Must flush dns cache every so often to view the forums


Supreme [H]ardness
Aug 9, 2004
it looks like some have mentioned timeouts. the solution is to flush the dns cache. but it seems you have to do this every hour or so. if you do it close enough to the time it resets, you can see there is barely anyone on the boards. just wanted to let you guys know if you didn't already.
From the UK this doesnt help. The behaviour of your website is peculiar at the moment.

Much of the time I cannot get either hardforum or www.hardforum to work at all.
Its very hard to reply to a thread as I can sit for an hour clicking the submit reply button with no luck.
I try changing between the 2 forum names and suffer the same fate.

At times, when typing, it resolves to and times out yet at other times it stays as

I have flushed my DNS cache which didnt help at all.
I'm struggling to use [H] Forums at the moment.
All good things are worth waiting for..:)

They are aware of the issues and I'm sure they will be fixed as soon as is humanly possible.
Same here. Forums are very slow and I often get timeouts when requesting pages. Are there still server problems or are we just unlucky?

I'm in Taiwan, by the way. Don't know if that matters, but I haven't had trouble viewing hardforum before - just the last few days.
Interesting, I was getting long load times tried it out and now it loads in less than 2 seconds. Why is this working?
Dont know, but its enough to drive one nuts.
One second it works, the next it doesnt and remains not working for aaaages.
The resolving to keeps occuring and most of the time that happens, I get no access.

Heres hoping I dont have to spend 1/2hr trying to get this posted.

wahooo, its like there isnt a problem right at this second :D
All good things are worth waiting for..:)

They are aware of the issues and I'm sure they will be fixed as soon as is humanly possible.

oh i know. its awesome that they take the time to make sure the forum works correctly and i thank them for that. dunno what i would do without my daily fix ;) lol

i just wanted to let em know that i and maybe others have to flush their dns cache regularly to jump on the forums. is there a way to do a flush automagically? maybe a startup batch file? course its vista and i'd need to run under an admin too. guess i'll google it
I'm having the same issue and it's driving me crazy. It's been working like this for days. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
Domain name resolution is for the weak! :D

I'm just using It gets me in quickly. Anything else is pain right now. Must be a webserver then. The only problem is you can only view pages (ie no posting replys.) :(
For me resolves to 2 address: and

However, I get no response from 205, so it times out all the time. Using the 102 IP works fine for me (This post is using that IP)
the 102 IP allows me to view the forums....but not login.
205 doesn't respond to pings.
Didn't work for me.

It works great for me. Flush your dns after you add it.

In c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts I put:

And then ran ipconfig /flushdns.

Now I just access the forums by going to

I can login and it works as it always has.
It works great for me. Flush your dns after you add it.

In c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts I put:

And then ran ipconfig /flushdns.

Now I just access the forums by going to

I can login and it works as it always has.

Works for me now, must have forgotten to flush the DNS.

Its a beast. :D

I have been using the free IP's for a while and in general, they have increased browsing speed nicely.

however, i suspect windows does use it's dns cache before it queries. But, until we see some response from the admin team, i would be hesitant of using hard ip's, especially to go as far as host file 'em.
Hmm, since there are more than a few web front ends (not surprising), they are likely using a round robin DNS resolution via a load balancer and are having some session sticky issues. That's why when you flush the DNS, it works again, And, by using an IP address, it avoids the load balancer DNS redirect. They'll figure it out.
Its been going well for a couple of days now, I'm happy :)
I didn't flush the dns or whatever. But for some reason EI 7 is flying but Firefox is slow as shit.
I havent tried IE7 but it seems ok in Firefox right now. Up until a few minutes ago it was super duper slow for a few hours. Did the same thing yesterday too. Also today using www or not didnt make any difference as they were both painfully slow.
This should be fixed, we had a problematic webserver that we have taken out of the loop.