MW2, No Dedicated Servers, PB, 9v9 limit, leaning, etc etc

no dedicated servers

If you buy from a company that spiels about piracy then you deserve to get ripped off. Piracy has no true impact on these so called *AAA* games. Only when it comes to Indie games can it have a bad impact of any degree.

piracy has no impact on aaa games? what crack pipe are you smoking?
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
As to doing this to stop pirates, yes probably that is part of the reason. But do you honestly think pirates won't get around the multiplay issue? It's not like they couldn't just authenticate the players like they do now. Besides, I almost guarantee you that they'll figure out someway of getting dedicated servers and mods out. At which point, this becomes a counterarguement against those extremely against piracy such as myself. I've always said that the "we just take away the bad parts of the game" excuse was BS, but if they add multiplayer (the way it should be), how can people such as myself respond? If there was one game that was making me close to pirate purely on a retalitation to the company, it's this. It isn't a lost sale. No dedicated servers and no modding are a lost sale.

Another thing I worry about is that they'll cave (hopefully), and act like it was always going in purely to drive up interest on the PC side. But still, even if they do add BASIC functionality, we shouldn't be praising them, but still pissed with them for ******* with it in the first place.

And to those of you who say it's because of simplicity, I've got an idea for Infinity Ward. Why not just make a gamepad the required control type as well as keeping the resolution 1024x600 to help keep things even for everyone? After all, if choosing a server is a complicated task, having to think if 2560x1600 is better than 1024x600 is a herculean effort on intelligence.
Man I was lookin foward to this game with Eyefinity....

Won't be buying this game at all now. Guess Mass Effect 2 will be my most anticipated title for eyefinity now.

Well that and Dirt 2, but I didnt pay anything for that :)
I won't be purchasing this game. I loved CoD4. Ripping out the guts of this game...

Good job team!

/wave to Dashit

Hey cutie, Gaot says hi!
It's not like I'm insulting Modern Warfare. Every time I see the MW acronym being used, I personally think Mechwarrior, so I associate it with depressing thoughts of discontent/years of not having a dead game series.

Yeah well, every time someone starts a Modern Warfare 2 thread, it gets brought up. Get over it already. It was amusing the first time, but now you're just beating a dead horse.
Yeah well, every time someone starts a Modern Warfare 2 thread, it gets brought up. Get over it already. It was amusing the first time, but now you're just beating a dead horse.
I figured I'd get over it when a release date is announced for that Mechwarrior Crysis mod. :D

In a webcast this morning, Robert Bowling revealed the existence of IWNet, a matchmaking service Infinity Ward will operate beginning with Modern Warfare 2. But it ends dedicated servers, and fundamentally changes the culture of the game’s PC community.

Bowling, the Infinity Ward community manager, said IWNet makes multiplayer more accessible to the PC community on Modern Warfare 2, replacing the need for dedicated servers that are hosted and managed by players. But the hardcore PC crowd to whom he was talking, on’s webcast, did not take the news in a completely positive light.

“The silence you hear is because we’ve got a community right now structured such a way that relied on having dedicated servers,” one of BASHandSlash’s moderators told Bowling.

“You’re definitely reshaping the way the community has been set up,” another said later.

“Definitely,” Bowling acknowledged.

Here’s the score: by building up its own matchmaking service riding shotgun with Steam, “you can get in and play with players your same rank,” Bowling said. However, “You’re completely reliant on IWNet and there is no dedicated server or server list. You rely on IWNet for matchmaking and your games, but you still have your private matches.”

The level of control over those matches allows players to set a wide array of parameters and rules for the game. But community features such as clans, and the high level of customisation available in hosting a modded game or custom map on one’s own dedicated server, face an uncertain future, if not their end outright.

“Custom content, after the fact, keeps the game alive for us a lot longer,” one of Bowling’s questioners said.

“This is the first time we’ve ever done something like this, obviously,” Bowling said, “and I know the team has huge plans for what IWNet develops into, and this is just the beginning. It’s hard for me to speak personally toward IWNet, because that is a code heavy project.”

Bowling reminded that this method of multiplayer delivery also allows Infinity Ward “a lot more control and structure for the PC version. From a development standpoint, it’s very good on how we can access and update the PC community.”

But before this is taken as the definitive end of modding and custom maps, Bowling clearly said “I don’t have those answers yet,” when asked further about how IWNet would affect that aspect of PC Modern Warfare play.

