Mwave has GTX512 in stock

kind of figured it would be at this price...but


where did you see the specs? I'm missing it.
Incase it was listed at $800
Riptide_NVN said:
Someone on nvnews either called or went over there.
Oh ok. I'm still a little skeptical at the lack of specs on the page, but with that price, it better have those speeds. o_O!
Well I called and guess what? It's in stock and I confirmed the price.

I wonder how long until they pull it or get sued. If I lived close by and had the money I would run right over there and get one before they realized WTF was happening.
I doubt they are selling it.. Mwave is great and all, but everytime they have something new like this I order it then they take it off and say its a discontinued product

For example 7800GTX, Asus A8n32sli.. :( :(
Riptide_NVN said:
Well I called and guess what? It's in stock and I confirmed the price.

I wonder how long until they pull it or get sued. If I lived close by and had the money I would run right over there and get one before they realized WTF was happening.

Yeah, I don't see why they'd risk doin that for a 5-day headstart though. I mean maybe they blew up the price to catch a few rich customers, but man, with trouble they can get into, I wouldn't do it. But that's just me. ;)
Riptide_NVN said:
Well I called and guess what? It's in stock and I confirmed the price.

I wonder how long until they pull it or get sued. If I lived close by and had the money I would run right over there and get one before they realized WTF was happening.

Are you sure? when i called before to confirm my previous items they tell m its in stock until i come to pick it up (willcall) and say im sorry we made a mistake that products been discountinued.. (the Phone people usually tell you whats they see = what you see on the site)
That card doesnt show up on the XFX website.. im calling BS on that they actually have one in stock..

and the only press release to reference a 512mb card is to the 6800ultra 512mb card.. So im calling BS on the fact an XFX 7800GTX 512mb card even exsists yet.
Well ofcourse I can't be absolutely sure it's in stock, I'm just relating what I was told by mwave. So if they have proven unreliable in the past then take this all with a grain of salt.

That said to me this doesn't look fake. Especially if it's true that someone went over there and checked on this. I'll see if I can get a confirmation on that and maybe link to the post.

For starters:
links to another forum? that still doesnt explain the fact that the card is NOT on the XFX website.. not even in a press release. the fact that the card is going to be released hasnt even been made public by nvidia yet.
So, who's going to ante up and test these in SLI mode? :D
RaphaelVinceti said:
links to another forum? that still doesnt explain the fact that the card is NOT on the XFX website.. not even in a press release. the fact that the card is going to be released hasnt even been made public by nvidia yet.
Dude so you are calling that guy a liar or the person at mwave doesn't know how to read. Which is it?
I bet they have it and just accidently posted up the item to early :p

but damn 550/1800, come on bfg evga bring us 580/1800 :D
hmm 550 core is nice .. waiting to see if bfg and leadtek can run a 580 core or something .. i called mwave and she read the specs to me as well off the box

799 is way too high .. if it was in the 6s i might buy it .. but after shipping its gonna be
in the 8s lol
This is a test of my nerd patience. I so want to order that thing RIGHT NOW and have it here on Friday. :p

But I think I'll wait, do the evga tradeup, and save myself $500. But it's SO hard to hold off. lol

lol... $8hundy bones... ROFL.. wow... these are sweet cards... but they're too rich for my blood..
Riptide_NVN said:
There are some rich f00's on this forum though... SPEAK UP. Who ordered one?? :)

I would order one but i like to stick with evga or bfg. :D LOL I can go pick it up they offer willcall!!

Or maybe i can use my step up program :D
i would order BUT

it would suck if leadtek or bfg released a 580/1800 or something
Jasonx82 said:
I would order one but i like to stick with evga or bfg. :D LOL I can go pick it up they offer willcall!!
Well what are you waiting for? You could go pick it up and have it on ebay tonight. 3 day auction you'd probably sell it for over $1000.
both, he is a liar, and the guy at mwave cant read. XFX isnt even saying they are so much as considering a card with 512mb ram. besides that no picture, no listed specs on the site, nothing to say they have one. That, and the fact that the 512mb version of the 7800 hasnt been in a press release by nvidia either, suggests that they are both liars.
they're prolly pulling our leg... Even if the cards are physically on the premisis I doubt they're allowed to let one go to a customer after the 14th...or whatever the release day is.. waiting until the release day would be best for max brand options anyways...
for a grand total of 823.36 i could have this card by friday LOL

ill wait to see what other companies clocks are
RaphaelVinceti said:
both, he is a liar, and the guy at mwave cant read. XFX isnt even saying they are so much as considering a card with 512mb ram. besides that no picture, no listed specs on the site, nothing to say they have one. That, and the fact that the 512mb version of the 7800 hasnt been in a press release by nvidia either, suggests that they are both liars.

