MS Mobile Memory Mouse 8000 Review/Rant


Limp Gawd
Jun 5, 2004
Where to begin? I have never hated a piece of hardware like I hate this thing. I bought it to take with my laptop on trips so as not to risk losing my expensive MX Rev. I soon regretted the purchase.

First, the flash memory feature. I've never found it useful, and it makes the usb transceiver way too big for a notebook mouse -- about 25% longer than the MX Rev's and twice as thick. It's too big to leave connected when you're carrying the laptop around or using the touchpad, and when you plug it back in you get a popup showing the portable drive.

Charging/battery life are terrible. There's no docking station or wall wart; it charges via usb using a magnetic cord that plugs into the end of the transceiver. Okay in theory, but battery life is poor and charging is slow so it seems you need the cord attached almost all the time. Having a cord attached to the big bulky usb plug pretty much nullifies the concept of a compact wireless notebook mouse. It does take a AAA battery and I ended up just using my own rechargables to avoid the horrid usb charging.

General functionality: this mouse attempts to emulate the freewheeling scrolling of the Logitech Revolution mice, but without the Smartshift wheel it results in maddening failure. The wheel is always free-spinning with no click-to-click mode so precision scrolling is all but impossible; in fact it tends to go a few lines in the opposite direction in response to small inputs. Any amount of scrolling acceleration will make it completely unmanageable.

When coming back from standby, the mouse doesn't wake up when the computer does. You have to move it around for several seconds until it starts responding. If it does at all; the connection drops out at random and won't resume until you connect (or disconnect) the cord, plug or unplug the receiver or cycle the power switch on the bottom of the mouse, or a combination of the above.

Bottom line: The scrolling of Logitech's Revolution mice can't be matched in software by MS's mouse driver. I just ended up ditching the 8000 and using my desktop MX Rev instead. In this case you get what you pay for; if the promise of a hyperfast scrolling notebook mouse is what attracted you to this mouse, bite the bullet and grab a VX Revolution instead.
I have one of these and while its not a great mouse it is about the best bluetooth mobile mouse I've ever used. I've not found another shaped mobile bluetooth mouse with TWO thumb buttons.