The entire conversation is archived here, and Bowling comes in at the 1:39:00 mark (that’s one hour, 39 minutes). If this matters to you I definitely encourage listening to all of what he has to say before reacting.

But the news is not being taken well. The BASHandSlash guys referred to the vehemence in the chatlog running concurrent with the program, and terms such as “Black Saturday” and “a day of infamy” are being thrown around. “They’ve made Jesus cry,” is another reaction, particularly from the competitive PC community whose future also is affected. “The server community is what’s made us. It’s what defined us,” says Josh Pickler of “IW.NET is getting the PC community to turn into consoles. You’re trying to re-write our history.”

Bowling was steadfast in telling BASHandSlash that, for the whole of the community, IWNet will be a benefit.

“It’s definitely going to be a change. It’s going to be a very different setup than what we’re previously used to in the Call of Duty franchise for the PC,” In the long term it’s going to help the community. It changes the way and how we’re able to update and support the PC version.”

It definitely bears watching, and keep in mind the story could change as Infinity Ward releases more information on IWNet.

MW2: Our Game Has Changed Forever [, thanks to all who tipped this]

Not buying this. Activision complained about piracy with COD4, well there is going to be a metric shit ton of pirating of COD6 by crippling the one aspect which people are prepared to pay money for.

Any bets on whether COD6 beats spore's record as being the most pirated game in history?
i didn't have it pre-ordered. this pretty much assures i won't be purchasing it either. what in the fuck are these people thinking?

what are they thinking? they are thinking.. HELL YEAH!!! we just sold a 30 dollar game to millions of idiots that payed 60 dollars for it... and look we arent even going to spend a dime having to host servers for them either.. we will just run the master server off one of the COD4 back up servers.. woot.. profit galore!!!

seriously.. thats what they were thinking..
what are they thinking? they are thinking.. HELL YEAH!!! we just sold a 30 dollar game to millions of idiots that payed 60 dollars for it... and look we arent even going to spend a dime having to host servers for them either.. we will just run the master server off one of the COD4 back up servers.. woot.. profit galore!!!

seriously.. thats what they were thinking..

You just posted exactly what they were thinking:(

I hope IW is just joking... but it ain't april fools.
I wouldnt mind knowing on how many cancellations there was today after this news. I read at another site, RGN or FPSAdmin that a best buy in one place had 87 cancellations for MW2 just today.

the bestbuy i use to work at and one of my friends still works at in the customer service told me they had 198 cancelations for MW2 since pre-ordering started.. ill find out tomorrow how many they had just because of this news..

Not buying this. Activision complained about piracy with COD4, well there is going to be a metric shit ton of pirating of COD6 by crippling the one aspect which people are prepared to pay money for.

Any bets on whether COD6 beats spore's record as being the most pirated game in history?

it will break the record in the first 24 hours.. and for good reason.. they dont deserve a dime.. hell after this last bit i wouldnt even waste my time pirating it.. id just start the download and add to the list of downloaders just so i can say im in the record book for being part of the most downloaded game in history.. i gave up on the whole COD series years ago and cant even find a reason to buy or even play COD:MW2 if there was didicated servers..

btw. Bowling sounds like an absolute effin moron!
IW should have just hired the marketing team from nVidia. At least they are more believable.:rolleyes:

Here’s the score: by building up its own matchmaking service riding shotgun with Steam, “you can get in and play with players your same rank,” Bowling said. However, “You’re completely reliant on IWNet and there is no dedicated server or server list. You rely on IWNet for matchmaking and your games, but you still have your private matches.”

The level of control over those matches allows players to set a wide array of parameters and rules for the game. But community features such as clans, and the high level of customisation available in hosting a modded game or custom map on one’s own dedicated server, face an uncertain future, if not their end outright.

Bowling reminded that this method of multiplayer delivery also allows Infinity Ward “a lot more control and structure for the PC version. From a development standpoint, it’s very good on how we can access and update the PC community.”

“It’s definitely going to be a change. It’s going to be a very different setup than what we’re previously used to in the Call of Duty franchise for the PC,” In the long term it’s going to help the community. It changes the way and how we’re able to update and support the PC version.”

Anyone get the feeling that they are trying to move the pc COD series to a type of WoW so that you buy updates instead of a new game every year? It's either that or this guy just does not get why everyone is pissed.
Does it matter? All we can say about it, IW is still going to sell massive numbers of a (mod) of CoD.

All we can really note, is Activision has hired some really stupid PR people, and need to take a note from nVidia: at least say what your fans want to hear.
I'm betting this is the exact reason why there was not a beta or demo for the game. They were hoping to let it slip past and make all their money.

