MSI HD5770 $80+ship AR (base price $110) at Fry's

im on 2 xfx hd5770 in crossfire and its a wonderful "decent" card. it'll do 1080 on max on most games out today (so ive read). this card is best bang-for-buck for quite some time.
If you can afford to buy 2 of these for Xfire IMO you should consider getting a single GTX470/HD6950/GTX560ti.

Before buying this card do some research on how well this card over clocks. I have 2 Sapphire reference HD5770s that run stable a little over 1GHZ on the core with air cooling.

This card runs cool and a single card can game decently. Single card would be ideal for a HTPC build IMO.

These cards scale well for Xfire. If I had a MB that could do 3xPCIx16 I would be tempted to buy another HD5770 for triple Xfire.

Very good gaming card. Great price.
Using one in my computer(which uses an htpc case). It's not silent but it's very quiet. I only notice the sound because the computer was silent before the upgrade. Overall I'm extremely pleased(and I paid $200 QQ). Mine overclocks very well too.

Wish I hadn't read this. My bank account's already hurting, but I've always wanted to crossfire it.