My awful ZipZoomFly experience


Nov 30, 2004
So I ordered 2 sticks of Ram from ZZF. I have problems with them, and they wont work in my system. Becuase of Thanksgiving, I am one day late on their "memory can only be returned for a refund within 15 days". Serveral emails(where i was told they couldn't do anything for me) and 20 phone calls later ( i kid you not)... I have to call them once and hour for almost 3 days. Every call went to voice mail, for them to "call me back". Which they never did. I finally got through on day 3. After speaking to 2 people, I finally get them to take the memory back, but with a 15% restocking fee. Ok, i just want my money. So I send them back, and they have had my memory for 17 days now, and no refund.

So I go through the same problem as last time. I send 2 emails, no answer. I have to call for 2 straight days, before I get a person (of course leaving my name and # does no good, no call back) who tells me "we are a little behind, we get a lot of returns this time of year" and that im on track to get my refund "sometime next week".

I said "you have had my return since 4 days before Christmas" and it should take what your telling me is 20 plus days to process a return for 2 sticks of ram. To which I was told 'yup thats how long it takes"

So i dont know whats going on over at ZZF, but I certainly wont be ordering from them again. Buyer beware.
umm if you had the ram that was not functioning well in your system, and you were a couple days late for the 15 day "return policy", you had the ram for at least 10 days. why wouldn't you have just returned it then? instead of waiting until AFTER thanksgiving *bad idea* and expecting it to go as fast as usual. holiday season is the busiest time for retail companies. i have never had a bad experience with ZZF and i think you should have just returned the ram a little bit faster and you wouldn't be having this problem now.
i was away on business, and got stuck longer than anticipated, and then it too longer to build the system, but i was ONE day late, i called on day 16.

I also have never had a problem with them.

But 3 weeks to return my money, is not acceptable in any retail situation. I returned an order to new egg the same day, and got my refund 2 days after they recieved it.
i was away on business, and got stuck longer than anticipated, and then it too longer to build the system, but i was ONE day late, i called on day 16.

I also have never had a problem with them.

But 3 weeks to return my money, is not acceptable in any retail situation. I returned an order to new egg the same day, and got my refund 2 days after they recieved it.

pshh 3weeks! piece of cake. try 3+ months with monarch hehehehehe :D

But i never had any problems with ZZF *Knock on wood*
I hear you on Monarch, that was and is a very unfortunate situation.

I have ordered plenty from ZZF, and never had a problem before.

What was the biggest "red flag" to me, and was most frustrating was I couldn't get a hold on anyone. All i could get was voice mails. No return calls. No return Emails. For Days. Thats no way to do business.

Newegg got my refund to me in 2 days.

If it was a brick and motar store, you get your refund Instantly.

3 weeks is not acceptable in my book.
Thats why I loove my AMEX. If they dawdle on returning the funds, I hit them with a chargeback and let the card company play phone tag. I have only had to do it twice, Monarch and some shithole in the wall vendor out in NY a long long time ago.

Don't you just love how merchants can take money from you electronically within seconds, but putting it back takes 3+ days ? :D
Thats why I loove my AMEX. If they dawdle on returning the funds, I hit them with a chargeback and let the card company play phone tag. I have only had to do it twice, Monarch and some shithole in the wall vendor out in NY a long long time ago.

Don't you just love how merchants can take money from you electronically within seconds, but putting it back takes 3+ days ? :D

Yes, i called my CC tonight, And I have 60 days to place my claim. So i will give ZZF a few more days to treat me right, but if by the mid to end of next week i dont have a refund, I will place my claim.
Lol buyer beware, I've not had a single Problem with ZZF in the past few years that I've used them. I'm not at all suprised that they would be busy this time of year, chill out.
I think they are having some proplems over at ZZF. You should check out the ResellerRating lately 6.19/10 . Now check out THIS guy's ZZF experience. Now, are the RAM STICKS not compatible or they're just DOA?
I think they are having some proplems over at ZZF. You should check out the ResellerRating lately 6.19/10 . Now check out THIS guy's ZZF experience. Now, are the RAM STICKS not compatible or they're just DOA?

The Ram Sticks work fine. Just uncompatible. My VC wouldn't work with 4 sticks.

THey worked fine if i didn't use my orginal 2 sticks I already had.

I forgot to mention.....the 1st person I got to talk too, tried to talk me of returning them... saying and i quote "if i were you, i would just sell them on ebay"

At the time, i just thought it was an odd comment... but now I wonder what he was trying to say.
Lol buyer beware, I've not had a single Problem with ZZF in the past few years that I've used them. I'm not at all suprised that they would be busy this time of year, chill out.

Gotta be careful with that kind of attitude, even the mighty fall sometimes.

I remember the first few threads from people who got shafted when Monarch started going downhill. The posters got absolutely destroyed on the forums. Keep in mind, Monarch used to be one of the "darlings" on the e-tailer shortlist, now they are kaput.

Don't shoot the messenger ;)
Don't shoot the messenger ;)

*takes aim* ;)

Seriously though, we are still in the aftermath of the holiday season, cut them a break. And on top of that... you did read the return policy. I somehow don't think it says "15 days to return... unless you have a good excuse." So you can't really include that in your complaint.

Not being able to get a hold of someone is a valid complaint, and it is a little long to get a refund. I would personally call the CC company, give them the RMA number and any other info that you have proving that you sent them the ram and they received it... and let them go to bat for you. You'll have your money, and the CC company will have something to do (ya know, get your money's worth out of the annual fees.)
I got my refund within a few days. The guy suggested selling them on ebay because you'd be hit with the restocking fee. I must admit, it took forever to get a hold of them. It didnt take 2 days, though. It only took me 3 phone calls, throughout the day (finally got an answer around 3pm). I've been ordering from them since they were googlegear, and I've never really had a bad experience.
I will always use zzf and or the egg. ;)

The egg has always took really good care of me and you could'nt ask for better customer service.
So heres my update. On day 22, i call again, same problems, cant get through, have to leave voice mail, called about 8 times in 10 hours, no one ever picked up, and no one called me back.

So Day 23, same thing, except i got through midday, and got the same response I got on day 8, and day 15.... you will get your credit "next week" we are busy.

So i called my credit card company to dispute the charge. Day 23 is a friday, so then the weekend, and Monday was a holiday, and Viola the very next business day, Tues, I get my credit. So it took my Credit Card company to contact them, for me to get me credit, unbelievable. 27 days to get a credit, and it took my credit card company to get involved for me to get it.
why not do an RMA with the ram manufacturer? (assuming the manufacturer provides warranty)
There was nothing wrong with the ram. Cant RMA working ram....for some reason my system wouldn't run 4 sticks of ram. They worked if i used them on their own.. but they were the same RAM i already owned, so i had no need for it, and just wanted a refund. I in fact offered to buy more expensive ram from them in exchange for this ram, but they didn't take me up on it, it was a ZZF supervisior that offered the refund.