MSI Neo2 Plat with 4 SATA drives (2 RAID/2 SATA) possible?


Aug 2, 2004
I am about to get an MSI Neo2 Platinum board for use with a Venice core CPU. Currently I have 4 SATA drives. I would like to use 2 Raptors in RAID0 mode and 2 Hitachi drives in standard SATA mode. Is this possible?

Also any news on running all 4 memory slots at full speed (DDR400 & overclocked) with a venice?

Yes you can run a total of 6 SATA drives. I had no problem running 2GB 4x512 PC3200, however I did not overclock.
Lothar is right. Shouldn't have any problems doing that...EXCEPT...if you overclock. Sata channels 1 and 2 are not locked and therefore scale with the PCI bus. You will very quickly see data corruption if you are overclocking and running any hd's on channel 1 and 2.
6 SATA drives? I thought there are 4 total SATA ports available on this board. If there are 6 ports available, using all 4 except 1/2 will be ok for overclocking?


EDIT: I just checked again and there are 4 SATA ports on this board. How can I use all 4 SATA drives (2 RAID0 & 2 standard SATA) without using unlocked 1/2 port, other than getting a PCI SATA card.
Hmm.. no replies. Any other s939 board with usable SATA ports (4+) with good overclockability? Or am I better to get Neo2 and a PCI SATA card?