Mwave has GTX512 in stock

forcefed said:
AACDIRECT: so what are the clocks on your 512meg gtx's? Got any pics too?

Sorry I can't do that... I shared what info I could and not get into trouble. Pics and exact clocks are a no-no until Monday. At least for me.
WOW you guys miss nothing. I post on XS and someone here finds it and posts it here. :)

I would not buy one yet. (Wait till launch.) The cards need a driver update to run right. The driver on the disk that comes with the cards did not run the card properly. My guess is NV will release a driver on launch day. (It took a driver from them for them to run right) These cards are fast....but not fast enough to upgrade from a 7800 GTX 256 or even a 7800GT. Stock they did beat my best 3dmark05 score with OC'd 256MB 7800s. <----my best SLI 7800 256MB score so faster than that. Please note that the whole system is OC'd but the review system I am building has a 57 clocked to the same speed. (3Ghz)

They are major beasts.

What kind of problems were present with the drivers included with the card?
Monnie Rock said:
What kind of problems were present with the drivers included with the card?

It clocked the card wrong. When you tried to fix it in coolbits...bad stuff happened. (display issues) It was not just displaying the clock wrong but running the card there. The new drivers I got made the card run as expected. With the driver on the disk the cards were slower than a 256MB card. (I was running SLI BTW)

That is why I say wait till the offical release....

Edit: That box and card sure do look familar......
well the guy on forum is having no problems .. drivers detected the correct clocks .. 580/1.73

and the driver version on the cd is forceware 81.85
jetjaguar said:
well the guy on forum is having no problems .. drivers detected the correct clocks .. 580/1.73

and the driver version on the cd is forceware 81.85

AAC is saying that it displays the clocks wrong in coolbits and runs them at the wrong settings, too... sounds like without the right drivers, this thing will show right but run at some weird speed that isn't proper.
GoldenTiger said:
AAC is saying that it displays the clocks wrong in coolbits and runs them at the wrong settings, too... sounds like without the right drivers, this thing will show right but run at some weird speed that isn't proper.

That is exactly what I am saying. Also he is running one not two. I have not tested a single card. It could be an issue when run in SLI.

BTW Why would you not believe me? Was I not right about the clocks. They were not 550/1800......
That is exactly what I am saying. Also he is running one not two. I have not tested a single card. It could be an issue when run in SLI.

BTW Why would you not believe me? Was I not right about the clocks. They were not 550/1800......

I believed you, and still do :).
Cool I'm happy with those clocks. I just wonder how much the price will go down when it's "officially" out (lol) next week.
d00d.. the nvnews server is swamped... I am getting http timeouts on it here and there... I think someone needs to hit the turbo button. ;)
Holy cow, what a flashback--I remember when PCs actually HAD a turbo button. Took 'em a few years to realize that no one would want to run their system with turbo off.....
Commander Suzdal said:
Holy cow, what a flashback--I remember when PCs actually HAD a turbo button. Took 'em a few years to realize that no one would want to run their system with turbo off.....

Also - the "hi" "lo" button... like the turbo button.. nice 286 action there... I think "hi" mode was 12mhz... w00t.
Commander Suzdal said:
Holy cow, what a flashback--I remember when PCs actually HAD a turbo button.
Yeah my "turbo" 8088 system would go from 4.77-10MHz w/turbo engaged. W00t

ok...tried to do some benchies but running into weird issues. Could be software related. I cannot bench 3dmark05 when running 3d settings....everything is fine but the minute i begin 3dmark05 (and i mean by double clicking on the icon) the screen gets all corrupted. I can however play WoW perfectly with no corruption and demo fear with no corruption or artifacts.

I did run 3dmark05 with just using the 2d performance and it ran fine (Score 9100). I have a 3800+ amd Dual Core overclocked to a 4200. So im sure i could have alot better score if i had a 4800+ going.

I played Fear with max settings at 1600x1200 (i have a dell 2405) and it never ran so smooth its amazing.

And ideas how to run 3dmark05 at 3d settings? And remember...its right when i click on the icon to load the program where everything goes bad. Im gonna run Aquamarks and see if i get the same issue.

