MSI 8600 GTS at ZZF $190

I have seen that ZZF has a bad rating. Perhaps I am just lucky but I have ordered numerous items from them and never once had a problem.
I've done a lot of business with them and never had a problem either.

Edit: After reading some of the reviews, it would seem ZZF has maybe gone the way of Monarch. Their 6 month rating is quite low, while they retain an 8+ lifetime rating. It's really sad to see another company that used to be great fall by the wayside.
I've never had any issues with ZZF and neither have my co-workers, we buy stuff from there as much as newegg,
i think ZZF has changed ever since they were acquired by google? im not sure where i read that, but personally ive done tons of business with them and they have been more than great on all fronts. i have returned things, boughten things, canceled orders, and more, all without a hitch

also nice deal, im really happy to see the 8600s are coming out already.
I've head nothing but good experience with zzf but their ratings have been slipping lately and I have not been in the computer building game for a while now. Whatever happened to the deal on the silent card?
RipBoomLie is not a store to do business with:

I have NEVER had an issue with ZipZoomFly. I've been ordering with them for years (since back when they were GoogleGear in 2000-01 up through now), and I've spent thousands through them. They rank up there with the `Egg, as far as I'm concerned.

I think they could have a far better website layout for finding the gear I want, but the prices are reasonable, and the shipping is prompt. I've never had a defective item from them either, and packaging has always been adequate for shipping.
i think ZZF has changed ever since they were acquired by google? im not sure where i read that, but personally ive done tons of business with them and they have been more than great on all fronts. i have returned things, boughten things, canceled orders, and more, all without a hitch

also nice deal, im really happy to see the 8600s are coming out already.

ZipZoomFly was never acquired by Google AFAIK. They changed their name from GoogleGear to ZipZoomFly to avoid trademark issues with Google, from what I was told at the time.
Yeah, I have ordered from zzf quite a bit and never had a fact I ordered almost all my parts for my last pc from them.
I ordered my 8800gtx through them. zzf did a fine job notifying me an shipping the product.
I order the majority of my parts from them because they do not tax NJ, and I've never had a problem.
I've order thousands of dollars from ZZF, and have never once had a problem with them. No idea why they've got a 5.x rating lately, but they've always come through for me.


So did I, until the time I DID have a horrible problem. Look at the reviews, almost every other one is a "Very Dissatisfied" one, that HAS to tell you something.
Stop talking about ZZF - is this a good deal or not?

I vote not, at least til we get some good reviews out. This card might be slower than cheaper cards like x1950pro, 7900GS etc.
Part of the deal depends on what store it comes from.

Look at the past 6 month rating and then the lifetime rating. It is just lately that they started to suck.

5.67 6 MONTH

Lowest in 6 month

I'd say stay away till their 6 month rating goes back up. Maybe they will fire whoever is in charge of customer service.
I have had to return a bad hard drive and it was easy as pie. I also have had them ship the same day too with a 3 day ship time at most.
8600 GTS doesn't seem that hot when you can get an 8800 GTS for $25 more.
I also have to echo that ZZF has been excellent to me, even recently with RMAs.

Although they've never shipped on a weekend like Newegg has, I live in NJ and ZZF doesn't charge tax.
Lets hope ZZF doesn't go the way of Monarch :eek:

I wonder if this would be suffice for the new PPU requirement for Nvidia.
Another loyal ZZF customer. They're almost universally cheaper than NE, and plus the NJ tax issue that's already been mentioned.
A company that I am not happy with and will never do any business with again is

I needed some parts for a do or die deal I had with someone and it was wed afternoon. So I ordered the parts and paid for overnight shipping.

Thur came around and NO email from mwave other than something I think I got from paypal sayin I had made a payment to mwave.

So I call .....

Some asian woman answers and seems really disinterested in talking to me. When I ask about my parts and my overnight shipping, she tells me that they do not ship the same day and may not ship the 2nd day either. She then tells me that this is on their web site.

So, what's the point of paying for overnight?

My 2nd bad exp with them was trying to order a Westinghouse 37 W3 from them, again, I selected overnight shipping, same thing, no email and I had to call the next day to only be told that the TV did not ship the day before and would not ship that day either.

I was pissed off.

A lot of companies lose so much business because they do not understand how important it is to give their customers feedback. About 90% of the companies I deal with other than Newegg do not email you after your order or ship that same day. Newegg is winning and winning big due to the fact they took some of their profits and put it into BACK into their business so they could have the tools they need to take care of their customers.
ZZF has been nothing but awesome. I'm going to say that ZZF is BETTER than teh egg. I have ordered from them for years and never had a single problem with them.
Me too, never had one problem with them. Alot of my friends have used them as well and never had any problems. I just ordered this card, so hopefully it comes through okay.
They were good to me and I had alright RMA experiences with them. They were awesome when they offered free fedex 2 day on all their items. those were the days
Yeah i canceled my order and jumped on that PNY 8800gts deal. Too good to pass up:)
I've never had any problems with ZZF; come to think about it, I've.never even had to return anything I bought from them. I use ZZF as much as the egg, the best price gets the sale.