Mutants in Far Cry or aliens in Crysis?

Mutants in Far Cry or aliens in Crysis?

  • Mutants

    Votes: 21 14.7%
  • Aliens

    Votes: 37 25.9%
  • Loved both!

    Votes: 15 10.5%
  • Hated both!

    Votes: 70 49.0%

  • Total voters


Jan 18, 2007
So, which did you enjoy more? The mutants in Far Cry or aliens in Crysis? Personally I liked the mutants in Far Cry better, but the aliens weren't that bad either.
Voted for hated both. Crytek is starting to get as predictable as that M. Night Shamalananan guy (Director of all those "surprise ending" movies... Signs, 6th Sense, etc.).

Maybe they'll have something original for Farcry 3... I mean... 2.. or whatever.
Hated both, but the aliens in Crysis were far lamer than the retarded Trigens in Far Cry.
I didnt care for the alien boss at the end, and the little ones that you had to fight...but the flying ones were fun, and how they worked with the storylines, snatching up your team and vanishing was just fun....that and the giant spider one that chases you t the evac site....

take the editor, place the big spider one on the origional island map, add 50 more KPA and watch them duke it out..
Aliens in Crysis no doubt.
Trigens in Far Cry were very lame. The Crysis Aliens look very cool.
I really hope that next time there will be no aliens or anything. I could have honestly gone the entire game killing KPA.
I liked fighting the aliens more than the mutants but I didn't really care a whole lot for either. I loved the spider alien in Crysis and I thought the final alien ship battle was decent. IMO Crysis blows FarCry out of the water.
I'm kind of surprised that most vote for the aliens. Sure the mutants were annoying and tough buggers to kill, but I think they had more personality than the dull-ish aliens in crysis. Those mutants could give you one hell of a fright in the dark indoor levels. I hope they'll add some different aliens to the next crysis, it wouldn't make for a relly great game just shooting them little floating alien-bastards. :D
My vote went to the aliens because they caused me a lot less frustration.
If they make cool aliens that would be nice, but the aliens we have are like squids with pointy tentacles and a machine gun.
Okay I haven't played Crysis so I can't say there, but I had to say 'hated both' in order to put my hand in for Far Cry.

Far Cry jumped the shark when the first mutant showed up. And I doubt I would like the 'aliens' in Crysis either. I guess it's because when I got into Far Cry I was expecting a full-on human v human shooter, and then they changed it up with the freaks; it was not a good change, in my opinion.
Why everybody pickin on the Trigens! I actually liked them. Genetic experimentation is always cool for sci-fi :)
I loved the mutants. I had heard nothing about the game, so when it turned into some kind of crazy bad science Sci-Fi game, I thought it was awesome.
Okay I haven't played Crysis so I can't say there, but I had to say 'hated both' in order to put my hand in for Far Cry.

Far Cry jumped the shark when the first mutant showed up. And I doubt I would like the 'aliens' in Crysis either. I guess it's because when I got into Far Cry I was expecting a full-on human v human shooter, and then they changed it up with the freaks; it was not a good change, in my opinion.

They're not that great in Crysis either. The intro to the aliens is a nice buildup but once you actually get to them the gameplay changes, radically at first (the alien ship), then back to kind of cool (inside and just outside the sphere) and then goes all over the place (VTOL) and finally into lame arcade mode for the finale.

Human only would've ruled with Crysis, Far Cry and for that matter, Return to Castle Wolfenstein.
I prefered the atmosphere that the mutants brought to farcry over the aliens in crysis. In crysis it felt like I was Neo in the matrix fighting the squids.
^^^ very true looks just like them except they installed disgruntled ice machines on them. all and all still better then Farcry.
Yeah, farcry was released what, 4 years ago now? People aren't going to give a shit about the storylines so they just go with which one had the better graphics. I haven't played crysis yet, but I am willing to bet when I play it, I am probably come to realize farcry was better.

I thought the trigons were pretty lame as a monster, but they were pretty vicious when they came at you.

I hope far cry 2 wipes the floor with crysis, but EA has more money to pump into crysis than ubisoft has for farcry 2.
I need to get back to playing crysis. Im not that far beyond the demo. :(
no vote (yet), but its either aliens > trigens or hated both. I stopped playing farcry once I hit the damn things.
I stopped playing farcry once I hit the damn things.
same thing happened to me, I was dumbfounded that the developers could create such a vast visually appealing landscape then shit it up with an inferior appalling npc like the trigen.
same thing happened to me, I was dumbfounded that the developers could create such a vast visually appealing landscape then shit it up with an inferior appalling npc like the trigen.

