Mwave has GTX512 in stock

here si what someone just posted in the 512mb gtx thread over at XS

"MWAVE is wrong on the clock speeds. I am certain. The retail box does not have the clock speeds marked on it. But coolbits will show them. One number is higher and one is lower....

BTW You buy these I hope you have a big my test rig 256MB 7800 GTX SLI ran fine. With these...very unstable. My guess is a 550 Watt would be marginal. 600+ should be a must with multiple HD and lots of RAM.

The XFX card should MSRP atleast 100 buck less."
LOL - c'mon, like a product has NEVER been launched before it showed up on a manufacturer's website.

Heck, the Jetway A210GDMS-Pro I'm using *right now* didn't show up on Jetway's site until nearly 2 MONTHS after they were retail available.

And Asus still doesn't show THIS motherboard on their site! And it's been out for going on FOUR months now.
I'll get one if it's faster than my 7800gt sli but not for 800 sheesh that's just greedy unless it just friggin owns all games.
btf said:
I'd be willing to go up to $900 canadian for one of these cards. If the specs of 550/1800 or 580/1800 are true. But $800usd would mean $1100 canadian! Or more... I like to spend money on computers but that exceeds what I'm willing to spend... especially for a single card.

@ current exchagne rate

799.00 USD = 947.261 CAD
spaceman said:
I'll get one if it's faster than my 7800gt sli but not for 800 sheesh that's just greedy unless it just friggin owns all games.

i guess we wont know till after monday since the people have them already wont say anything till the NDA is lifted
After tax and freight close to $900!!!!! :eek: I think I'll wait for DX10 cards to come out.
Digital Viper-X- said:
@ current exchagne rate

799.00 USD = 947.261 CAD

It doesn't work that way, unfortuneatly. When the MSRP was around $500usd I paid $800 for my GTX's. And don't think about ordering from the US. Customs will make you regret you ever ordered something from the US. They will hold it for weeks and charge you insaine fee's making the Canadian price seem like a bargain.

Edit: I didn't mean $500 msrp but when US retailers were selling for $500
Sorry guys but when two people call over there and are read specs supposedly right from a box... Well let's just say I wouldn't bet my life but I might just bet you one of those cards that they do indeed have the real mccoy.

Takers? :D
dderidex said:
LOL - c'mon, like a product has NEVER been launched before it showed up on a manufacturer's website.

Heck, the Jetway A210GDMS-Pro I'm using *right now* didn't show up on Jetway's site until nearly 2 MONTHS after they were retail available.

And Asus still doesn't show THIS motherboard on their site! And it's been out for going on FOUR months now.

I just figured being the way Nvidia is and this being their flagship product, that they would wait until launch day and make a HUGE deal out of it.. etc...
jetjaguar said:
here si what someone just posted in the 512mb gtx thread over at XS

"MWAVE is wrong on the clock speeds. I am certain. The retail box does not have the clock speeds marked on it. But coolbits will show them. One number is higher and one is lower....

There is more to it than that, of course.

MWAVE is wrong on the clock speeds. I am certain. ;) The retail box does not have the clock speeds marked on it. But coolbits will show them. One number is higher and one is lower....

BTW You buy these I hope you have a big my test rig 256MB 7800 GTX SLI ran fine. With these...very unstable. My guess is a 550 Watt would be marginal. 600+ should be a must with multiple HD and lots of RAM.

The XFX card should MSRP atleast 100 buck less.


dnavarro said:
I am guessing 580/1730??? :D As the bios heh


revenant said:
I just figured being the way Nvidia is and this being their flagship product, that they would wait until launch day and make a HUGE deal out of it.. etc...

*nVidia*, of course, WILL make a huge deal out of it on launch day.

That's next Monday.

The manufacturers, though...who the hell knows WHAT they will do. Few of them have as responsive a web update team as nVidia does (and you can still find dead links and such on nVidia's site if you look).

