Must Have Service Of The Day!

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Only the truly [H] core will see the awesome value in this $50 service provided by most big-box retail stores! Imagine how convenient this will be! You’ll only have to take your gaming rig down to the store once a month for the $49.99 service! How did we ever get by before this? This “must have service of the day” comes to you courtesy of sharp eyed [H] reader Ryan Artell.
you are sneaky :D but i lol'd so hard at that!! .. so easy even my grandma could do it :eek: but srsly shes 80 and knows how to use a laptop like anyone else, has a touchscreen camera, and used to had a phone :eek: oh yea and her internet service pwns mine :(*well shes in taiwan so :/*
First of all if your'e a "gamer" you would know how to install a freakin game! Let alone know that if you need drivers you would know how install them too LOL! Now this should be renamed "Rip Off Optimization package" :p
I saw a "Let Geeksquad Install..." sticker on a PS3 game at my local store this weekend and thought it was a mistake until I noticed the stickers were on almost every type of game (PC, PS3, XBox360)... If anyone is dumb enough to fall for this (PS3 game - c'mon!) they deserve to get fleeced. Although selling uneccesary services is an underhanded business tactic anyway.
I hope this is as good as the PC Optimization where they run msconfig and disable all of the startup programs.
First of all if your'e a "gamer" you would know how to install a freakin game! Let alone know that if you need drivers you would know how install them too LOL! Now this should be renamed "Rip Off Optimization package" :p

I wouldn't go that far. There are a lot of ignorant people out there.
Wow. I paid $80 for installing my game. That's awesome prices have come down like this in today's economy. :D

WHAT A RIP OFF! That should be against some law. Kind of like replacing muffler pistons. WTF?! Wow. It should be free if you buy the game there. Seriously. I would do it for someone just for the hell of it, because you know there would only be 5 people out of 1000 that needs this done.
I used to work there (Best Buy) and while I think it is a waste for most people, there's a little more to it. Additionally it is supposed to be sold with a new gaming pc.
-Game install
-Video, sound, networking driver update
-uninstallation of crapware on new pc's
-windows updates
-startup cleanup

For anyone here it]s a waste, but I sold a bunch of these during back to school and the holidays to parents who were buying a new system for their kid and wanted there to be no setup, just a whole-system plug and play. Think of the people who buy a gaming rig at Best Buy. They are the reason the first question in trouble shooting (after -is it plugged in?) is "Are the drivers up to date?".
I bet $10 that bestbuy.

o my friend you are right, but thats only the standard package, why buy that when you can pay $160 for the Advanced Package :p

Haha its actually really funny to see what they offer in the packages like "Create desired user accounts" or enable features that IE bugs you about when you first start it up like "Enable basic security functions, including antiphishing and pop-up blocking activation in Internet Explorer." O and i forgot, they can also go into remove programs and remove any program you want :p

Standard Package:

Advance Package:

No wonder they survived and Circuit City didnt... ;)
This just proves that people are still dumb when it comes to computers.... You would think that people would catch on by now....
How many games are buggy right out of the box? Updating graphics drivers to current and patching a game is unfortunately beyond 60% of computer users ability. Most end users are not capable of reading the minimum requirements on the game box and knowing how it applies to there system.

Sad but true.

A web site that lost five days of database transactions making fun of a retailer's $50 program not targeted to its user base? Go ahead; I won't miss the account.
A web site that lost five days of database transactions making fun of a retailer's $50 program not targeted to its user base? Go ahead; I won't miss the account.
If you don't think there is a gap in technical ability between managing a high-load SQL database and installing a driver .EXE file I'm not sure what to tell you. Besides, it's not like Kyle runs the servers himself anyways.
If you don't think there is a gap in technical ability between managing a high-load SQL database and installing a driver .EXE file I'm not sure what to tell you. Besides, it's not like Kyle runs the servers himself anyways.

Maybe if he did, we wouldn't have these problems! ;):D
At the same time, i think there would be a rash of dead babies found all over Texas...
Amazing deal. I won't have to spend all those sleepless nights looking for video card drivers anymore!
Is it worth $49.99 of entertainment value to drag my Linux box with GeForce2 down there and ask for the Gamers Optimization?
WOW! What a great deal! Can't wait to have them optimize my PC, its been needing it.

Thanks for the link. =)
Who here wants to start a new gaming optimization business and offer it at 39.99? Lets do this!

Microsoft DirectX ugrade only $ 19.95 !

Hurry up and SAVE

Pretty soon you're gonna tell me that someone will change my oil for me and wash my car for me. That'll be the day...

Computers may be a geek's hobby, but to most others its just an appliance.
People pay to get appliances/cars/etc fixed at $70+ an hour, so getting somebody to optimize their computer is not that different.
Why would somebody pay a mechanic $100 an hour to change spark plugs when one can do it quite easily themselves in most cars? Same reason why some people pay others to fix their computer problems. Some people are just ignorant, others just don't have the skill or time to sink hours into reading up on how to do it.

I personally wouldn't pay for such a service, but to others it's definitely what they'd go for... If I charged for all the *free* computer service I gave to friends and family at my per-hour salary at my software engineering job, they'd be paying more than $50 for complete driver update installs... but then again, I won't steal all their private pictures and data. ;)
Computers may be a geek's hobby, but to most others its just an appliance.
People pay to get appliances/cars/etc fixed at $70+ an hour, so getting somebody to optimize their computer is not that different.
Why would somebody pay a mechanic $100 an hour to change spark plugs when one can do it quite easily themselves in most cars? Same reason why some people pay others to fix their computer problems. Some people are just ignorant, others just don't have the skill or time to sink hours into reading up on how to do it.

I personally wouldn't pay for such a service, but to others it's definitely what they'd go for... If I charged for all the *free* computer service I gave to friends and family at my per-hour salary at my software engineering job, they'd be paying more than $50 for complete driver update installs... but then again, I won't steal all their private pictures and data. ;)

I dont believe that this "service," qualifies for justification. Thanks Steve for putting up something that wins hands down the "Most Retarded Thing I Have Heard All Day," award:)
I guess they can't sell anything so they are selling nothing.