it for free. Damn taxes.
K1llaB said:
I saw in the Best Buy ad it was $19.99 & i have a $20 rewards certificate from there. I can almost get it for free. Damn taxes.

Gotta love Taxes ;) Thankfully in MI its only 6% :D
swatbat said:
I really don't like Mcafee, I've had way too many issues with it.

I personally have had only a problem with "verifying" the subscription too often. A minor irritation considering I paid nothing for it.

Yea my question is didn't the old ms antispyware remove pirate copies of office? It would be pretty funny to see this do it

Huh. Hadn't heard this. Its plausible....removing office wouldnt compromise the OS or files. Anyone else know?
Monkey34 said:
Huh. Hadn't heard this. Its plausible....removing office wouldnt compromise the OS or files. Anyone else know?

I was reading about this online when the first beta came out and one of my friends had it happen to him. I thought it was pretty funny. Not sure if it just deacivated office or deleated it. Just remember him bithing like crazy. I thought it was funny.
No. Writing a signature that matched office would be a false positive. (How does one tell on a file level what a good version vs a non-good version is)

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swatbat said:
I was reading about this online when the first beta came out and one of my friends had it happen to him. I thought it was pretty funny. Not sure if it just deacivated office or deleated it. Just remember him bithing like crazy. I thought it was funny.
I'm thinking you're friend doesn't have a clue what happened to his own computer, and like the typical noob, blames MS instead of wondering what the REAL problem was. Of course, if he was using a pirated version of Office, that's his own damn fault anyway.
GreNME said:
If you are involved in that project as well, you have just become my hero for the day.
I do. ;)

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I bought it last night and loaded it on one of my PCs so far. I can see how this would be a great thing for the lesser-geeky computer users. Everything is in one spot, and it clearly tells you if there is a problem.
djnes said:
I bought it last night and loaded it on one of my PCs so far. I can see how this would be a great thing for the lesser-geeky computer users. Everything is in one spot, and it clearly tells you if there is a problem.

I have not bought it yet, but I am doing the trial and I am impressed with it. Like you said it is for the lesser-geeky and I found going the config simple and easy to understand. I will probably purchase it in the near future.
The test for me is when I load it on my wife's computer. If she can manage to keep her PC "in the green", than I know it's easy to use.
djnes said:
The test for me is when I load it on my wife's computer. If she can manage to keep her PC "in the green", than I know it's easy to use.
heheh, i am going to download a trial tonight
$20 at Best Buy was too tempting to pass up. Got a copy for my parents and one for myself. I was entertained that their wasn't a standard allow rule for Firefox, but the firewall allowed Outlook with an automatic approval. Some things at MS never change. :)

Liking it so far, I think it might even be Mom proof. I'll know for sure if she can't mess up the scheduled backups.

She has a tendency to click on any button if it stays on the screen for more than 1 second, without reading any messages. :rolleyes: