Must haves for 360?


Level capped
Nov 7, 2007
In a strange turn of events, it looks like my mother-in-law is going to get my a Xbox360 for Christmas. I know I need to pick up a few games like...

Forza 2
Soul Caliber

Are there any more "must play" titles I should grab? If it's on PC, I've probably already played it, and have no need for a FPS on my 360. However what I think I really want is some good RPGs. I liked pretty much all the FFs from 1-12 including tactics and the mmo. Obviously, I'll grab FF13 when it comes out, but what other RPGs should I look at?
Well I assume someone will mention Gears 2 just because it's the most popular game right now. I hear Fable 2 is a good RPG.
Fallout 3 is available for the 360......not a true RPG, but.

Another fun game I played on mine: Condemned and Condemned II.:D
Dead Space, Project Gotham Racing 4, Bioshock (if you don't have it for PC), Castle Crashers (Xbox Live Arcade), Ninja Gaiden II (sooooo good).
mass effect. plays like knights of the old republic if you liked it you'll love this one.
Recommendation (slightly OT): Never buy more than 2 games (especially full price) at a time. Every time I've gone that route, I manage to get really into one game and then the others just sit around. I've bought games at full price (good ones!) that sat on the shelf for months while their prices went down, which is, of course, a waste of cash. It's particularly perilous with the peppy passel of games on the Xbox Live Marketplace - you could easily spend a month just playing game demos, figuring out which full games your Microsoft Points are going to buy.

All that said, I'm obsessed with Fable 2 right now, in addition to various Xbox Live Arcade titles...while Blue Dragon (which I was enjoying) and GTA4 (which is on rental from Gamefly, and which took me away from Blue Dragon) sit around while only having been in the house a week. :)
I think both Gears 1 and 2 are must haves. Never played Dead Space, but everything i heard about it sounded like it's right up there. If you are into sports games, then Madden and NHL09 would both fall into the must have column.
Most of my favorites have been mentioned already, but dont forget to check out the xbl arcade game (all have free downlaodable trail versions). My personal favorite is probably Marble Blast Ultra for $5.

Crackdown hasn't been mentioned and was a lot of fun collecting the orbs.
Halo 3. Still the best multiplayer online experience ever IMO. The online aspect of it will never die either as there are still half a million people online playing it on a normal weekend. If you like racing games, GRID is great too. It's not a hardcore sim like Forza 2 but at the same time not an arcadey type racer either.
Highly recommended...

Fable 2
Mass Effect
Gears 2
Viva Pinata
Viva Pinata : Trouble in Paradise
Castle Crashers (XBLA)
Braid (XBLA)
Geometry Wars Evolved 2 (XBLA)
Get that for PC. It will look and perform much better.
That's a bold statement since GTA IV for PC isn't even available yet, and since Rockstar designed the game initially for console gaming...I won't even get into the fact that there are going to be at least 2 expansion packs, the first coming early next year, that will be available only on the Xbox 360 - damn it, I guess It got into it.
Well if we are going to steer off course.............

I've had three XBox 360s, the original and two RedRingsO'Death replacements.:eek:
Well, I'm at 4: The original, a second which I exchanged at the store when the first one overheated in 3 days, a third when the second RROD'd which I sent back to Microsoft, and now an Elite after I sold my 360 almost 2 years ago due to a financial crunch. But, again, that was 2 years ago and I'm feeling pretty good about my current Elite which is quieter and cooler than my 2006 version 360.
That's a bold statement since GTA IV for PC isn't even available yet

No it's not a bold statement. Anyone paying an ounce of attention realizes the PC version will crush the console graphics and performance. And it will be out on PC before he even gets an X360 for Christmas.
that's the truth!

Say you bought the xbox360 1 month ago...but it was manufactured over 3 years ago, you're out of luck!!!:eek:

how the hell does that work? doesnt make any sense at all. my xbox was manufactured December 5th 2007 but my warranty started January 24th 2008; the day I bought the console.
how the hell does that work? doesnt make any sense at all. my xbox was manufactured December 5th 2007 but my warranty started January 24th 2008; the day I bought the console.
While I hate to continue this derail, your warranty is from the date of purchase unless you don't have a receipt. In the latter case, the only information Microsoft (or any other company) can reasonably be expected to have is the date of manufacture. Otherwise, the time limitation means nothing and you can just claim to have bought the console on <x> date, <x> being whatever date gets you into the warranty period.
That's a bold statement since GTA IV for PC isn't even available yet, and since Rockstar designed the game initially for console gaming...I won't even get into the fact that there are going to be at least 2 expansion packs, the first coming early next year, that will be available only on the Xbox 360 - damn it, I guess It got into it.

It's avaliable December 2nd.
It's avaliable December 2nd.
I know, and I'm sure it will be great, especially for non-console folks. My only point was that it's premature to declare it the best version of the game. It may well be, but I remember when GTA III hit PC and it had high system requirements and had a lot of slowdown even with great video cards at the time. Once again, GTA IV will establish the new engine on the PC and we have yet to see how all the various hardware configurations will respond to it.

Despite the fact that I don't game on a PC right now (all I have is my work computer and an old notebook, though it does quite well with Diablo 2 ;)), I hope the PC version is fantastic and certainly wouldn't mind if it looked and played better than it does on my 360 - after all, it won't degrade my experience in the slightest and I'm not the "f**b**" type.
+1 for dead rising, favorite xbox game so far.

Gears of War was also good, as was Ace Combat 6
Check out Too Human. Awesome game.

I threw that game across the room and it is now collecting dust (in the same place it fell when I threw it.)

Worst. Game. Ever. Well, nearly. The camera in that game is made of fail, lose, suck and needs to die. I would like to control the camera myself. I fucking hate game studios that remove camera control from the user.

Good games: Mass Effect, Mirrors Edge (while annoying at times)...Halo 3...Fallout 3 is only OK though.
probably going to get flamed for this suggestion but...

Call of Duty 3 yes, 3. The campaign is awesome! I actually just beat it about 5 minutes ago. Some epic battles in that game. not quite as good as call of duty 4, but fun nonetheless.