mx1000 for 55bux@OM (no rebates)

my mom went there today for me for christmas at noon and it was allready sold out, what a good deal though
Sweet! Thanks for posting this deal.
I picked one of these up from compussr last week and pretty happy with it. Time to go get my $15 back.
is laser tracking really that much better?

i haven't heard anything about it - i'm curious

does it help with 1st person shooters
mgars said:
is laser tracking really that much better?

i haven't heard anything about it - i'm curious

does it help with 1st person shooters

No it isn't. I had one and returned it. Lots of problems reported on Logitech web site (forums) in regards to games. Mine was "laggy" in BFV. I would move the mouse and two seconds later my weapon would zip around way past where i was aiming. Sucked big time.... much happier with my MX 310.
mgars said:
is laser tracking really that much better?

i haven't heard anything about it - i'm curious

does it help with 1st person shooters

I would like to know too :) , and whats diff between mx700 and mx1000?
I just got one (CompUSA) and I don't have any problems with FPS. Can't say i notice a difference between the laser and optical though. I just like the shape and it has lots of buttons.
I'm lovin it. Movement is more crisp. Now its time for a new mouse pad. My ratpadz V.2 it all tore up from my oldschool MX700.
The mouse if much more ergonomic than the MX700 for my hand. I'm a right handed.
It's nice to see it has all the functions like my MS WIE 2.0 mouse at work.
Now it's time to cut it up and add some extra LED's to it.

Thanks for the linkage......
I'm a sucker for wired mice, they are more responsive and lighter weight. No matter what anybody tells me, I still feel about a little lag (guessing about 10ms) between moving the mouse and seeing it on screen. I don't notice any lag via wired.

Any idea when the laser based mice are hitting the wired world?
One thing i noticed with mine on my ratpad gs the thing rocks not as in it is awesome but it rocks like a table with 1 leg shorter than the rest. My mx700 did this as well but not nearly as much. Also getting it to work correctly with the mx duo base station is not possible you need to use the normal station. and then getting the setup worked out so a elite wireless keyboard and the mouse work together correctly is a pain as well.

So my end statement is i have mixed feelings about the mx1000 i almost wish i would have waited for the duo to be released but my mx700 was startign to act funky and the batteries were going to hell.
No problems here. I play primarily UT2004 for all my mp and the big three (far cry, doom3 and hl2) for single player. And lag isn't an issue for me. My scores on twitch kills (sniper rifle) actually went up in ut.

The movement is great. I bumped the sensitivity on it crazy high so my twitch reactions are more precise... and it works better than my ms explorer optical mouse. The ms couldn't get tweaked nearly as high - it would start jumping.

I would recommend the mx1000 to any of my gamer friends.
I'm going check my local OfficeMax today for it... And see if I can use this $10 off card that they send me about one a month at my office.
If you guys are having problems with this mouse, your computers must be smoking crack. Bar none, this is the best mouse to get for gaming, aside from the mx510 (corded). Not only that but it recieved MaximumPC and PC Gamer Gear of the year award for mice. I got mine on this deal (in oregon), upgraded from my mx700 (that i have worn down to the plastic, both top and bottom). Works like a champ. Another thing todo for your usb mice is to google a hack to jump your usb bus to 500mhz, instead of the stock 100 that xp gives you. MAJOR differance there. You don't notice it in windows but you do in games. Frag away [H]'ers. BTW, the battery life on this is just friggin awsome.
