multi-user financial software


Limp Gawd
Jun 2, 2003
I've been a long time user of Quicken. I keep track of every penny I spend with it, cash, checking accounts, 401k, credit cards, mortgage. I really like the quicken software, but I am now in need of something that will support multiple users. I've been using a syncronization progam to keep the files on two separate pc's, but it happens all too often where both pc's will have changed data with no way to merge... entries from one pc just get hosed. I'm usually pretty careful, but this has happened too often.

Is there a different finanaical software program that supports multiple users.. sort of a client/server relationship, or any other way you guys can think of to let both my wife and I enter new data at the same time?
Have you tried QuickBooks? I remember using it at work a few years ago and it had multiple user support.