My Chilly1


Limp Gawd
Dec 15, 2007
Hey all!

So about 2-3 months ago, I got hold of a Chilly1 from a friend over at BPC. I can't exactly remember if it is a vapochill ..or anything of the sort, since i've never really known about phase change until signing up there. He was very low on funds, and wanted to sell it quick. Picked it up for around $350. Not a bad price i suppose, and it dropped temps to around -41. My question is ...have any of you ever owned one of these puppies before? How would you rate them against the competition phase change? I lost interest in this unit, simply because i don't feel like doing the required prep work to the mobo AND i don't want to risk my QX9650 :D Let me know your opinions on this unit! Thanks :)
hehe..i got an offer from here on it as well ....i'll have to look at a price range for it.
I assume the -41 C is without a heat load? Or is that under load? If it's under load, with what processor?

The issue is, without knowing more about the unit -- what it's charged with, the phase head design, the compressor model, the amount and diameter of capillary tubing... lots of things, I realize, and stuff you might not be able to remember off-hand. Knowing how old it is might help, too.

Also, even with all that we'd need someone really in to phase to get much out of it. Knowing load temps would be the 'quick' way, obviously.
Well ....It has an LCD on the front of it that shows -48 without being hooked up to anything. I plopped it on my e6600 and did a little prime95 and TAT, and the LCD readout was at -41. BUT, i -did- hear from one person that the readout on that LCD was inaccurate. I could not confirm this, since using Coretemp only displays down to 5c for both of the cores. As far as what it was charged with..i believe he said it was r507a ..if that is close. I'm asking right now some other things about it.