MSI GS30 Gamingdock


Aug 5, 2004

Has anybody checked this out? This is MSI's solution to Dell's Graphics Amplifier.
I have mixed feelings about this. Why the hard dock? That just makes you glued to the box and takes away the ergonomics. I don't understand why they don't have a wire connection between the box and the laptop. I think all laptop manufacturers should come together and provide a standard for portable GPU amp for laptops. Wishful thinking :rolleyes:
I don't think that dock is actually designed to move, like say when you want to have a gaming rig that is somewhat upgradeable at home, but a portable one elsewhere when you are on the move, this seems to be a good middle ground for those.

That's in theory, in practice I am not sure how your boss and/or clients would think when you show up to a meeting with a laptop that has the words gaming written on it
I played with it a bit at CES and I have to say that I am impressed, even though I will likely get it and not use the dock to game. The docking is very secure and has plenty of nice features and looks to be by far better than the cable solution Alienware has. The rig with a 980 installed sure has plenty of gaming power and will easily be a good choice for those who just want one rig to go portable with and then dock at home to game. The monitor of the GS30 will be usable when docked in an upcoming bios update.
I kind of like the Alienware Graphics Amplifier better if only because you have more flexibility in placement of the device.

This is probably cheaper though.
LoL! That thing is hideously huge and awkward looking with the dock on top. :p