MW2, No Dedicated Servers, PB, 9v9 limit, leaning, etc etc

Is it just me or has it been that every over hyped game that was supposed to be awesome with no need for a demo... quite actually either sucked balls or had ZERO replay value after one go around at it?

Robert Bowling talks about dedicated servers. Lies as usual. "Going to be less laggy" lol. I notice IW has been playing the I'm too great to fail card like how sony was after the ps2. We all know what happened after that.

Even if IWNet does provide the same basic gameplay experience in regard to performance that we see currently in Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare today, the experience will still be sub-par. Even assuming everything else is in there that we really want, (horsecrap, but lets argue that for a moment) we are still limited to 18 player matches. That right there makes the multiplayer experience in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 sub-par when compared to the previous installment. This alone is the primary reason why I won't be picking this game up.

The IW developers need to jump on a 32, 48, or 64 player server and see what they are missing. Apparently they've forgotten and they believe their own press.
Is it just me or has it been that every over hyped game that was supposed to be awesome with no need for a demo... quite actually either sucked balls or had ZERO replay value after one go around at it?

Usually, yes.
I can't imagine 32 and 64 people on most of the maps of MW1. I'm from the console camp concerning the original though, so I never saw it.
I can't imagine 32 and 64 people on most of the maps of MW1. I'm from the console camp concerning the original though, so I never saw it.

can't imagine? try it yourself... it makes you feel like you are in a real battle field...

9v9 is just boring, I rather play CS on that part..
I can't imagine 32 and 64 people on most of the maps of MW1. I'm from the console camp concerning the original though, so I never saw it.

Yea 64 player games bring whole new level of tactics. As a team you can control all of the strong points in a map. So run and gun tactics are worthless as you would be cut down in instant.

Heli are worthless in 64 player game as it would normally last all of about 4-6 secs in most matches.

64 player games is why I have near 1/2 million kills in 27 days of playing.
It's always interesting to see the two camps surrounding something like this. There's the people who feel slighted, and then there's the people who really don't even know what the other people are missing out on but figure they're just whining.

Where are the people saying "Yeah! I hated lean on PC! Thanks for IWNet, dedicated servers suck ass! Good thing I can't change my FOV!"? Are there ANY?
I love how 7 seconds into the new trailer a fence tips over, phases through a pole then comes to a rest on the marines head while he is standing there giving the thumbs up
:eek: apparently there is a learning curve to not only the server browser, but what kind of servers you like!! :eek:

Thank god IW net will take care of this as I struggle to install game as is. 4 mouse clicks to open the browser, refresh the list and join a game are simply too many for my feeble mind. From a usability standpoint, I'd expect nothing less than a button the size of my screen when I open MW2 that instantly connects me to someones finicky DSL line. No muss, no fuss.

Cell phones have been using bars for YEARS because they are obviously easier and more informative than NUMBERS. Fuck numbers. I mean, that shit is even color coded, how much more casual can you possibly get??? To a CASUAL like me, this means more than the world!!
I just do not understand their want to cripple PC gaming

as far as I'm concerned, the PC gamers are put in a corner where it's lose/lose

one of the following will occur:

- They don't sell enough on the PC, PC gets dropped, and people stop giving a crap about PC...more so than they do now
- They sell and hit target numbers, realize that they can slap us around, and we are a sucker to this sort of crap for the rest of the PC gaming days
The entire series has sucked from the get go. Stupid, mindless, typical FPS using gameplay that dates as far back as the first FPS.

Why anyone has liked them so much is beyond me.
is anyone really suprised at this?

Infinity Ward is one of hte few developers that were vocal at the amount of PC Piracy that is going on

its no suprise that they don't care about the PC market.

its not to say there isn't piracy on consoles, but based on their comments in the above article (The blog has since been removed it looks like) it explains a little bit in whyt the PC version isn't receiving of what it deservers.
Just the fact that there is no demo means IW thinks it's under par also. I guess I will have to stick with DODS or CS longer.
I guess it was to be expected, but now it has been confirmed via a developer interview. Due to P2P restrictions, the max player count on MW2 multiplayer is 9v9, same as the consoles.

The dev's actually tried to argue this was a good thing - ie. no more spam, balanced to map sizes etc.

There is a full article on this over are arstechnica titled PC Modern Warfare 2: it's much worse than you thought

My take on this is that Ive been playing multiplayer games on the PC for years, and shooters have never been hobbled this way. Thinking back to the early days of Wolfenstein, Medal of Honour and BF1942..... all beat MW2 in player count.

