MW2, No Dedicated Servers, PB, 9v9 limit, leaning, etc etc

This is a fantastic way to backstab the PC gamer who helped make the franchise successful. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought Call of Duty 2 was released without an anti-cheat and they released the addition of Punk Buster in a later patch?

Edit: Yeah, here it is. Hilarious.

Ah yes, I remember the 24-hour strike on the servers when gamers didn't get what they wanted. I guess they took that factor out so they can do whatever they want.

haha, I remember that now! Some people refused to play until it was implemented. Not nearly as bad as this situation though.
All COD games have been an explosion fest with more than 18 players. I do not like the idea of no dedicated servers but I love the idea of the game being limited to 18 players.
whoop whoop bad company 2 will have a open beta next month! i much rather play that then this piece of shit.

Even on its beta stage i bet you it will be a more fun game then this fucking dog shit
All COD games have been an explosion fest with more than 18 players. I do not like the idea of no dedicated servers but I love the idea of the game being limited to 18 players.

You do know their were many 10-18 player servers on cod4 right?:confused:
I'm pretty sure a lot of console gamers don't feel the same way as pc gamers feel about this whole situation. A lot of console gamers today probably haven't even heard of the name 'call of duty' till modern warfare came out.

and i'm not hating on console gamers because I play and prefer certain games on consoles myself.
I'm pretty sure a lot of console gamers don't feel the same way as pc gamers feel about this whole situation. A lot of console gamers today probably haven't even heard of the name 'call of duty' till modern warfare came out.

and i'm not hating on console gamers because I play and prefer certain games on consoles myself.

console users are yet to play a fps game on dedicated servers with mods. what they dont know or experience, they wont complain about
All COD games have been an explosion fest with more than 18 players. I do not like the idea of no dedicated servers but I love the idea of the game being limited to 18 players.

I'm with you there man, the first MW would just turn into a cluster fuck on many servers. I would always play on low pop servers, preferably with hardcore mode on.
Yeah that too.

This is why this is occurring.

We all know that dedicated server tools and adding support for additional players costs IW nearly zero.

The fact of the matter is, they want to sell DLC. There's a ton of money in it. $70 million on fucking map packs.

As much as I love PC gaming, and as much as I loathe developers not maxing out the platform, if I'm making a game, figures like this can't be just ignored.

I'm not sympathetic to the "plight" of IW or Activision, but in the world of business, you'd have to be fucking nuts to ignore that kind of additional revenue stream that literally costs your peanuts to produce.

The enemy of PC gaming in this instance isn't piracy(nor has it ever been), it's not the additional effort of dedicated server tools.

IW is trying to destroy MODs for MW2. That's all it is. No mods = you want additional content for our game? You are going to pay for it.
I'm pretty sure a lot of console gamers don't feel the same way as pc gamers feel about this whole situation. A lot of console gamers today probably haven't even heard of the name 'call of duty' till modern warfare came out.

and i'm not hating on console gamers because I play and prefer certain games on consoles myself.

console users are yet to play a fps game on dedicated servers with mods. what they dont know or experience, they wont complain about

As one who does not limit myself to one platform, I am going to enjoy MW2 on the 360. I really don't think these developments are near as bad as PC elitists are making them out to be. IMO PC only gamers are their own worst enemy, as they love to hate their hobby.
good read

Frankly, the biggest problem with all of this is they're treating the PC community like they're idiots. It's insulting. It isn't even like being treated as second class citizens, more that they've positioned things like we're all a bunch of idiots.

We're not a bunch of loons; we know how the back end of gaming works on a technical level. Often times the users, through various tweaks, make changes that ultimately makes the game better and that gets adopted officially. It's one thing to piss off an idiot; it's another thing to piss off someone that's in the know.

Who knows though, maybe it's all just a ploy to kill PC gaming once and for all? None of this will affect piracy. There is a good chance piracy will jump on PC because the users that hadn't given in feel cheated by the developers. Users will crack the game and build their own dedicated servers separate from whatever service is put in place complete with every feature that they're saying you could only get with their system.
As one who does not limit myself to one platform, I am going to enjoy MW2 on the 360. I really don't think these developments are near as bad as PC elitists are making them out to be. IMO PC only gamers are their own worst enemy, as they love to hate their hobby.

i dont limit myself to one platform too but seeing as im use to lag free dedicated servers, why piss about plpaying on a p2p mp game? come on now use your head mate. many of us game on consoles and pc's.

