Multi Monitor Games


Limp Gawd
Nov 21, 2004
What "newer" more recent games (and maybe some not so new but really good games) support multi-monitors??

I'm looking primarily for racing games (got a steering wheel, etc) and "jet fighters" (got a joystick) .. but not MS Flight Simulator.. more like Ace Combat.

Also first shooters.. I believe COD4 supports this right?

While not a direct answer to your question, have you checked out the Matrox DoubleHead2Go and the TripleHead2Go products? They allow you to stretch your desktop across 2, or 3 monitors. There's a video on youtube, if you look up "world of warcraft 3 monitors" and watch the first video, you can see it in action.

As for which games support it natively without the extra equipment, I don't know, but just threw that in there in case you didn't know about them!
Google "SoftTH" for some software that gives you triplehead modes in software under certain games.