My BeyerDynamics Useless Now?


Limp Gawd
Jun 28, 2006
Long story short I tripped over my cord at a high speed and ripped the cord out of my X-Fi Plat. I/O Panel causing the part that is plugged in to rip apart in two @ the surface. Are these pretty much broke for good or is there someone/someway to fix these?



There is the plain plug that comes with the cord/headphones, then there is a bigger one that screws over the orig plug. The orig plug tip is broken inside of the bigger part :(
You can send them in to get recabled, either to or you can go to Head-Fi and message Cantsleep, alternatively you can send them in here ( he does really good work )

Better cable will also help better the sound.
yeah you can restripe them for a new end plug too, it takes some work but it does work. Or recabling might just be the excuse you need! :D
The cheaper way is to put in a big or a small one. I know the type of plug that can have the adaptor where the larger plug can screw onto a smaller one is hard to source, but I'm sure it can be found. Someone in the forums might know, but the price of that plug is way more than it is worth IMO.
If you have a brain and can solder you can put new cables on a headphone. You can also keep the stock cable and put a new plug on there. Its just a simple 1/8" stereo plug, you can find these all over the place online. And no, putting a "High Quality" plug on there won't make a lick of difference. If its made of gold, platinum, diamonds, ect, doesnt matter. Just get it back together and get listening!
hit up someone at you can get it super pimped out
Thanks guys. I spent 30 minutes looking for the plug that was plugged into the I/O panel before realizing it was still INSIDE the I/O Panel lol. I'll probably send these off to one of the resources you guys posted.
If you have a brain and can solder you can put new cables on a headphone. You can also keep the stock cable and put a new plug on there. Its just a simple 1/8" stereo plug, you can find these all over the place online. And no, putting a "High Quality" plug on there won't make a lick of difference. If its made of gold, platinum, diamonds, ect, doesnt matter. Just get it back together and get listening!


Five minutes at Radio Shack will net you one of these, and five more minutes with a soldering iron will get you back in business. Just clip the broken connector off the end of the cable, strip the shielding about 1/4th of an inch and solder it onto the mini-plug as appropriate. You can also buy one of those 1/8" to 1/4" adapters as well and you'll be (almost) as good as new.

Now, the argument can be made that the quality of the connector that you would buy at Radio Shack will be substandard to the quality of the connector that you just broke, but I think that 99% of the difference that cable quality makes comes from the cable itself, and the connectors make up that last 1%.