Consoles have its place and so does pc's
i dont limit myself to one platform too but seeing as im use to lag free dedicated servers, why piss about plpaying on a p2p mp game? come on now use your head mate. many of us game on consoles and pc's.

Consoles have its place and so does pc's

I remember a time before dedicated servers, and it wasn't the end of the world.
I remember a time before dedicated servers, and it wasn't the end of the world.

I remember a time when I used to stack shelves at a supermarket, lived at home with my parents, was reliant on my bicycle for transportation, etc. Wasn't the end of the world, but I sure as hell don't want to go back to those times! :rolleyes:
I can't recall the last *good* PC exclusive I played, sorry(ok, I can, but they aren't selling 5 million copies and Machinarium is arguably a niche game...). The real issue is that PC games have pretty much always under-sold console games(NB: No, the sims DOES NOT count, jerk).
Why discount any PC game? That's just silly right there. But fine your saying pc games suck so that's why they can't sell? Good argument. Way to support the platform :rolleyes: Btw, other games that sold pretty well that did break great numbers were Diablo 2, Half Life, Half life 2, Guidwars, heck even the witcher came pretty close. For a "modern" game at least. Most of those games had some sort of "accounting" that a user had to be responsible for (you can take that as any form of DRM like steam). There are a handful of games that easily should have sold more on the pc.

Did you ever consider that times themselves may just be changing, and that in general fewer copies of everything are being sold? Top Ten PS2 games of all time includes games like Gran-Turismo 3 at 14 million, and Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas at over 17 million. These two titles laugh at the idea that Halo 3 selling 8 million copies is anything special. What's more, there isn't a title in the PS2's top-ten list that sold less than 4 million copies. Not bad, considering how easy it was to pirate those games, how rampant piracy was on the PS2(plenty of people bought PS2's BECAUSE piracy was easy on them), and the fact that there were no online networks to be banned from.

haha are you f'ing serious? You HONESTLY think the reason the PS2 had good sales was easy to pirate on them. Haha! Yea it's not easier to pirate on a PC right? So take those 120 million people with ps2's, I'll be generous and say half of those bought it to pirate :)rolleyes:) 60 million people pirating. Now take PC owners...actually this whole argument is stupid right after I said 60 million people are buying ps2's for pirating because it's SO much easier for consoles. Those games sold well because of the 120 million+ units sold! Not everyone is going to like GTA. So you have a target audience in that group that likes those games. I'm pretty sure there are 120 million pcs capable of playing games. Oh hell there are more! And most people aren't as anal about full graphic settings let most people on this forum.

I'd be willing to bet that by the time the next gen of Consoles is coming out, the current gen is being pirated far more than PC games(speaking generally, meaning by the time the PS3 came out PS2 piracy was worse than anything the PC typically sees). Console piracy eventually becomes very very easy, whereas PC piracy remains pretty much unchanged(ok, it's actually gotten more complex depending on what you're trying to pirate...). If you wanted free(or nearly free) PS2 games you didn't even need an internet connection, you just needed a local Blockbuster that would rent you the titles so you could make your own copies. There were no cracks, keygens, loaders or anything like that. Could you, or can you, do that for PC games? Nope.
hah yes, I don't have to do anythign to any console to get a pirate game to work. Not like at my fingertips for PC game. Honestly man. :rolleyes:

The worst part, though, is the fact that people who make the argument you're making ignore all but the largest money-grubbing developers. 2DBoy hasn't expressed any intentions of leaving the PC arena, and neither has Stardock. 2DBoy, if you didn't see the news when World of Goo came out, had to deal with ~90% piracy rates for their title on the PC. Please, read their blog, but it might suffice to say that their reaction is much different than most of the big developers out there.
and it sold better on Wiiware. Oh until they decided to give the game away for a penny. You act like indie devs wont want to migrate once they see how much better they are respected on the other side. Stardock has come out a few times and mentioned how pissed they are about pirating less you forget about the whole Demigods ordeal.

