Multi-Display, Displayport Weirdness


Supreme [H]ardness
Apr 15, 2005
I've been running 3x u2311's since December. Two of them are using DVI and one of them is connected via a display port cable and the mini-dp to DP adapter provided with my card. Just recently I've started having issues with the display port dropping connections when in game. I'll be playing a game, it'll freeze, audio will loop then it will bring me either back in game after 10-20 seconds or back to desktop with error about display port connectivity.

If I use the DP on a single monitor everything is good, I've tested the cable by itself on the monitors as well on a different machine. I never have issues on the desktop only when in game. I found a couple of threads on here that pertain to the issues I'm having but they were all extremely old and I did not necro.

This seems to only happen when I have multiple monitors running. Anyone have any suggestions? No hardware has been changed, the only thing I've done is reloaded Windows back onto an SSD. I wanted to say that this issue only started happening after I upgraded to CAT 11.5b but rolling back to 11.5 WHQL and up to 11.6 WHQL doesn't correct my issue. I've seen some talk of it being a clock issue and that there was a BIOS update for certain cards, that could be the case here but what's strange is that I've been running for ~6months with no issues.

Any advice or further trouble shooting?
I switched my DP monitor over to 1600x900 and I haven't had any issues since like 4:30, which is a sign of improvement. Any reason why the display can't run @ 1080 with out dropping signal?