My Custom X1900xt(X) bios - (675/1600), faster fan speed


Limp Gawd
Mar 6, 2006

This is a modified Sapphire toxic bios (Also known as Sapphire Blizzard). I changed all the relaxed timings to regular XTX speeds which makes it actually faster than the toxic card. The fan is made to run faster under load. My purpose was to not have to use ATI Tool with crossfire (PITA) and still have an OCed slave card. This is if all you want is a modest OC or if your card can't take all that much.

Please be sure you can run 675/1600 before downloading! Also this is only recommended for Samsung 1.1 memory. Make a backup using ATI WinFlash before anything else.

Works with XT or XTX that have 1.1 samsung memory.

Download bios

TO flash the bios, use
Choose the force option

I created my bios with Rabit 2.0

Please leave me feedback or if you have any questions, go ahead.

BTW, I scored 9,776 3dmark06 with the bios on my XT and 675/1600 for my Crossfire Card :cool:

ALSO, just did a 3dmark05 run: 15,277! :eek:
Thanks for the info on what you used, once my x1900 Xt arirves i planned to flash the bios as well once i found rock stable speeds, i hate messing with 3rd party apps wondering if they start up or not and crap.

Got a sapphire myself.
Thats Awesome, thanks a lot for the info.
I am getting sick of having ATI Tool keep my card at XTX speeds.
I am going to flash it over tonight.
will this increase the headroom on my current ATI XTX?
No it won't.

I've made plenty of different bios for mt X800GTO2 with Rabit, <3 it.
will this increase the headroom on my current ATI XTX?

Nope, but it really helps in crossfire since the slave card (non crossfire card) will run @ stock and can't be OCed easily. So this way its OCed to be 657/1600 stock.

Changed link to Winflash 1.06 since the 1.1 version removes the force option. Without it, it won't work. Sorry. Didn't notice the change and figured I might as well should have linked to a newer version. Anyway, if you follow the instructions, it will work without any problems.

One important note, when you flash a card with WinFlash, only have 1 in there @ a time or else it will flash both. So insert only an XT or XTX version when flashing. I noticed this when Device manager said I had 2 crossfire cards running (tweaking crossfire bios).

Gave me no problems, I easily reflashed to XTX toxic edition.


If you download it, I'll give you a cookie
::waves cookie::