In the end, I say screw the big developers, they've lost sight of what we want anyway. I'd put Galactic Civilizations 2 up against any title any day of the week(Except Civ4, but they're on the same team!). Machinarium is gorgeous and lots of fun. If Activision says "No MW3 for PC", that's just more market share for the developers who do a decent job.
Doesn't matter anyway because like you said "can't recall the last *good* PC exclusive I played" and games like Machinarium deverse to be obscure and/or pirated right?

PWNED LIKE A BITCH. great post
Are you fucking 12?! Grow the fuck up.

And ONCE AGAIN: I'm not saying piracy is the sole reason why devs are starting to treat pc customers like crap. But this community needs to take a look at itself more and take some responsibility. One thing I LOOOOVE about hardforums is it's strong stance against posting anythign about suggesting pirating, even cracks to remove copy protection or anything. THAT'S an active stance against and quite vocal about it.
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PC gaming tards. DO NOT BUY THE CONSOLE VERSION if you PC game. You are sending IW and Activision the wrong message. Do not buy the game at all. Show them how you feel by giving them NOTHING!

IF you must have the console version wait and buy it used.
no but you just got put to place. dont be so bitter


apparently you just ignored my retort from being "put to place" because it inconviences your straight train mentality.

Why don't you just sit down and let the adults have a discussion even if they disagree. k? If you're not going to add anything than "PWND" why bother?
PC gaming tards. DO NOT BUY THE CONSOLE VERSION if you PC game. You are sending IW and Activision the wrong message. Do not buy the game at all. Show them how you feel by giving them NOTHING!

IF you must have the console version wait and buy it used.
I remember a time when I used to stack shelves at a supermarket, lived at home with my parents, was reliant on my bicycle for transportation, etc. Wasn't the end of the world, but I sure as hell don't want to go back to those times! :rolleyes:

And you feel comparing your life to IW's decision to not go with dedicated servers is an apt comparison? :rolleyes: This over-dramatic, end of the world, petition signing mentality is exactly what I was addressing.
I remember a time before dedicated servers, and it wasn't the end of the world.

You remember it? How old are you then? Question is why would you want to go back? Or why would you accept it? Petition signing isn't overly dramatic. No one is burning down developer houses.
F**k you ID. They better take a good look at MW2. It will fail. I will turn to community based games if they all start doing this. I'm sick of these greedy corporations.

Ugh............... god I hate hearing the "corporate greed" argument. It reminds me of those ignorant hippies that used to demonize corporations for no reason and try and "fight the system" as if they were actually being repressed. (As it turns out hippies were just really lazy.) Unfortunately I have to concede that what you are saying here has an element of truth to it. Yes corporations are in business to make money which isn't by itself evil, and isn't new information, but this time they are simply going too far. They are charging us for things that have always been free (for more than a decade at least) and worse than that, they are charging us more for a game that is a lesser product than it's predecessor. The limitation of 18 player maps and questionable game player changes such as the Tactical Nuke, removal of leaning etc. all make for a game that is inferior to the original and over shadow any improvements they may have made over the last game.

Unfortunately for us, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 will be hugely successful. I hate to say it but I think it will be. The console players don't really understand our plight because nothing is really changing for them. This is the largest customer base and even if the PC version doesn't sell at all, or even if only half the preorder customers actually pick up the game, it will succeed financially. The game will provide virtually the same MP experience that MW1 did on the consoles. Like it or not, MW2 will be a very successful title. Infinity Ward will have to fail much bigger than this for the game to flop.
PC gaming tards. DO NOT BUY THE CONSOLE VERSION if you PC game. You are sending IW and Activision the wrong message. Do not buy the game at all. Show them how you feel by giving them NOTHING!

IF you must have the console version wait and buy it used.