Also....couldnt try the other beta drivers cuz it didnt recocognize my card. That normal?
i wish he would run fear at 1920x1200 with everything maxxed 4xaa/16x since he has a 2405 dell monitor and see what happens .. not 1600x1200
ok...tried to do some benchies but running into weird issues. Could be software related. I cannot bench 3dmark05 when running 3d settings....everything is fine but the minute i begin 3dmark05 (and i mean by double clicking on the icon) the screen gets all corrupted. I can however play WoW perfectly with no corruption and demo fear with no corruption or artifacts.

I did run 3dmark05 with just using the 2d performance and it ran fine (Score 9100). I have a 3800+ amd Dual Core overclocked to a 4200. So im sure i could have alot better score if i had a 4800+ going.

I played Fear with max settings at 1600x1200 (i have a dell 2405) and it never ran so smooth its amazing.

And ideas how to run 3dmark05 at 3d settings? And remember...its right when i click on the icon to load the program where everything goes bad. Im gonna run Aquamarks and see if i get the same issue.

Also....couldnt try the other beta drivers cuz it didnt recocognize my card. That normal?

Interesting....just like I said.
Hahahah.. I bet they have it locked in the drivers so no 3Dmark action until Monday when they release new drivers.. Or maybe it's date locked, so he could try to set his system's date for 11/14/2005 and it might trick it... hrmm...
wow... maybe this is a SUPER HARD launch lol... its available before the official launch...

cant wait to see some benchies... and maybe wiat a couple of months for price to come down
XFX is from a company called Pine Group which has their headquaters in Hong Kong.

I called up a person I know at Pine Group and I am told that the cards will be available for sale on Tuesday (15th November 2005). Actually the stock will come in on Saturday (12th November 2005) but they can't be released for sale until Tuesday morning (15th November 2005). This is probably may be they have to wait for Nvidia to make an announcement on Monday (14th November 2005).

I asked for the clock speeds and the person laughed and said that he is not allowed to do so until Nvidia makes the official announcement. The price however, I can get but I was told that a local distributor will get in touch with me soon.

I am guessing that the card will sell for about US $800 since that is how the prices are like during the first few days of launch. I am sure prices will drop down in time.
revenant said:
Hahahah.. I bet they have it locked in the drivers so no 3Dmark action until Monday when they release new drivers.. Or maybe it's date locked, so he could try to set his system's date for 11/14/2005 and it might trick it... hrmm...

ok - nope. it looks like it's just having issues running at the clocks it's set at... he had to downclock it to get 3Dmark running in 3d mode... hrm...
How can drivers control the clock speeds of a display card? I thought that has to do with the card's bios?

Anyway, we will know soon enough. The card will be available for sale on 14th November 2005 in USA. Just a couple of days more. Till then it gives us time to arrange $800 to burn on the new card.
revenant said:
ok - nope. it looks like it's just having issues running at the clocks it's set at... he had to downclock it to get 3Dmark running in 3d mode... hrm...

I think your overspeculating a bit bud. If you read into the forum you'll see he was able to run WOW cranked. I think it's what the other guy said. Nvidia may release a driver that includes support for that card soon. Maybe by launch. I think this guy is just too early with this card.
Manoj said:
How can drivers control the clock speeds of a display card? I thought that has to do with the card's bios?

Anyway, we will know soon enough. The card will be available for sale on 14th November 2005 in USA. Just a couple of days more. Till then it gives us time to arrange $800 to burn on the new card.

Heh, If he cracks 10500 at stock I'm gonna buy 2, but for me I'm not gonna pay that much. I'll wait as I think it's coming to X1800XT prices VERY soon, possibly in time for Christmas or maybe even Black Friday. :D
Lord_Exodia said:
Heh, If he cracks 10500 at stock I'm gonna buy 2, but for me I'm not gonna pay that much. I'll wait as I think it's coming to X1800XT prices VERY soon, possibly in time for Christmas or maybe even Black Friday. :D

Just imagine that people who buy 2 Geforce 7800 GTX 512megs and pay about US $1600 in total for them now and then after 2 or 3 months Nvida announces a new faster card with new features and put a new price tag of US $800.