It wasn't bad for 2003 standards, I think your going at it with a 2007 attitude though.
dude the mutants tore me up, the aliens were not bad at all. all we needed was gun and they go down. NO MATTER HOW MANY BULLETS I PUT IN. The Trigens wouldn't fall.
god i hated the trigens. On delta difficulty level in crysis, it was very mildly frustrating in maybe one or two places. On max difficulty in farcry, it was painfully difficult.
God damn trigen!!!!!!! AHHH I hated those damn things. 2 man count it 2 clips of p-90 ammo min just to kill the stupid brown one. 3 shotgun blasts up close. I think it was near the end when the invisible one showed up and wasted my ass. I played on Vet. the trigen could kill me with one swipe while I had full health and armor and of course they were everywhere in mass numbers. The night vision googles saved my butt at lot.
Mutants sucked so much I didnt finish it but aliens were bearable. At least I finished Crysis.
Although I haven't played Crysis I can say that I hated both, because games that mix aliens or jumpy creatures are so lame in my opinion that they make me puke all over my keyboard. Why can't we stick to humans?

There are so many options of human foes to choose from like terrorists, soldiers, religion fanatics, drug dealers, mercenaries, armies or smaller highly equipped private armies assembled by bored billionaires with megalomaniac delusions motivated by their tiny, pathetic genitals, all that could make for much more interesting reasons on why something bad is going on. Aliens and mutants cliches are extremely boring. If these games were made 30 years ago it would be all about cold war (imho a much more interesting and varied plot, and passively a ground for more intelligent story lines) or nuclear catastrophes. The later would be repeated over and over like today's aliens, but it would be based on something more realistic.

But I'm afraid none of these alternatives gonna happen, because today's gaming industry is focused on quick profit like every other industry that exists. Can't blame them, but like everything else, once they forget about the consumer it eventually turns against them.
I prefered the atmosphere that the mutants brought to farcry over the aliens in crysis. In crysis it felt like I was Neo in the matrix fighting the squids.

^^^ very true looks just like them except they installed disgruntled ice machines on them. all and all still better then Farcry.

I third it, Darkatom said it best:)
Be better if it was like COD4, and just plan old people you killed :D
I would say Crysis is better. But uh, before I'm being flamed, here's my reason:p

FarCry trigens are too tough of an opponent, with higher difficulty setting, it could almost 1 hit kill, at most two. I really, really loath those trigens, it doesn't give the player a chance of being occasionally hit by these trigens. It gets real though when player have to be perfect to the point that many players have to replay again and again.

It sort of take away the fun of game where its usually about player getting hit, player hitting them back, that's where all the action is. In FarCry, most of the time you cannot get hit by the trigens, it becomes more like a hunt for perfection rather than fun.

Of course there are some players who will call me a noob and trigen is not much of a problem to them lol. But majority players out there aren't hardcore players.

In Crysis, there's room for being hit by the aliens. Of course, partly due to the health regenerating system (which I'm a big fan of since Halo), but at least I don't die after just 1 hit from the aliens.

I'm a fan of both game, not merely a Crysis fanboy, but Crysis is certainly an improvement, which only make sense since its the same developers and they certainly learned alot from FarCry and improve them here in Crysis.
Went Far Cry went all mutant on me, fun factor went down...

When HL2 went zombie on me, fun factor went down.

Well Doom's always been about mutants and zombies so it's pretty much the standard for that genre. So when both those 2 games went down D3's path I was like WTF?

Crysis didn't hide aliens, you knew it was coming. I kinda like the concept, didn't like the gameplay. I really enjoyed the whole KPA thing really... I seriously could have gone the whole game just messing with the KPA delta force style. Kinda felt like a modern day rambo game...

I actually have more fond memories of aliens playing Duke Nukum 3D... now those were ALIENS! And Duke's lines... I'm gonna rip off your head and CENSORED!@#@!# hehhahaha
i can't stand the mutants/aliens one bit. i'm really looking forward to far cry 2 especially because i've read that there's only human enemies in it.
Man I had so much fun killing humans in Crysis. I just got to a part where I fight aliens, man, the fun factor went down for me.