QFT +1. However I've seen the PC gamers in numerous threads picking up the console versions of a game rather than the PC version on more than one occasion. They don't seem to realize or care that this act only lessons the importance of the PC platform to developers. I saw this a ton when Batman Arkham Asylum came out. They kept buying the game on console rather than wait the two weeks for it to launch on the PC platform. sure people gave different reasons but ultimately the result is the same. Increased console sales and lack of sales on the PC platform will only ensure that our favorite games do not get brought to the PC at all and that more consolcentric titles will get made.
good read

[snip]........There is a good chance piracy will jump on PC because the users that hadn't given in feel cheated by the developers. Users will crack the game and build their own dedicated servers separate from whatever service is put in place complete with every feature that they're saying you could only get with their system.

Totally agree. I remember reading an article with someone from IW complaining about piracy in CoD4 - well they better wait til they see MW2 piracy. I'd be willing to put money down that MW2 will be heavily pirated, and people are going to do their best to crack it and fix the things that shouldn't have been changed.

I'm not advocating anything, but pissing off PC gamers is about the dumbest thing you can do as a software company or developer. The thing that kills me is that here they are, days ago, saying Activision basically gave them carte blanche to spend whatever they wanted in making MW2. (source)

During an interview with Develop, Infinity Ward's front-line man, Robert "fourzerotwo" Bowling, recalled the early planning stages of Modern Warfare 2. Unsurprisingly, publisher and owner Activision was eager to pour money into the development of the COD4 sequel, following the basic business formula: more money = better product = more sales = more money. Infinity Ward followed another school of thought: "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."

"Much like we don't let ourselves get distracted by hype, if you have excess you feel like you should use excess," Bowling said. Even though Activision "estimated out a ridiculous budget" early on, Infinity Ward "didn't let the budget affect [its] mentality." Since Infinity Ward apparently didn't take the money (or, at least, all of it), we do have a pretty good idea of what Activision spent it on: night-vision goggles for everyone!

The bolded part is what really ticks me off.
So, who here is the one with the lame brain ideas to cripple the PC version and essentially make it a console port? Is it Activision, or IW?

I'm sure they spent money to remove this stuff and change the game, since all of this was already in CoD4. What gives? If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Well then why'd you "fix it"? :rolleyes: I'll stick with CoD4 and the other games I have for now...anyone involved with MW2 can shove it. :mad:
Rage not supporting dedicated servers is not an issue as multiplayer hasn't not been talk about in any depth as yet. Issue as we PC gamers see it is we are going from 64 player mp to small 18 player game in MW2.
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Rage not support is not an issue as multiplayer hasn't not been talk about in any depth as yet. Issue as we PC gamers see it is we are going from 64 player mp to small 18 player game in MW2.

Its more than just the size though.

Dedicated servers were invented specifically to provide gamers with the resources to allow smooth enjoyable multiplayer, they're dedicated boxes spec'd up to make sure there's resources spare to run the game even when it's usage peaks, and use dedicated lines so bandwidth isn't a problem and ping response times are as good as it can get.

Theres nothing about listen servers which are an improvement over dedicated servers, the very idea is inherently stupid, I can't believe the team that worked on a game like MW2 are actually that stupid, there has to be alteria motives behind all of this,which just makes them liars.

The least they can do is stop lying.
The truth? They did it because it was most likely easier than implementing dedicated servers for what is essentially a console port. Beyond that it's mostly an effort to combat piracy.

You could've stopped after your 2nd sentence.

apparently you just ignored my retort from being "put to place" because it inconviences your straight train mentality.

Why don't you just sit down and let the adults have a discussion even if they disagree. k? If you're not going to add anything than "PWND" why bother?

Then go away mate, you aint the adult here.
Not suprising but id's Rage probably won't support dedicated servers either.

That's another reason why no one should buy MW2. If it's a best seller on the PC, then others will stop supporting dedicated servers, mods, tweaks, etc. Then most PC games will be exactly like console games, and you won't even be allowed to change it.

If you become Infinity Wards bitch, you'll soon be everyone's bitch.
Theres nothing about listen servers which are an improvement over dedicated servers, the very idea is inherently stupid, I can't believe the team that worked on a game like MW2 are actually that stupid, there has to be alteria motives behind all of this,which just makes them liars.

The least they can do is stop lying.

The motive is money. IW made the PC version the same as the console version to enable DLC and prevent free mods/custom map creation. The PC version was competing with the console versions, because PC had free maps and mods and the console versions were DLC.