I genuinely think that IW/Activision would rather not publish a PC version at all. I cant see there being a MW3 on the PC at this rate.... nor would one be welcomed with all the nerfing they are doing to the franchise.

Roll on BF3 and Battlefield Bad Company 2 on PC... IW isnt getting another penny out of me.
sweet, FINALLY... a MW2 thread about punkbuster, custom support and dedicated servers :p

Robert Bowling talks about dedicated servers. Lies as usual. "Going to be less laggy" lol. I notice IW has been playing the I'm too great to fail card like how sony was after the ps2. We all know what happened after that.

this makes me want to kick him in the balls for having the sheer nerve to allow himself to be recorded saying that listen servers on home broadband connections is going to provide a smoother less laggy gameplay than dedicated servers with dedicated bandwidth.

It's not possible, how can they be allowed to just go on video and blatently LIE like that, who can call them out on this? Can we approach a tech website who know the basics behind listen/dedicated servers and get them to expose this crap? They need to be shown to be liars, blatent blatent liars.

Not that my 2 cents really means anything in the grand scheme of themes :D this just my declaration:

Many constantly bitch about "consolitis" for silly little things that I just simply don't agree with. This is on the other hand is probably my first time really agree with a big fat "OMG" And let me tell ya, I don't care about playing console games on a PC. I own a ton actually and like them. But the way they are treating the pc version is just downright sad.

I will say I do think PC community sort of deserves it because of, yes, piracy. I think there is large ratio between the amount that happens and legit purchases that is almost a spit into the face to the devs. I'm not here to talk about the arguments but I don't think there is enough outcry against it from the PC community either. Seems pretty lacking. I do not think people should pirate this. But stupidly, people are already "protesting" saying they will. The biggest slap to their faces would to ignore it in every sense of the word until they patch the game correctly.

I was planning on buying this for both xbox and PC since I've done that will all the call of duties to play with friends. I don't give a shit about PC this or PC that. However. $60 didn't break me. Dedicated servers disappearing didn't bother me toooo much honestly but I did make me wait until the price dropped. All this other shit flying out that they are saying now: Sorry but no PC sale for me. Maybe that's their plan all along, but I do think its one of the dumbest decisions they've done.
Not that my 2 cents really means anything in the grand scheme of themes :D this just my declaration:

Many constantly bitch about "consolitis" for silly little things that I just simply don't agree with. This is on the other hand is probably my first time really agree with a big fat "OMG" And let me tell ya, I don't care about playing console games on a PC. I own a ton actually and like them. But the way they are treating the pc version is just downright sad.

I will say I do think PC community sort of deserves it because of, yes, piracy. I think there is large ratio between the amount that happens and legit purchases that is almost a spit into the face to the devs. I'm not here to talk about the arguments but I don't think there is enough outcry against it from the PC community either. Seems pretty lacking. I do not think people should pirate this. But stupidly, people are already "protesting" saying they will. The biggest slap to their faces would to ignore it in every sense of the word until they patch the game correctly.

I was planning on buying this for both xbox and PC since I've done that will all the call of duties to play with friends. I don't give a shit about PC this or PC that. However. $60 didn't break me. Dedicated servers disappearing didn't bother me toooo much honestly but I did make me wait until the price dropped. All this other shit flying out that they are saying now: Sorry but no PC sale for me. Maybe that's their plan all along, but I do think its one of the dumbest decisions they've done.

Those who have cracked copies of COD4 playing on cracked servers *more than likely* were never going to purchase the game anyway. And, you do realize that the Xbox 360 version leaked nearly a week ago, right? Hell, someone already found how to get outside of one of the SP maps.
800 (at its height) cracked servers vs 18000 (currently) legitimate servers, yup, piracy was rampant, and there is no such things as an Xbox 360 pirate or leaked console copies, oh wait.
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Yeah the fact that the Xbox360 version has been leaked for a week now should be helping dispel this idea that PC is the only platform to suffer piracy.

Looking at stats from a large private tracker which show total downloads for games, across all the MW2 rips for the console theres nearly twice as many total downloads as there was for the PC version of Operation Flashpoint 2

I truly believe that the thought of PC piracy being higher than console is a myth.

It's pretty damn simple to mod consoles nowadays, and with the cost of entry being less than 3 bills, I think it's clear where the volume of piracy is going to take place.