Moral of the story: Don't rely on websites to tell you if something is available or not.
Just triple checked with my buddy @ in the warehouse/willcall dept) confirmed.. "IN STOCK!!" in warehouse ready to go go GO!!! so tempted.. but i bet theyll drop in price on monday. :eek:

I made him double check that its in there possessions and not on a freight somewhere.. For sure in stock @ the warehouse.. :D
That price better drop to something reasonable cauz this could be bad in general.(The rise of prices on video cards). :(
Jasonx82 said:
Just triple checked with my buddy @ in the warehouse/willcall dept) confirmed.. "IN STOCK!!" in warehouse ready to go go GO!!! so tempted.. but i bet theyll drop in price on monday. :eek:

I made him double check that its in there possessions and not on a freight somewhere.. For sure in stock @ the warehouse.. :D

Did he confirm the clocks and is this the xfx?
dderidex said:
Moral of the story: Don't rely on websites to tell you if something is available or not.
Yeah and if mwave was fibbing about the clocks they told a boldface lie to two people. One guy even said they specifically sent someone into the warehouse to check it and read it right off the box.
btf said:
Did he confirm the clocks?

no i didnt want to bug him as i already kept saying "are you sure its in stock? are you sure? Positive?? hahaha Sure??

but on a side note amazingly impressive on nvidias part for availability.!!! 7800gtx 7800gt and now this.. :D :D :cool:
I'm in NYC right now (Time Square) is there an Mwave here?
subscribing to thread....the instant these babies dip to around 1400 for a pair they're mine :D Should go nicely with the rest of my parts

Chilly1 phase change -60C
AMD CABNE Opteron 146 (does 3.1ghz on Air, testing with phase as soon as it gets here)
2GB Mushkin XP4000 Redline 2-2-2-5
Pc Power and Cooling 510 SLI with a few factory mods
1 Terrabyte of hard drive storage
Coolermaster ATC 101B with Window
WOW you guys miss nothing. I post on XS and someone here finds it and posts it here. :)

I would not buy one yet. (Wait till launch.) The cards need a driver update to run right. The driver on the disk that comes with the cards did not run the card properly. My guess is NV will release a driver on launch day. (It took a driver from them for them to run right) These cards are fast....but not fast enough to upgrade from a 7800 GTX 256 or even a 7800GT. Stock they did beat my best 3dmark05 score with OC'd 256MB 7800s. <----my best SLI 7800 256MB score so faster than that. Please note that the whole system is OC'd but the review system I am building has a 57 clocked to the same speed. (3Ghz)

They are major beasts.
You mean that they are not worth an upgrade from SLI 7800GT/X's, to a single 7800GTX512MB, or that they are not worth an upgrade from a single 7800GT or GTX?
GoldenTiger said:
You mean that they are not worth an upgrade from SLI 7800GT/X's, to a single 7800GTX512MB, or that they are not worth an upgrade from a single 7800GT or GTX?

SLI 7800 gt/gtx = faster than one 512MB card.

At current cost the performance difference from a single 7800 series to the 512 is not big enough to warrant an upgrade either. (IMOA) I am sure some people will just because it is the fastest card out there. They are fast....
WOW you guys miss nothing. I post on XS and someone here finds it and posts it here. :)

I would not buy one yet. (Wait till launch.) The cards need a driver update to run right. The driver on the disk that comes with the cards did not run the card properly. My guess is NV will release a driver on launch day. (It took a driver from them for them to run right) These cards are fast....but not fast enough to upgrade from a 7800 GTX 256 or even a 7800GT. Stock they did beat my best 3dmark05 score with OC'd 256MB 7800s. <----my best SLI 7800 256MB score so faster than that. Please note that the whole system is OC'd but the review system I am building has a 57 clocked to the same speed. (3Ghz)

They are major beasts.

lol - I know, eh?

Well - these card's memory is clocked way higher than I have seen on any OC'd GTX256s, and the default core clock aint too shabby eaither... let alone the extra memory.. so I (and I am sure most of the rest of us) have no qualms with you about them being faster at stock then OC'd GTXs. :)
SLI 7800 gt/gtx = faster than one 512MB card.

At current cost the performance difference from a single 7800 series to the 512 is not big enough to warrant an upgrade either. (IMOA) I am sure some people will just because it is the fastest card out there. They are fast....