I read through 38 pages of the thread on the infinity ward forums. The link was in the OP's post.

As of 4:55 AM CST 10/18/09, Infinity Ward deleted the thread off of their forums. The forum now says "The requested topic does not exist."

They are doing damage control at this point and trying to suppress this news. They CAN'T suppress this, they are FUCKED.

Here is a good streaming audio with several big forum guys talking about the issue.
im going to reserve judgement till i try it on the PC.

You'll be stuck to crappy servers hosted by a slow computers that lag to death. No more 20+man servers. No more clan/private matches. They are killing this game. This is a stab to the heart of the game. They have destroyed the game. It is now trash. Whats the point of playing it if you can't even hit the guy infront of you. Extreme packet loss/lag. This is a global killer. They've killed the game. Cancel your pre-orders. Boycott this crap.


They are deleting everyone posts like nazis similar to Epic when unreal tournament 3 was released. Show your support and don't buy this game. No one likes a company that does this to the community. Can't believe they are doing this now. They are bad now.
I'm betting this is the exact reason why there was not a beta or demo for the game. They were hoping to let it slip past and make all their money.

I read through 38 pages of the thread on the infinity ward forums. The link was in the OP's post.

As of 4:55 AM CST 10/18/09, Infinity Ward deleted the thread off of their forums. The forum now says "The requested topic does not exist."

They are doing damage control at this point and trying to suppress this news.

he he.. a little to late to suppress it now.. because there will be 100's more threads popping up everywhere by the end of the weekend..
I read up on this, just to get an understanding. If I understand, IW "is" providing the servers and the connection lists/methods, it's just that they will no longer allow "others" to set up non-IW dedicated servers, and therefore, mods, clans, etc. will be much harder, or may not exist at all; right? Seems like they might loose alot of serious and competitive type of gamers.
I read up on this, just to get an understanding. If I understand, IW "is" providing the servers and the connection lists/methods, it's just that they will no longer allow "others" to set up non-IW dedicated servers, and therefore, mods, clans, etc. will be much harder, or may not exist at all; right? Seems like they might loose alot of serious and competitive type of gamers.

No existence at all. This will kill everything. No control to the community at all. It will kill the game off like the others before it that had no dedicated server support.
I play COD4 every single day, I've been so fired up for MW2 until today.

This is total bullshit, I play on two dedicated servers, one is hardcore with mods that enforce some rules, the other is modded with the BHZD mod. I know most people on both servers and it has a good community.

If they kill dedicated servers and modded servers I will not buy this game.

The community servers are always very well regulated, and monitored. I will be very sad to see them go.
1- NO dedicated servers
2- NO mods
3- NO custom maps
4- NO anti cheat
5- NO competition, ie ladders/leagues

That is FACT backed up by the Community Manager of Infinityward studios. So do not get your hopes up on MW2 having what the PC has had in the past.

Its a P2P system where you the "HOME" Listen server will talk to IWNet for match making. Its just like the Operation Flash Point:Dragon Rising and its P2P system.

Also if there is any DLC for the PC side it will cost even more money for it.

I hope to God they are just talking about consoles.
I hope to God they are just talking about consoles.

Nope the Community Manager at the Bash N Slash was talking about the PC side of things. The listing that I have up there, items 1 thru 5 is exactly what was touched on.

Was burried before it was delievered
Know what shits me even more, just about a month ago Bowling lied through his teeth in a shacknews interview, obviously knowing that letting this piece of news out would create an almighty shit storm. These companies are full of lying bastards who are only concerned with squeezing every last cent out of their customers.

Shack: By the way, have you changed the way multiplayer games function on the PC at all?

Robert Bowling: PC will be the same as it always was.

Shack: LAN support as well?

Robert Bowling: LAN support, yes.
Know what shits me even more, just about a month ago Bowling lied through his teeth in a shacknews interview, obviously knowing that letting this piece of news out would create an almighty shit storm. These companies are full of lying bastards who are only concerned with squeezing every last cent out of their customers.

Fucking hell I remember reading that whole interview and he did say that. What a lying sack of shit.

Guys seriously cancel your pre orders. I'm canceling mine today. I don't usually buy into these boycotts but this time is different. Pass the word too all your pc gamer friends. Cod has always been one of my favorite franchises and this sucks.

Saturday October 17 2009 the day infinity ward stuck a pen in pc gamers hearts. :(