MSI K8N Neo Platinum won't POST


Limp Gawd
Jul 19, 2004
I just rebought my same mobo because of two memory slots functioning improperly on my old one. Got the new one in the mail today and right off the bat I started to disassemble my computer. Everything was going fine until I got to the processor. I delatched the HSF and started to twist it back and forth off of the processor. I got a little impatient after a few minutes and tried to kind of pry it to and fro and bam the processor came right out attached to the heatsink. This has happened before so I wasn't too worried. I cleaned the thermal paste off of the heatsink and processor and went to put it into the new motherboard. Instead of dropping right into place, the processor was kind of lopsided, and I started to think some of the pins might be bent. I went ahead with it anyway and put it in, put on more AS5, and installed the HSF. Just to make sure everything was okay I popped in the RAM and the video card, plugged the mobo into the PSU and decided to give it a go. Fans turn on and everything but motherboard just beeps until hell freezes over and no other response. PLEASE help me troubleshoot this I really don't want to shell out a lot more money than I already have trying to get my computer back into reasonable shape.
I just tested the old motherboard again, POST with no issues. CPU must be fine so I'm starting to think it's the new(er) motherboard. Still open to suggestions and I'll give another update once I try a few more things.
New mobo still not POSTing. The post code is just one long beep after another, indicating a memory error (I know this can't be right). I'm going to clear the CMOS and then get back.
i had trouble with my neo2 platinum... they arent entirely dissimilar... i jsut RMAd it...

try other slots? or only one stick of ram?
First of all, and with all due respect, I'm not sure that moving my thread into a SUB-forum within the Motherboard forum is the best way to get help for my problem. The reason I didn't put it into the motherboard thread was because I initially thought it was a CPU problem, but wasn't even sure about that. So yeah, thanks I guess.

Second, the motherboard is nearly two years old, and it is out of proudction. Sending it to MSI would cost almost as much as buying a brand new motherboard. I'm not seeing any other option though.
So let me get this straight. You thought the pins might have been bent when you pulled it out of the socket. BUT instead of checking for/fixing any bent pins you just said F*&^ it and forced it in anyways?
stryder2720 said:
So let me get this straight. You thought the pins might have been bent when you pulled it out of the socket. BUT instead of checking for/fixing any bent pins you just said F*&^ it and forced it in anyways?

If you read the thread, this is irrlevant, he confirmed it was still working afterwards.


clear the CMOS on the new mobo. Make sure the RAM is in the right slots. If that doesn't fix it, it's toast.
stryder2720 said:
So let me get this straight. You thought the pins might have been bent when you pulled it out of the socket. BUT instead of checking for/fixing any bent pins you just said F*&^ it and forced it in anyways?


I did check, and everything looked straight to me, but those things are so damn small it's hard to tell anyways. I'm back on my old motherboard right now and the CPU is working fine so reserve your criticism for some other time.
Lyrids said:
First of all, and with all due respect, I'm not sure that moving my thread into a SUB-forum within the Motherboard forum is the best way to get help for my problem. The reason I didn't put it into the motherboard thread was because I initially thought it was a CPU problem, but wasn't even sure about that. So yeah, thanks I guess.

Second, the motherboard is nearly two years old, and it is out of proudction. Sending it to MSI would cost almost as much as buying a brand new motherboard. I'm not seeing any other option though.

check the manufacture date, if its less than 2 years old, its free man... my mobo was out of production and i rma'd it 3 weeks ago, took less than a week

serial number contains manufacture date, first 4 numbers i believe are month and year, for example 0412 on mine :) i got one of same month back...
0406 on mine, missed it by one month. I would have to pay labor fees and I can't imagine what they would charge me for that.
you never replied to my PM! :p

sorry the board is giving you troubles... i'm sure you noticed the d-bracket in the box. hook it up, what is the error code it's giving you?
wasn't your old board having weird memory issues, which is why you tried to get a new one?

trying to remember why the mobo would beep. i've honestly never had it do that before.. but then again, i never hooked up the speakers. the bios on the board should be 1.6.. which should work fine with just about anything. hmm..
Haha yeah sorry about that, I've been busy with trial and error for the past few hours. The D-bracket slipped my mind and it's the first thing on my to do list for tomorrow.
its 45 canadian for parts fees :p doesnt matter if you were in warranty... meh an RMA for 45 is better than a full new board i guess
Tested the D-bracket first thing this morning on my own computer. With a stick of RAM in the first memory slot it boots, no problem, just like before. Then with any other combination the motherboard beeps indicating a memory error (I have tested both sticks with memtest, no errors) but the D-bracket hangs on "Initializing Keyboard Controller". I guess I'll google this and see where it brings me, and later on I'll try eclipse's motherboard with the D-bracket.
keyboard error? make sure you're not looking at the dbracket upsidedown (cause i had the same problem once.. and that was the problem, ended up being the memory code i think.. 3 red and one green?) :p
I had that board, I remember it being a finicky little bitch with memory: the first two slots nearest to the cpu always gave me headaches. Try the memory in the two slots furthest away from the socket and give it a go. Also, be aware that MSI is funny about dual channel placement...they seem to like color coding the channels in wacky not-like-everyone else ways. Good luck.
(cf)Eclipse said:
keyboard error? make sure you're not looking at the dbracket upsidedown (cause i had the same problem once.. and that was the problem, ended up being the memory code i think.. 3 red and one green?) :p

Nope, 100% sure that it's keyboard error. I googled it too and apparently it's not uncommon, especially when it's not a keyboard error. A lot of people apparently had my same problem.
MiG29TangentBoy said:
I had that board, I remember it being a finicky little bitch with memory: the first two slots nearest to the cpu always gave me headaches. Try the memory in the two slots furthest away from the socket and give it a go. Also, be aware that MSI is funny about dual channel placement...they seem to like color coding the channels in wacky not-like-everyone else ways. Good luck.
you didn't have that board then. this is s754, 3 slots ;)

Lyrids, it's your call i guess. check your pm :D
in the error options, set it to halt on all but keybaord in BIOS :D (under the first or second menu in the BIOS lol)
0mega said:
in the error options, set it to halt on all but keybaord in BIOS :D (under the first or second menu in the BIOS lol)

It sounded promising but nothing changed :(

Thanks though
I had the same problem with the same mobo but my problem was a bad CPU, obviously yours isn't bad. Have you confirmed the mobo works (i.e: running it without ram and hoping it beeps at ya)?
Yeah both motherboards make it past the D-bracket phase of all red led's which would indicate a bad CPU.
Weird, maybe there is something wrong with the CPU socket? Even though it's not a LGA board, and I haven't heard of that before, you never know.
i think it's one of two things... either:

1.) Y2K


2.) you may have lost a pin when you strongarmed your CPU off... it may have looked like there were no bent pins... but there might be a missing one(s).