Must have DS Games


Supreme [H]ardness
Mar 29, 2006
I'm going to school for the next 2 1/2 months and wont have enough room for my 360, so my DS is the only option. I have the following games.

New Super Mario Bros
Mario Cart
M&L Partners in Time
Super Mario 64 DS
Brain Age
Madden 2007

What new games have came out that I should buy, Include everything thats good as 2 months is a long time :D
Advance Wars: Dual Strike
Elite Beat Agents
Sonic Rush
Final Fantasy III
Yoshi's Island DS
Metroid Prime: Hunters
Hotel Dusk
Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow
Lunar Knights
Tetris DS
If you like EBA check out Ouendan. I've never played EBA, but Ouendan is probably my favorite DS game. It's very import friendly and the songs are awesome!
+1 on:

Advance Wars: Dual Strike
Elite Beat Agents
Final Fantasy III
Yoshi's Island DS
Hotel Dusk
Tetris DS

Haven't played any of the others that are on that list, but Lunar Knights is up next after I finish up Advance Wars.
In addition to all the excellent suggestion so far I will add:

Phoenix Wright

and Megaman ZX is worth it if you can find it for $20

Seeing as the DS plays GBA games I highly recommended Zelda: The Minish Cap and Gunstar Super Heroes.