I'm considering using the eVGA step-up program to swap my 7800GT for a 512MB GTX... guess I'll find out soon enough whether it'll be worth it for sure, I really want a bit of extra oomph but you are most definitely casting doubt for me as to whether the $100-200 difference would be worth it. Thanks for the info!
GoldenTiger said:
You mean that they are not worth an upgrade from SLI 7800GT/X's, to a single 7800GTX512MB, or that they are not worth an upgrade from a single 7800GT or GTX?
Yeah , what he said ?????????
GoldenTiger said:
I'm considering using the eVGA step-up program to swap my 7800GT for a 512MB GTX... guess I'll find out soon enough whether it'll be worth it for sure, I really want a bit of extra oomph but you are most definitely casting doubt for me as to whether the $100-200 difference would be worth it. Thanks for the info!

If it is 20% faster than 100FPS will you see it? If I was to upgrade from an existing 7800... EVGA's step-up program would be the best way to do it.
I think he meant not worth the upgrade from SLI GT/GTX256 to a single 512mb GTX only...
WOW you guys miss nothing. I post on XS and someone here finds it and posts it here. :)

I would not buy one yet. (Wait till launch.) The cards need a driver update to run right. The driver on the disk that comes with the cards did not run the card properly. My guess is NV will release a driver on launch day. (It took a driver from them for them to run right) These cards are fast....but not fast enough to upgrade from a 7800 GTX 256 or even a 7800GT. Stock they did beat my best 3dmark05 score with OC'd 256MB 7800s. <----my best SLI 7800 256MB score so faster than that. Please note that the whole system is OC'd but the review system I am building has a 57 clocked to the same speed. (3Ghz)

They are major beasts.

So your saying the 7800GTX 512 scores over 13000 in 05 :eek:
revenant said:
I think he meant not worth the upgrade from SLI GT/GTX256 to a single 512mb GTX only...

IMOA anyone that owns a 7800 series card SLI or not will not see the 512MB cards make that large of a difference. They are faster but not like the jump from 6600 to 6800 to 7800. For those crazies (like many in this forum myself included) that need every ounce of speed these cards rock. But those that don't buy FX57s because a 3700+/4000+ with a little OC will come close should wait. Kind of reminds me of when NV launched the GF3 was faster than the GF3 but not as big of a jump as the GF4 series that arrived later.

There is one reason for this kick ATI while they are down. X1800 XT got close to 7800GTX....this card is to show that NV can and will raise the bar.
I'll prolly get it when Dell has it on sale. I got my GTX256 for $450 a week after release.
nunyabiz said:
So your saying the 7800GTX 512 scores over 13000 in 05 :eek:

Then its worth it. I am sorry but if it beats a dual GTX then I am going to sell my GTX for it while I can still get 375-400 for it and get this.
There is one reason for this kick ATI while they are down. X1800 XT got close to 7800GTX....this card is to show that NV can and will raise the bar.

Got close? Its overall faster, with better IQ.
There is one reason for this kick ATI while they are down. X1800 XT got close to 7800GTX....this card is to show that NV can and will raise the bar.

Although they may take the crown with this card, I don't think ATI really has to worry with a price of $800 (granted if it's msrp is $800)

I'm feeling more comfortable with my x1800xt purchase (still havent' opened yet :( )

no pci-e motherboard
Netrat33 said:
Although they may take the crown with this card, I don't think ATI really has to worry with a price of $800 (granted if it's msrp is $800)

I'm feeling more comfortable with my x1800xt purchase (still havent' opened yet :( )

no pci-e motherboard

Funny I have the same card in my personal system. Real nice card. The MSRP on the 7800 512 is not $800...more like $700.

On the mobo...look at the RDX200 CF-DR..nice mobo. Just remember to flash the bios right away to the new beta. Board is kind of hard to tune for OC but that is because it is so flexable. (DFI NF4 SLI-DR is the same way.) I have a system in build now with the X1800 XL and the RDX200. Runs like a champ. The USB complaints are crap. I use a USB HD and have not noticed any major difference. (I have an ATI reference CF board) I wouldn't worry about it unless benchmarking your USB HD matters. (Also this board will allow Crossfire which is nice. I have run X850 CF on it. Runs perfect.)

nunyabiz said:
Lol, I figured that! But if stock it gets that much, how much do they overclock?

Don't know yet. Was having driver them fixed so now time to watercool and then OC.