My computer keeps restarting on its own


Aug 9, 2004
When ever I play games like HL2 and The Movies the computer just shuts down after about 10 minutes of play, my brother can still play Starcraft and listen to music and its fine anyone have any ideas. I thought it was the GPU so I took it out and reseated it to the the heatsink and it still did it. I don't think its the memory cause I passed the Prime95 ram test stable for 2 hours (I only ran it for 2 hours). I think its the CPU cause my dad had a similiar problem and it was the CPU overheating. I'll reseat it later to see if that fixes the problem.
hows your power supply? it may be that it might be underpowered or just busted?
could be video card overheating but more likely the power supply, watch the voltage with a hardware monitor program. if it were cpu it would freeze or not boot at all, what is the highest temp you have seen ?
it never goes sbove 45C load and is usually at 32C-35C idle. I will admit I have a cheapo PSU its a Rosewill. I monitered it with a volt monitor and it didn't fluxuate much
You could always try to run Prime95/Memtest for a day or two and see if you have any problems. However, since it's only occuring when gaming and you aren't seeing any artifacting from the card (this is an assumption on my part since you didn't mention any artifacting) it very well could be the power supply being unable to cope with the power draw from the card. If you can, try and swap out the PSU for a known working one.
