Music Industry Orders BitTorrent Blackout

There are the triggers to the decissions we make. What prompted people to start DL off napster?
RIAA would only sell whole albums for $15 to $25 per CD when many people were only interested in one or two songs. That call was answered by Napster and instead of creating a market that could cater to the consumer's request, they dissolved Napster and continued to stand on their all or nothing policy. Did not answer consumer demands.

Consumers hate DRM and it is well known that DRM only hurts the legitimate buyer. Yet publishers continue to get more and more draconia with DRM schemes that will continue to only hurt the legitimate buyer.

Spore. Spore got A LOT of bad PR for their use of such draconian DRM scheme that people were DL it simply out of spite. It was already out on Pirate Bay and cracked 3 days before official release. As a result, Spore has become the most pirated game of all time.

So if you look at it, they should sue themselves. By making all these restrictions on what, where, when and how you use their products and refusing to answer consumer demand, the RIAA, MPAA, and software publishers are indirectly promoting piracy of their own products.
This isn't as bad as it seems, the ISP that caved, Eircom is a screwed up company.

It used to be the state telecom monopoly and when the industry was deregulated it basically went to hell in a handbasket because of the massive inefficiency that any protected monopoly fosters, and to get the Unions to sign off on taking the company public they had to guarantee no job cuts, so eircom wound up being stuck with a culture of inefficiency and heavily overstaffed.

It has been sold and resold half a dozen times in the last decade, I think some holding company on some island somewhere owns it right now. It is also the least competitive telco with the worst Internet offerings.

The only reason it is the biggest ISP is because everyone was already wired up to it, and most people don't know or care that they can move to another ISP, as long as their email works and they can still book holidays it's all good.

In short, it's your grandmothers ISP.

The people who actually care about their internet connections and performance use other ISPs, no-one who uses eircom will even notice the blocked sites (those who do probably still live with their parents, so don't really count).

Eircom caved so easy because there was simply no-one at the wheel to challenge or care about this, and really very few of their customers will care.

What will be interesting is how the other ISPs react, Smart Telecom (my isp) UPC and BT are the main competitors and their whole selling point is :"We do bigger, better, faster MORE! than Eircom" have decidedly more reason to want to challenge this type of bullying.

I don't
Yeah, but they know their targets and start with the little fish first, and the tell the big fish, look others are agreeing you better follow! A la SCO and EV1, etc.
All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.
Thomas Jefferson
I demand everyone here to give me $10.

These associations are getting more silly as the months go on.
In a better world:
ISP's threaten to block internet access to known Music Industry lawyer assbags and RIAA facilities if empty legal threats continue.

If I owned an ISP and managed to be one of those in a monopoly position, I would certainly exert my right to refuse service to the MPAA and RIAA and the law firms they hired.
Okey, now we need hmm, what distrobution method ?.
There will be no more seeders probaly, since no1 see's the torrents :p
but they cant stop the FTP sharing!, mohahaha :p
And if I were a customer of one of the ISPs complying I would tell the ISP to suck my cock.

I wish I could, but then I would have no intarwebs. There is only one ISP where I live besides satellite, which in addition to being expensive and sucking royally, uses dial-up to upload and guess who owns the phone lines... MY ISP:mad:

My ISP throttles my connection if I use any BT clients, they don't care that I am using them for 100% legal purposes.:(
They have asked to block all file sharing?

So, we just need to block places like iTunes, The RIAA websites and any other place you can download music from or view pictures. Technically these are all file sharing sites as there is one file on a server that is given out to people on request (and on payment for some) so would fall under the broad classification of sharing a file. I am sure the lack of being able to buy music will not affect them in the slightest as they will then sue the ISP's for enforcing their unenforceable and illegal request.

The other thing to do is get all the companies that have legal P2P / Bittorrent supply chains to sue the RIAA for blatant obstruction of business and inflated loss of earnings (in the same way that the RIAA charge up to $20,000 per song), I am sure that will go down well with the RIAA and I wonder how they will react to the lawsuit.

I am sorry to say but the RIAA now need to be smacked into line by a government, they are blatantly acting like spoilt children in their actions and need to be knocked down a few pegs.
The Music Industry can suck it, to be honest the music today is a bunch of crap anyhow.
no matter what they do, the pirate next door will only push harder to screw them. i hope every ISP doesnt give in to this BS scheme. the RIAA is only driving themselfs deeper into the ground, not knowing where to get money from they resort to this
It is inenviable that companies will act more and more aggressive to protect their property.