Msi K8n Platinum Problem


Oct 24, 2004
According to many threads I have read, after building a rig with an AMD 64 3000+ or 32000+ 512K 90nm CPU and MSI K8N Neo2 Platinum, the system will not post if the latest BIOS (v1.37) is not installed. I would like to hear from others who have built a system with these components and what problems they encounted if any? I anticipate on
building such a rig in the next couple of days. Any information along these lines will be greatly appreciate.

Asus A7V8X
512MB Kingston
AMD XP 2400+
WD 7200 120MB
WD 7200 80MB
19" LCD Monitor
Just built a rig with the A64 90nm 3000+, MSI K8N Neo2 Platinum, and 1GB OCZ PC3200 Platinum Revision 2 Ram. The system DID post without the 1.3 BIOS (1.37? The latest version on MSI's site is 1.3). However, it kept stalling at "Detecting IDE Drives..." randomly during POST. The system would hang at the POST screen for about 5 minutes and then continue. It didn't always do this, but it was more often than not.

I installed 1.3 BIOS and the problem has not been fixed. I've also had problems with the computer rebooting and locking up in Windows (XP SP1). Needless to say I'm pretty pissed off and I'm almost damn sure it's the motherboard as a little bit of googling turned up other messageboards with people complaining of the same issue and having no solution.

Just for comparison the full system is here:
420W PSU
MSI K8N Neo2 Platinum Motherboard
AMD A64 3000+ 90nm Processor w/ Thermaltake Silent Boost HSF and Arctic Silver 5
1 GB OCZ PC3200 Platinum Revision2 Memory
2x 80GB Western Digital Caviar SE 8MB Cache Hard Drive
NVidia 6800GT Video Card

P.S. NOTHING is overclocked and ever has been.
1.37 = 1.3 beta 7. I suggest asking on MSI's forums; they have their own. Thank you, drive thru.
I would like to know if this board is stable at stock i'm planning on getting one with a 3800 or 4000 NO overclocking :D
I got my K8N Neo2 Plat on Friday and it came with bios 1.2 which posted and installed windows with my 90nm 3000+ and 1GB of ram in dual channel. I have since updated to bios 1.3b7, but as long as you buy from a vendor that goes through a lot of these boards (NewEgg, ZipZoomFly, etc.) you should get one with a bios that supports the 90nm processors.

My board is rock solid at stock speeds. Now time to see how far it overclocks.
An update on my problem:

So apparently the board is too fast for it's own good. I figured out what was causing the "Detecting IDE Drives..." error. Apparently, it's trying to POST before the hard drives have a chance to start spinning. I took off the quick POST option in BIOS (so it actually goes through the memory test) and it will never stall when booting up. However, in the event of a reboot from Windows, it will still stall at times since it the board doesn't go through the memory check.

Also, I had SOME instability with the motherboard at first but I turned off the board's built-in dynamic overclocking and just gave everything a slight voltage boost to cover all bases. Board has been working great and I'm happy with it.
Where can i get 1.3b7 bios for k8n neo2 plat. Can't find it...any help would be great.