I'm sure they have it. Its supposedly gonna be announced on the 14th . Nvidia's usual press release with immediate availability. I'm sure retailers are getting them in right now so it will be "available and ready to ship"

As for it being in stock ready to go. Im pretty sure its an accident same thing happened the week before the 7800gtx launch I ordered one. and they canceled my order the next day sayig its been discountinued..
I called them, the lady I spoke with said they do have them in stock. When I asked her how many, she said "we just got them in today, only got a little bit." When I asked how many that was, she said, "maybe 20".

So thats good news to see these cards out there. Hopefully the price will drop.. $800 isnt any where close to a good price to me. You can easily do 2x7800GT's for that.
RaphaelVinceti said:
both, he is a liar, and the guy at mwave cant read. XFX isnt even saying they are so much as considering a card with 512mb ram. besides that no picture, no listed specs on the site, nothing to say they have one. That, and the fact that the 512mb version of the 7800 hasnt been in a press release by nvidia either, suggests that they are both liars.
I think you're wrong about this. I'm probably the most skeptical person I know and we've had two people call up and have specs read to them off of a box. I highly doubt this is some sort of mwave publicity stunt. Especially when you couple that with the zzf listing, the leaked XFX BIOS and screens, and that PDF for the evga from zzf that got on the loose. Any of that taken by itself: highly suspect. Taken together this whole thing seems a lot more believable.
lol.....what a fool. I actually was transferred to Tech Support so that one of the guys could run to the back of the warehouse and get me the info. Unless he failed math and english and could not read english and numbers......then i stand to be corrected.

Im actually talking with them in trying to get a discounted card since i do lots of business with them. If i can get the card for $100 less.....ill post pics tonight.

Here's to hoping he gets one and does a little mini review for everyone. :)
jetjaguar said:
for a grand total of 823.36 i could have this card by friday LOL

ill wait to see what other companies clocks are

but what good would one do you???? you NEED SLI!!! go fer it... only $1600!!! lol j/k ;)
revenant said:
but what good would one do you???? you NEED SLI!!! go fer it... only $1600!!! lol j/k ;)

dont forget tax + 5.00 willcall fee

!!!!!! $1734.83 :eek: :eek:
Riptide_NVN said:
There are some rich f00's on this forum though... SPEAK UP. Who ordered one?? :)

Well, I would be all over this butttt, I only want to spend $1400 at most on video cards and XFX isn't on my list of manufacturers I would buy from.
RaphaelVinceti said:
both, he is a liar, and the guy at mwave cant read. XFX isnt even saying they are so much as considering a card with 512mb ram. besides that no picture, no listed specs on the site, nothing to say they have one. That, and the fact that the 512mb version of the 7800 hasnt been in a press release by nvidia either, suggests that they are both liars.

thanks for making us posters at [H] look bad
I'd be willing to go up to $900 canadian for one of these cards. If the specs of 550/1800 or 580/1800 are true. But $800usd would mean $1100 canadian! Or more... I like to spend money on computers but that exceeds what I'm willing to spend... especially for a single card.
FYI ... word around the campfire is that these babies require quite a bit more power in SLI than the GTXs do... a 550watt psu is said to be marginal, 600watt is said to be in the safe range... keep that in mind... er, yeah... because you all are about to run out and get two of these.. heh.. none the less, though it was note worthy...
To RaphaelVinceti:

This card is definetly coming out the specs still need to be confirmed. When Brent shows up in a thread with a smilie face it means he's under NDA. Everytime rumors have been rampant and he wasn't under an NDA he called it out.

The fact people aern't dismissing the rumor means... you figure it out...