MSI N260GTX-T2D896-OCv2 GeForce GTX 260 @newegg Price after rebate$189.99

Just was over at Newegg and saw this deal myself. Anyone know if this is the 55nm version?
Stream Processors 216 processing cores

as listed if you click on specs.
Stream Processors 216 processing cores

as listed if you click on specs.

Right, but the earlier core 216's were 65nm. Looks like most the EVGA's have moved over th 55nm and this one is listed as V2, so you might think it is the revised core. I am interested in the 55nm because they run cooler and suck down less power under load.
There's MSI logo on the bracket, and the card is red?! Something went wrong.
I bought this card about 2 months ago.... not sure what seems to be the problem yet.. but I've been getting artifacts as a result of the card running too hot on my rig.. however when i swap my *EVGA* (emphasis on EVGA) 8800 GTS, I don't seem to have such issues only until 3+ hours of playing Crysis... maybe it's my hard drive as the main issue but one thing is for sure- this card can sure get hot compared to others.

Waiting on my velociraptor hard drive to come in to confirm whether or not it's actually the card that's causing the problems before i submit an RMA.
I bought this card about 2 months ago.... not sure what seems to be the problem yet.. but I've been getting artifacts as a result of the card running too hot on my rig.. however when i swap my *EVGA* (emphasis on EVGA) 8800 GTS, I don't seem to have such issues only until 3+ hours of playing Crysis... maybe it's my hard drive as the main issue but one thing is for sure- this card can sure get hot compared to others.

Waiting on my velociraptor hard drive to come in to confirm whether or not it's actually the card that's causing the problems before i submit an RMA.

That is odd. It should be the same reference cooler. What are you load/idle temps? What are the load/idle temps on the GTS? I've owned both a 260 216 core and an EVGA 8800GTS. Also, have you installed the latest ESA tools? If so what did you have your fan speeds set to on the two cards??
That's probably where my issue is, I only downloaded the nvidia drivers, so ESA tools can increase the fan speed from what it's currently set at? :eek:

Yep. You can even make your own curves - as temps go up, fan speed scales up. Works fairly well unless there really is something wrong with your MSI card. Give it a try and see if it helps.
Decided to pick one of these up. $189 is a pretty good deal as long as they honor their rebate, which I have had good luck with MSI and rebates in the past.
This is a great deal. EVGA's 55nm 260/216 is now around $199 AR. I'm so glad to see the prices start to drop, although the 260's were always a good deal.
Newegg just changed this deal around to $184.99 AR + shipping of $7.92 and free Call of Duty: World at War.

Using Microsoft cashback - which calculates rebate for $214.99+$49.99 - you end up with:

$184.99 AR
+$7.92 ship
-$7.29 CB
= $185.62 + COD: WaW

After inspection of the pictures for this and the EVGA 55nm board they look the same. BFG has also released cards w/ 55nm and their board is identical as well. Telltale sign is the missing heatsink and memory chips on backside.

Funny, if you install this card into a standard computer case the MSI logo stamped bracket will read upside down.
yeah I saw they lowered the price $5 and included the game. I'm chatting with a csr to see if I can get a little sumpin sumpin, if you know what I mean ;)

edit: I got my five spot back :p Hooray for customer service!
Yeah, the card is identical to the other brands save for warranty. Most people won't keep this past the MSI 2 year warranty, so price is king.
Yeah, the card is identical to the other brands save for warranty. Most people won't keep this past the MSI 2 year warranty, so price is king.

Only problem with MSI is that if you NEED to use their RMA for any reason, it takes forever and a day.
Any idea if I order the card a few days ago and now they are offering a free game. Is there a chance I can convicne them to send me the free gift game as well?
price cut $5. You can sell the free game on ebay for $25 making this deal very hot. Also don't forget MS cashback to negate the shipping cost.

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