My Dell vs. Viewsonic Deliberation


Dec 14, 2002
Building a new system very soon and would like a new monitor to acompany the build. My current monitor is a NEC Multisync 77f. My update path is gearing towards a 20 inch widescreen, and so comes the choosing.

I can get the Viewsonic VX2025WM for $354.95 at
I can also get the Dell 2007fpw for ~$430 at the moment (don't know the price for sure because dells site throws me an error whenever I go to my cart.)

I've read a lot on here about how the Viewsonic is a "better" display, but it doesn't have a lot of features that I'm looking into. For example, the Dell has more inputs (will be buying an Xbox 360 over the summer), plus the Dell has an adjustable stand. If I were to go with the Viewsonic, I'd def. need an aftermarket stand which would make the price probably about the same as the Dell.

So, that's it. I have no idea which one I should buy and I plan on putting my order in sometime this weekend. Please guide me towards the better purchase.

Oh yea, if there are other displays I should be looking into, by all means pipe up.

Go ahead and buy the Dell and you'll be VERY disappointed. There has been nothing but reports of banding and blurry text.
I just saw a thread on the banding that the Dell has. Are there any other monitors that I should be looking at other than the Viewsonic?
Dude dont even consider this as a problem in deciding. Forget the dell. i own two dells 2005fpw and compared these two the new ones, the new ones are crap. Personally i dont care much for my dell last generation but the new generation is even worse. I looked at the viewsonic (the 20 incher widescreen with black and silver body) and the difference is outstanding). Im getting my brother the viewsonic and getting rid of my dells or just using them in the basement (havent decided). Anyway i understand your problem with the inputs thats why i bought my dells to hook other junk up like xbox and cable.

But i would still get the viewsonic and i will
I've heard a lot of the monitors have a crappy display when hooked up with components. Are most people hooking up the 360 with the VGA cable? If so, the Viewsonic might not be so bad.

Edit: was looking at wall/desk mounts and found this Neoflex Wall Mount Lift which looks perfect for my room. Plus the Viewsonic is light enough for the mount.
Funny Thing thoough is that im going to purchase this exact viewsonic for my brother.

Dell lost my business with this last lcd revision. Last generations monitors were better so im branching out to other companies. I would love to get my hands on the nec 20 but cant justify the cost. The only thing he will use this is for pc use (internet).
Yea, it looks like I'll be buying the Viewsonic tomorrow night from unless I can find it elsewhere for cheaper (that has a good return policy).
Are you sure about i never used them. I like the return is simple and free and i never had a problem with any electronics or whatever i wanted to return. If you use let me know how it goes, since i dont know anything about them.
I've had my 2007 for two days now and I love it. If I had never read about the banding problem, I doubt I would have ever noticed it. I can only notice it on certain pictures and wallpapers and usually I have to look for it. Light to dark transitions in softer colors tend to be where I see it the most. Somone mentioned that the panels made in Mexico aren't as bad as the ones made in China so maybe that's why mine isn't as bad as earlier ones.
I haven't found any dead pixels and the only backlight bleeding I have is at the lower right corner caused by the status led's. My PSP has more backlight bleeding and I rarely notice it.
I used the gradient program to look for the banding problem and only noticed it at the darker end of the color spectrum. It's all comes down to each person and what their needs are. I tend to use the internet and game mostly nowadays so the banding isn't really a problem. If you look at pictures all the time, don't get the 2007FPW. For internet, light PC use and gaming, it's great. My wife is so jealous and wants one herself. I haven't hooked my PS2 up to it yet and doubt I ever will since I use my other LCD/TV for it (see my sig).
I had to really look for the banding last night while playing Oblivion. I could barely notice it in the sky during sunrise. That was the only time.
Dell has impressed me with this monitor. The black levels are excellant. Colors are sharp. Text is sharp too. If Dell were to admit they fucked up and offered to replace everyones 2007FPW with a non-banding one, I would return it and do so but it really isn't that big a problem TO ME. It's not worth my time to interpret some Indian named "Mike" over the phone for an hour to get Dell to ship me a new one or return it. If I had the money, I would have gotten the NEC but the 2007FPW is great FOR ME.

The Viewsonic is a great monitor too and I'm sure you will love it. I thought about getting it but the 2007FPW seemed the better choice for me.

I'll be posting my setup in the display thread soon.
I wanted to get the dell 2007 too, i really wanted it to be good. I could've handled the banding, but the blurry text was the clincher; I will mainly use it for desktop work such as programming. Shame as I really like the clean black design and the flexibility of the stand. I decided to go for the viewsonic VX2025, but I'm getting it from a store I can return it to. I've read conflicting reports of it having very clear text, and others that say the anti-glare coating taxes the eye when reading for prolonged periods. I shall see, and if it doesn't work out I'll return it and stump up for the NEC 20WMGX2. After realizing the Dell's problems I would've actually gone for the 2047, if Dell didn't have such a long lead time.