MSI GTX 560 Ti Hawk Question


Jul 26, 2011
Will this card be able to max out all current and upcoming games within the end of the year on WUXGA resolution with 4x AA - 16AF?

I have it paired with great components such as;


P8Z68-V Pro

G.skill 8gb 1600 mhz 8 latency

Crucial M4 128GB SSD


I have already ordered this card, only its not here yet. I planned to deny the package and just pick up a GTX 580. But I got to thinking, I could just keep this card and order another one for SLI. I know that would be better than the GTX 580 and about $20 - $40 cheaper.

I just need my first question answered because it determines whether I upgrade now, or possibly wait for Keplar (whenever the heck that comes... any clue??!)

I know the resolution is strenuous for most cards, and benchmarks have shown FPS to be in high 30's for new games like Metro 2033 with WUXGA 4x AA - 16 AF on the Hawk.

The graph on this 3dmark 11 test shows the 560 ti Hawk only 453 points behind the 570.

Yet the 560 ti SLI is way up there (7363) on the charts. I could only imagine what numbers the Hawk could pull in SLI (for less than 500 dollars might I add). Maybe 8000?

Anyway, late post and it was made out of boredom (little bit of worry too ;p).

Also noted, I doubt I will ever game on anything other than 1 screen in the near future. I really cant justify spending over 500 dollars for a video card. So $550 is my limit.

Thanks for reading.
The card is perfect fot 1080p resolution. You have nothing to worry about. And two in SLI will destroy a 580.