My experience with Asus Service Center


Supreme [H]ardness
Aug 17, 2004
Last october i bought an Asus Transformer 101, used it for two months before the docking latch broke. I'm not even sure how that happened, since the design meant there is no way you can put excessive force on it. With the latch broken, the hooks don't line up properly and the hooks were chipping away at the mounting holes (Aluminum apparently isn't as strong as i thought), so i stopped using it.

Face it, without a working dock, the whole point of getting a transformer is moot. So mid December last year, i brought it to the service center. Even tho the only problem was the dock, i had to leave the tablet as well since it's considered a single unit. A week later i called for an update and it turned out they had just ordered the parts. Since they were just waiting for parts, they offered to let me keep it until the parts arrive.

Two months later, they finally called saying the parts had arrived... two months the tablet could have been waiting on the shelf, no wonder they let me keep it. So i went over with the tablet and the broken dock and left it with them.

A week later they called and told me it was fixed. So i went over to pick it up and found that the latch was jammed. I don't know how they considered it fixed so they had another try at it, again waiting for parts.

The next time i came over they had apparently forgotten what the problem was in the first place because they consider the latch fixed. They had unjammed it but the lock mechanism doesn't lock to the side, meaning you were again forcing the two units together. A no-no since the mounting holes were already showing wear even after a handful of use.

This went on going back and forth to the service center for pickup, until April this year. Where they then complained that they couldn't properly fix it because i kept taking the unit with me. Which is rather puzzling considering the unit was just waiting on a shelf otherwise and the complete unit was in their possesion for a week each time i brought it in.

So this time i left the unit with them... and as expected, it was yet ANOTHER month before they called me to pick it up.

Now here's a tricky issue. Anybody that's owned an Asus transformer would know about the battery drain issue. When the unit is docked, the dock unit will drain continiously, which meant it was down to 5% after a couple of days and would be automatically cut itself off. However, just because it cut off the dock battery from the tablet doesn't mean it's cut off completely, the dock circuitry will still drain the dock battery.

When i got the unit back, the first thing i did was tether it to my phone and install a battery widget.


Now that's bad. The unit had apparently spent the entire time neglected, with the battery at 0%. It was full when i left it with them, so i'm guessing it was three, maybe four days before it ran out. I brought it up to the receptionist, and she told me to take it home and try to charge it.

Needless to say, after two days worth of trouble shooting, the dock battery was dead. So back it went. Mind you, by then it was already June. This time they let me take the tablet home.

And you know the annoying part? I play airsoft so i'm aware of what happens when you let a battery hit zero too long, so i actually emailed them twice (And they replied both times so i know they read it), concerning the status of the battery. The cut off behaviour laptops have on their batteries are known to not exist on transformers. You have to physically separate them to stop the drain completely. To see the units battery destroyed even after i inquired about them is infuriating!

Two weeks later, they called me up yet again, and tested the unit. The dock is recharging! Yay! So i tested the ports and card reader. Noticed that the card reader wasn't working... shit! So i decided to go online to check if there's a card reader diagnostic app on the play store. When i tried doing a search, i noticed something...


So again, i went home, leaving both the dock and tablet with them (including the box and everything else that came with it). When i got updated a few days later, they told me the problem was with the tablet... oookay... so the tablet is broken now, and that they're waiting for replacement parts.

So now it's July 6, this case has been going on since December last year. I'm not even sure if i should still pick it up since as far as i'm concerned i didn't have a transformer for seven months, it's no different from any other generic tablet that cost half the price. In the time it took to repair, three ICS tablets had already been released. Even if they finally manage to fix it. This thing is beyond phased out.

Any idea on Asus's replacement policy? Especially for a seven month case? As it is, it's been nine months since i bought it, and i've only been able to properly use it for two of those. As it stands, there is no way i'm buying an outdated model if i had the option of buying one two months ago.

Need advice on what to do. I've been emailing their website this whole time, and the replies have been sporadic. I put in an inquiry on the asus site, they reply to that, i answer to that, and no more replies after that. The only way to get them to reply to a question was to ask through the escalation box on the asus site.
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Yeah, there's a chance i'll be getting another Asus product, but the service centers are another story. I'm actually entertaining the idea of bringing a revolver with me the next time i pick it up and emptying the chambers into it right in front of them.
I had similar problems. Bought tablet and dock like 10 months apart. Keyboard did not work on dock with my tablet. Sent them in on my dime, came back with kb working, but a quarter of touchpad was now dead. Sent it back on their dime after a minor tussle with the CSR over who pays shipping.

Got it back, fixed again but they broke the latch that locks the dock and tablet. Minor issue, but now I had SOD and random reboots like crazy. Called for another RMA, but I read over on XDA about these issues and seems Asus still can't fix it, so never sent it in and warranty is now expired.

Service was at least fast with mine, they'd only have it maybe 3 days each time, plus shipping both ways.
A lot of pain.

Do you really need the dock? Can you not use a Bluetooth keyboard?

I can't think of any advice to offer for dealing with them, other than not. And of course you know the apple service would have been way different, excepting you'd have to get a third party kb and no dock (but the kb goes for months on a charge).
I've gone through two ipod touches long before I even heard of android. So I'm familiar with how the OS works and it was too inflexible for my needs. Too many steps to do and inconsistencies with how it handles media. I'm an iOS user that jumped ship to android.

Right now I have an android phone. But I barely use the phone part (email and online messengers now) so there's no difference between the ipod and the phone. The phone still gets more use. Have apple make an android tablet and I'll consider it.
I use both. Have acer Iconia a500, had droid incredible. Google nexus 7 on the way. Typing this on iPad. Both have pros and cons. Both are simple compared to desktop OS.

Had a problem with my iPad 2. On a Monday night it just go stuck in one orientation. Screen would not rotate as a tablet should. By 11am the next day I had a brand new one that worked. Come march 2012 I sold it for 65% of what I paid for it and put that toward the 2012 model.

Anyway, good luck with asus. Still can't think of an option to pursue with them. The nexus 7 won't have a dock so hopefully I won't have to deal with asus service center. I was going to order an infinity, until the nexus 7 showed up. It might be enough. I'll have to see. I own a ton on android apps.
Trust me I feel your pain. I had a TF101 before I bought my iPad 3. Asus and Apple are in different universes with customer service. That is, Asus does not have customer service and Apple does. I ended up switching to the iPad with a Logitech iPad keyboard. The battery life is not as good as my TF101 was, but now I actually get a decent operating system and usable hardware.
Recently I had a G73 laptop serviced by them and they did a great job. Yes it took several calls and several emails but they did it. Asus is a great product and yes there CS department is not the greatest. I still buy Asus!

Sly I do feel your pain, in a recent Newegg customer service problem I had got me pissed off too. Just be careful on saying anything about pulling a gun and shooting things. Our society is in a hypersensitive mode due to crazies. Not saying you are dude just is careful in choosing your words in action.

BBB will not do anything but you will get it log in their database. Try FTC complaint or most states have attorney general who handles consumer complaints. There are other government agencies that handle these kinds of complaints. Take the problem to the people; let others know like you did here in this forum.
I just got off the phone with Asus. The fans on my Z77 are dying after 2 months. The bearings just make tons of noise. After calling 3 different numbers with people telling me that I have to call someone else I finally lost it. I just gave up and I am going to get different aftermarket fans.