My 680i died! I need a replacement ASAP.


Dec 30, 2006
Okay, not sure what happened, but I can't wait for the whole RMA process. I'll just sell my 680i LT when it gets back. Anyhow, I need a board NOW! Gotta get back to work, and working from my HTPC is a pain in the ass (literally).

So, please suggest some boards. I have a E6600 right now, but I would like the ability to go to an E8400, or even a 45nm quad (I can't do 45nm quads on a 680i). SLI support would be nice, but not mandatory. I would prefer SLI over CF, but either one would be a nice bonus. I'm on DDR2 right now, and for cost effectiveness, I'd like to keep it that way.

Most importantly, it should be a good overclocker. My budget is $125, but I could stretch that a bit if necessary, but the cheaper the better. Shoot me your suggestions!
If you want to stick with an nVidia chipset, the 750 is your best bet, but those run around $200. You could go with a P35, there are tons of good ones of those are little as $65, if you can do without RAID and optical audio. I picked on these up from, still in the box however but it got decent reviews:

Not bad after the MIR. Good luck!
Okay, not sure what happened, but I can't wait for the whole RMA process. I'll just sell my 680i LT when it gets back. Anyhow, I need a board NOW! Gotta get back to work, and working from my HTPC is a pain in the ass (literally).

So, please suggest some boards. I have a E6600 right now, but I would like the ability to go to an E8400, or even a 45nm quad (I can't do 45nm quads on a 680i). SLI support would be nice, but not mandatory. I would prefer SLI over CF, but either one would be a nice bonus. I'm on DDR2 right now, and for cost effectiveness, I'd like to keep it that way.

Most importantly, it should be a good overclocker. My budget is $125, but I could stretch that a bit if necessary, but the cheaper the better. Shoot me your suggestions!

You get pains in your ass when you work on your HTPC? I'd get that looked at.
sorry to be the grammar police but I'm really getting annoyed by everyone saying literally so much

DFI Lanparty DK P35.
Yes, a literal pain in my ass. It's not nearly as comfortable here as it is at my desk.

Anywho, that's two votes for P35. Comparing those two boards, looks like the DFI drops CF (only 1 x16), but gains RAID, an extra x1, and 2 more SATA ports.

The 750i looks good, but I'm hearing more praise for 750i FTW than anything else. Are other 750i boards just as good? Also, has the 750i RAID problem been fixed, or does that only affect EVGA's FTW boards?

Edit: Blerg, I might just grab a used 680i A1. I'll wait until they work out the kinks in the 7 series.
Asus Rampage Formula Hands down, - have owned this board since launch and havent had 1 issue with it, ROCK STABLE
Anything but the Asus Maximus Formula, have owned this board since launch and have had 10 issues with it, CRAPTASTIC.