My Boxen's new home!

Guess you can't go wrong with a PS3, blue ray, and F@H.... So why does my wife thinks they are so useless then?.....:D

You just need to find the right game maybe. My wife was playing a baseball game on my PS3 today. And she loves the blue ray movies.

something you might want to consider is just getting rid of the monitor and keyboard in the closet. I have a server sitting in my network closet upstairs and if I ever need to do anything to it I just use RDC and can get to it with out any issues. Now if it is non responsive I can just go upstairs and reset it and it auto logs in. Have another box I am thinking of bringing online (old dell P4 2.4ghz) and will do the same thing....plug it in and let it go
something you might want to consider is just getting rid of the monitor and keyboard in the closet. I have a server sitting in my network closet upstairs and if I ever need to do anything to it I just use RDC and can get to it with out any issues. Now if it is non responsive I can just go upstairs and reset it and it auto logs in. Have another box I am thinking of bringing online (old dell P4 2.4ghz) and will do the same thing....plug it in and let it go

I know there is a way to get it to auto login, I'll have to find that, I'm kinda cautious about putting both SMPs in the startup folder, but I do have shortcuts on the desktop. Reason being is there maybe times if there is something wrong with a computer that I need to do soemthign without the SMPs loading.

Yeah the remote desktop is my next project. I just got shares to work so that on my main computer I can open FahMon and get a snapshot of the entire farm. So that was step 1. I'd really love to be able to remote into them from outside as well as I do travel for my job and being able to remotely reset them or restart an SMP would be very nice. 1 step at a time though.

Saturday - Built my Data Center Lite
Sunday - Set up shares so computers play nice with each other
Today - Research Remote Desktop
Tuesday - Finish adding OC tools to my USB Drive - It has everything I need to run F@H on it, so it will save me 10 minutes of downloading. FahMon, Affinity Changer, SMP, Core Temp, Prime 95, etc.
Wed - Build another Q6600, OC it, Prime 95 test and start folding on it.
Thurs- Strip down my E6600 and ship the 680i mobo to EVGA for upgrade to 780i
Fri - Build my DC Lite a 700+ CFM cooling system (It hit 82.6F on Sunday, can you say Sauna?)

My Goal is to have remote desktop 100% functional by this coming saturday. :)

Lots to do all for a great cause!

Side Note: I had plugged my iron into an outlet I thought was on a seperate circuit... well I found out today its on the same one... Pop... Beep, Beep, Beep... All three UPSs loaded and kept all 5 machines, 2 routers and the dsl up and running without a hitch! Woot... Not exactly the way I wanted to test the new setup... but /shrug it works! YEAH!!!

Side Note: I had plugged my iron into an outlet I thought was on a seperate circuit... well I found out today its on the same one... Pop... Beep, Beep, Beep... All three UPSs loaded and kept all 5 machines, 2 routers and the dsl up and running without a hitch! Woot... Not exactly the way I wanted to test the new setup... but /shrug it works! YEAH!!!

Unpressed cloths: another victim of the [H]!
Side Note: I had plugged my iron into an outlet I thought was on a seperate circuit... well I found out today its on the same one... Pop... Beep, Beep, Beep... All three UPSs loaded and kept all 5 machines, 2 routers and the dsl up and running without a hitch! Woot... Not exactly the way I wanted to test the new setup... but /shrug it works! YEAH!!!

Mine kicked in this weekend during a thunderstorm. UPS FTW.

Unpressed cloths: another victim of the [H]!

Now that made me laugh!

I have been thinking about how to temporarily reduce the load on this single circuit. I have HD-DVD, LCD TV, and Stereo (not currently plugged in) on the same circuit. So I have an outlet in the kitchen that I can use one of the Heavy Duty Appliance Grade extension cords to power them. The cord is rated at 15amps 1875w, so that could off load probably 800-900watts onto another circuit?

Now that made me laugh!

I have been thinking about how to temporarily reduce the load on this single circuit. I have HD-DVD, LCD TV, and Stereo (not currently plugged in) on the same circuit. So I have an outlet in the kitchen that I can use one of the Heavy Duty Appliance Grade extension cords to power them. The cord is rated at 15amps 1875w, so that could off load probably 800-900watts onto another circuit?

easy solution..just do what I do...don't iron your clothes!!
Is there a low power usage A/C unit that could cool my closet? I didn't like it getting above 82c yesterday... and with me adding boxes this is only going to continue to be an issue!

Thoughts suggestions (Nothing insanelyl expensive) Talking maybe $200ish that won't make a ton of noise or take a ton of electricity?

Is there a low power usage A/C unit that could cool my closet? I didn't like it getting above 82c yesterday... and with me adding boxes this is only going to continue to be an issue!

ACs need to exhaust heat somewhere and most I've seen use a bunch of electricity. Where are you going to mount one in a closet?

I dunno if you have free access to the ceiling but if you do, you could buy a bathroom exhaust fan. This would hopefully draw hot air out of the room and outside, which should be sufficient. What you are suffering is heat accumulating in the room without a way to escape...

I dunno if you have free access to the ceiling but if you do, you could buy a bathroom exhaust fan. This would hopefully draw hot air out of the room and outside, which should be sufficient. What you are suffering is heat accumulating in the room without a way to escape...

I do not have such access this is a central closet in a multi-story condo building so no ceiling access.

