MW2 and Motion Sickness?


Apr 4, 2005
I was curious if anyone has any problems with motion sickness in this game. I don't have it yet but have been considering picking it up but only if I know I won't want to vomit after 30 minutes of forcing myself to play. I had this problem with the first MW and is the reason why I uninstalled it after a week of playing it. Borderlands is another game that I cannot play for too long without modifying the INI for FOV and what not, even then I'm not sure if it works.

Also worth mentioning so you all don't think I'm just some seasick easy to queasy stomach type; I don't have this problem with a lot of FPS's. I play TF2 for hours on end, mostly any source game is fine, well... I guess I'd say I can play all FPS's except for the ones that I mentioned that have actually made me feel sick.

So as long as it looks like a cartoon you're okay?
Very interesting......

Played through MW2, never felt sick, well not until I realized how short it was.... but that's another sickness....
A few people do have issues with FP view stuff, it's just the individuals, there isn't really much you can do other than trying to re-arrange your viewing angle/distance. sometimes it's causes by the imperceptible slow frame rate that a lot of games can have issues with these days.
I remember reading that when Mirror's Edge came out a lot of people had problems with it due to the fact that you could see your arms and legs while running or something like that.
Everybody is different though. I can read a novel while riding in a car, while my ex would almost throw up if I asked her to look at driving directions or look at a map.
I know that's not the same thing, but....
I feel for you OP
i have this same issue with halo, cant play it makes me dizzy, and for some wierd reason anything with the quake engine.

source, unreal and the others dont bother me but those specifically. i beta'd for QW:ET and loved the game but couldnt play for more then 10-15 min really killed it for me. so nowadays i stay clear of any games with the quake engine.

borderlands started to do it to me but i think thats cause of the games slightly cartoonish features. but went away after the first 6 hour session lol
So as long as it looks like a cartoon you're okay?
Very interesting......

Played through MW2, never felt sick, well not until I realized how short it was.... but that's another sickness....

Thanks for helping. But really, if you read the whole post you'd see that I can play almost all FPS games without a problem. I was only wondering if anyone that has had this issue with the original MW has this with MW2 as well. I've watched my roommate play MW2 for hours on the 360 and didn't have a problem but that might be different than controlling the gameplay and sitting in-front of a LCD display.
So as long as it looks like a cartoon you're okay?
Very interesting......

Not really. It's because MW2's FOV is locked at a value too low for the distance most PC gamers sit from their screen. You'll have to find a utility that brings the developer console back, I think. I know there was one, don't know anymore.
I can play CS/CSS/TF2/L4D just fine. MW//HL2 single player I can''t stomach more than 15mins. It's definitely related to the default I would think MW2 is gonna have more of the same effect.
You might be more sensitive to the heavy view animations that go on during reloads and when being shot. They're much more drastic in this game than in most.
So I picked up COD5 WaW and I've been playing that non-stop without any motion sickness problems. I think it might be due to the option allowing you to set the aspect ratio of the display to 16:9 wide. So I guess I was wondering if this option exists in the PC version of MW2 since WaW came out in-between MW and MW2.
it all has to do with the 60 degree FOV and 16:9 stretching it out.. had my cousin who tends to get motion sickeness pretty easily play on my 24" monitor at 1920x1200 and then had him play the game on my 19" 4:3 1280x1024.. he couldnt even stomach 5 minutes at 1920x1200 during a heavy battle scene.. but on the 19" he was fine for a good hour and half..

even for me i couldnt play MW2 for more then 30-45 minutes at a time just from the pure fact that the FOV was annoying the shit out of me..
i have this same issue with halo, cant play it makes me dizzy, and for some wierd reason anything with the quake engine.
I'm curious here: anything that runs on id's engines are a no go? That includes the original Quake, Quake 2, Doom 3, etc., etc.?
I get more motion sickness in Borderlands because when you spring it does a FOV zoom.

I get more motion sickness in 3rd person games instead of 1st person unlike most people so I hate most 3rd person over the shoulder cams.
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You can "teach" your body to not get sick from playing. Just play for 15 minutes at a time maybe once or twice a day. After a while you'll get used to it.

You can also try adjusting your LCD refresh rate.

The military has done studies on this also: 1832.pdf
Didn't get sick from MW2.

The only game I've ever gotten sick from is HL2.
That's weird cause HL2 never game me any problem, ever. I wonder what the problem really is or could it just be that everyone is different with varying degrees of sickness?
The military and even NASA have studied this because its a very common issue with simulators used for training exercises.
The military and even NASA have studied this because its a very common issue with simulators used for training exercises.

Yeah, I was reading the report linked earlier in this thread about the military's study of the phenomenon. There were two kinds, motion and simulator sickness, apparently SS was less severe than MS and most cases could be treated with adaptation. The cases that couldn't adapt however were issued drugs like Dramamine, etc. to reduce the symptoms. It's a strangely interesting subject.
FEAR and Half Life 2 (including the Episodes) do it for me from time to time. I believe it has a lot to do with the dark areas that are prevalent throughout those games. So playing in a well lit room is a must for me.