Wow, just see how much these cards cost and good games (worthy of these expensive cards) are only released every 3 months or so.
Interestingly enough, the 90nm rev cores are just around the corner. These cards represent half the final product nVidia will have to attempt complete domination of the x1800XT. So far really good RAM, next, a faster cooler core.
HeavyH20 said:
Interestingly enough, the 90nm rev cores are just around the corner. These cards represent half the final product nVidia will have to attempt complete domination of the x1800XT. Good RAM.

Probably around Feb or March 2006?
I heard rumors of January. But, I think the initial production will be for the 7600, 7200 cards.
$800 for a graphics card? That's absolutely insane, anyone who gets that is totally out of their mind, the only way anyone should get one is if they are loaded, beyond being loaded noone should be able to get it.
Well, people are already paying more than a grand for a piece of silicon that is a quarter as complex and doesn't include a half gig of the fastest (debatable, I know) memory available, so I don't see what the problem is. This is a niche market guys, the enthusiasts will pay the money for these cards. The first rule of pricing is charge as much as the market will bear. Prices on every other component of a computer ahve come down so much that the only 2 expensive things left are cpu and video card. For less that 3k you can put an X2 and one of these bad boys in your system w/2 gigs of memory and a decent HD, thats way better than 5-10 years ago when a 486 cost 5K because it had a math co-processor. Gaming bottlenecks and pricing bottlenecks change. Just be glad that memory is < $100 a gig, that to me, is amazing.
The Equalizer said:
$800 for a graphics card? That's absolutely insane, anyone who gets that is totally out of their mind, the only way anyone should get one is if they are loaded, beyond being loaded noone should be able to get it.

Nice card but they obviously don't plan on selling too many at that price.
I think the only people who would seriously drop 7-800 dollars on something that gets outdated/depreciates as quickly as a videocard is probably a middle aged single guy w/ no kids/wife, a [H]ardcore computer nerd w/ tons of disposable income. There won't be many teens/college age people earning 7 bucks an hour part time blowing a 2 months salary just so they can run x6 aa @ 2048x1536 or some other ridiculous setting. ;)

Rabidfox said:
Just be glad that memory is < $100 a gig, that to me, is amazing.

I remember getting a one megabyte ram expansion for my Mac back in the late 80s for Christmas. It was a pcb 12" long and the thing cost like 300 dollars ! :eek:
That sure puts things in perspective. :cool:
Ya know, since the guy who bought the card did nothing wrong, I think it would be very sporting if someone who is under NDA and has a copy of the proper beta drivers would send them to him.

What could it hurt? It's not his fault that MWave released the card early, and he as a customer has a right to the software that will make his product work properly, don't you think?

In fact, I think NVidia should show a little class and do it themselves. Never punish your paying customers for buying your product!
So looks like Inquirer was right on the specs.

Based on similar clock speeds on the orb (580/1550) with an FX-57 @ 3500 people are hitting about 10500. With an increase of 250 on the ram 11000+ 3dmark05 doesn't seem un-reasonable. And with some minor overclocking 12000 should be possible.

Looks like this card will be a monster. SLI anyone?
sampsa over at xtremesystems is hinting that sli'd 512mb gtx's with an fx57 @ around 3600+ will hit 18k in 05
jetjaguar said:
sampsa over at xtremesystems is hinting that sli'd 512mb gtx's with an fx57 @ around 3600+ will hit 18k in 05

I get 14500 with my FX-57 @ 3550 and stock GTX's that would mean a 25% increase over my current setup. Granted this is 3dmark05 but that's a nice increase.

Now if the cards could sell for $600....
Commander Suzdal said:
Ya know, since the guy who bought the card did nothing wrong, I think it would be very sporting if someone who is under NDA and has a copy of the proper beta drivers would send them to him.

What could it hurt? It's not his fault that MWave released the card early, and he as a customer has a right to the software that will make his product work properly, don't you think?

In fact, I think NVidia should show a little class and do it themselves. Never punish your paying customers for buying your product!

He needs the 81.89 WHQL drivers. They will be officially released on Monday, but, they are leaked and available here (for now):