Yeah problem with the other suggestions is this transition time of year where my condo building has not yet switched to A/C in the summer I can keep it cool, in the winter when I leave I open the windows and it keeps it near 40F in there... right now mid day it hits 40-50F and inside the room with the door open it is cooking at 80F if I forget to open a window... Hmm maybe I need to figure out some way to rig open a remote window opener on my main rig so when I forget I can do a remote opening :) hehehehe

Another possible solution is creating a vent from the room into the Dryer exhaust vent which is in the room next to it. That would require adding a vent to the DC Lite room and adding a couple of fans to blow it straight out the exhaust vent in the bathroom... hmmm that has potential.
They do have ACs that are free standing and don't need to exhaust. I've seen them used in offices in the middle of a warehouse. Office was way cooler than outside in the warehouse. No idea about power consumption though. I saw a couple for $200 or so at ABC Warehouse last summer.

I'm no physicist, but isn't an A/C going to have to output the heat somewhere? My bet would be that it would consume lots of electricity and the room would get hotter since the A/C is not 100% efficient. You need to exhaust the hot air. Maybe a couple of fans in the closet door, one high going out, and one low going in...?

I'm no physicist, but isn't an A/C going to have to output the heat somewhere? My bet would be that it would consume lots of electricity and the room would get hotter since the A/C is not 100% efficient. You need to exhaust the hot air. Maybe a couple of fans in the closet door, one high goint out, and one low going in...?

I'm building something [H]ard 17 Yate loon 78.6CFM fans, ziptied one on top of another the top 8 blowing out the bottom 9 blowing in. The bottom 9 will eventually have filters added to limit dust. Should be good for 700 CFM. Which 6x10x9 = 540 Cubic foot room that means every 46.3 seconds 100% of the room is circulated. That should be fairly decent.

I'm no physicist, but isn't an A/C going to have to output the heat somewhere? My bet would be that it would consume lots of electricity and the room would get hotter since the A/C is not 100% efficient. You need to exhaust the hot air. Maybe a couple of fans in the closet door, one high goint out, and one low going in...?

Thats what I thought, but there it sat in the middle of the room, doing its job.

But either way, it would appear that in the [H] tradition, extreme improv to the rescue. Hope it works out Sunin.

Just completed the 700 CFM ventilation for the mini server room, that and added another quad to the folding, put him in a nice thermaltake M9 case, can't go wrong with that one for 39.99.

But here are pictures of the fan setup! Wonder if this is [H]ard enough?

Ack the links are brokent temporarily not sure why...

Pictures coming.

When I get to work I'll shrink them down, but for now you get the LARGE version

LOL, that's great... One of the most inventive use of 120mm fans.
Hehehe... I feel like go by a wind tunnel now and the server room... about 2c different then the condo... LOL, the best thing... 17x$3 per fan = $51 buck solution, cable ties I had :)

You are too clever! :)

This may just win you a nomination for the [H]ard Cooling Solution of the Year Award.

Fold on.

Looks great. Are the fans in a slot in the wall or something? Do you have a wider shot of the room?

Looks great. Are the fans in a slot in the wall or something? Do you have a wider shot of the room?

Yeah I couldn't really tell either. I suspect he's got a folding(pun not intended) door on the closet that he's pushed up against the fans, but we won't know without a shot a little further from the setup.
Looks great. Are the fans in a slot in the wall or something? Do you have a wider shot of the room?

I'll try to get a better shot, but think of it as the door way with Velcro on one side and the fans are zip tied to each other.

Took a couple of hours to rig up the fans and wires. In total 9 inward and 8 outward facing fans are in the setup.

The door is not holding them up at all. When you zip tie them together properly it is pretty damn stiff. Two small patches of velcro allowed me to pin it to one side of the door entrance.

I'm not sure how you're powering this setup, but this might come in handy in the future:

It's an AC adapter with a molex male connector on the end. We ordered a bunch at work for a cold cathode project. The only problems we had were one DOA out of 10 and the 12V and ground wires were reversed on the molex connectors. We just switched them on the cold cathode's molex and they worked great with no PC.


Right now I'm powering it off my P4 machine which has an Antec 550w PSU.

I like it! That is really a good idea, and looks good too:)

On the side, thanks for the link to the power adapter aldamon... I've been wanting something like that for a couple projects I have in mind, it's perfect!!

You just need to find the right game maybe. My wife was playing a baseball game on my PS3 today. And she loves the blue ray movies.


My wife likes playing co-op lego starwars :D

As far as stats go I do wish Stanford would fix the PS3/GPU WU values, they should be on par with the SMP client WUs based on the scientific value(from the way I understand it). Imagine getting 5k+ ppd out of a $400 box w/o overclocking :eek:

From stats page

% of ps3 to total active clients
37,168 / 268,033 = ~13.8%

1122 / 1401 = ~80%
Ok managed to snap a few shots from a bit more of a distance. Remember this is a small 600sqft Condo... so the two new shots are about as far away from the fans I can get and not incounter a bad angle that won't let you see how they are setup.

The new pictures are the last 2 images.

Ah yes, now it all makes sense. Imitation was right. Thanks for the pics.

Side note: Got my kill-a-watt in last week and just hooked it up to my 52inch Aquos, HD-DVD player and my Onkyo 939 and the combo at peak hits 320watts @ 2.89 amps so it was a great thing that I was able to get them wired to a seperate circuit from my Farm. I have a 15 amp circuit so 15amp @ 80% = 12amps useable and the entertainment system used nearly 1/4 of my available amperage. So I was very fortunate to be able to run my entertainment system along with a PS3, 3 Q6600's, an E6600 and a P4 w/1950 vid Plus three monitors and a pc speaker setup. That just wow's me that I didn't blow the circuit with just that. So very cool to know that I have room to add about 6 more Quads without wiring being an issue!

Reason I say 6 is because a 1200 watt iron would cause the circuit to blow. So that would leave me 1500 watts with the removal of the entertainment system from the circuit. 6 x 175 = 1050 watts, which leaves about 450 for spikes and such. Woot :) Now if only the Q6700's would drop down in price.

So now you can do your ironing without any worries, eh? ;)

Fold your laundry and proteins!
