My Favorite Case So Far


[H]F Junkie
Jul 13, 2004
A few weeks ago, I replaced my aging Antecn Nine Hundred case with an Antec Titan 650.

The 900 was nice, but it was cramped. It was also a dust magnet, and I was tired of cleaning the acres of grillwork on it.

The Titan 650 is a server/workstation chassis and comes with an Antec TruePower Trio 650 Watt PSU. I could not tell you if the PSU is worth a damn or not, as I took it out as soon as I opened the box.

I've snapped a couple of pictures:



It also came with a 120mm Antec TriCool case fan in the back. I took that out as well, replacing it with a very quiet Scythe S-FLEX 120mm fan. In the front, behind the bezel, there is a mounting bracket for two 92mm case fans. In that position, I put two Scythe KAMA FLEX 92mm fans.

As a result, this is a very quiet computer. I could have used slightly noisier fans to move more air, but these fans are sufficient for my needs.

Inside the case is the following:

Gigabyte GA-P35-DS3R Motherboard
Intel Core 2 Duo E6750 (2.66 GHz) overclocked to 3.6 GHz (8x450 MHz; 1800 MHz FSB)
8 GB (4x2GB) Mushkin DDR2-800 (@ 900 MHz)
Enermax Galaxy DXX 1KW PSU
BFGTech GeForce GTX 280
Seagate 300GB SATA-II HDD
Seagate 500GB SATA-II HDD
HP USB2 All-in-one flash memory card reader

Overall it works brilliantly for me. It is big, well built, has lots of interior space (look how teeny that GTX 280 looks), and is quiet.

Anyway...just thought I'd share. If anyone is looking for a nice roomy workstation case, the Antec Titan 650 is a good one to consider.

(Yes, I know my cable management could be better.)
I see you're using Kama Flex fans.

By any chance, do you have some other fans you can compare the noise characteristics with? Ideally, Nexus 92mm's?

If not, what's the noise characteristics like?

I'm looking to use two of them in a project.
I miss the good old days of using server cases for gaming rigs =)

I can image its heavy as hell, but looks nice.
I see you're using Kama Flex fans.

By any chance, do you have some other fans you can compare the noise characteristics with? Ideally, Nexus 92mm's?

If not, what's the noise characteristics like?

I'm looking to use two of them in a project.

I used three Kama Flex 92mm fans in my previous system. They are quiet, I had them running with SFLEX SFF21D's (800 rpm) and 1 to 1 noise output is similar. The Kama does have a slightly higher pitch (running at 1600rpm) but definitely nothing to complain about. I'd say the vast majority of the noise from the Kama will come from air movement.. I had mine push-pull on an Ultima-90 and the rush of air through the fins easily overpowered any motor noise.

If you're really worried, pick up a fan controller.

about as quiet as SFLEX SFF21D @ 800 rpm
a little higher pitch motor noise
air turbulence noise overpowers motor noise
I miss the good old days of using server cases for gaming rigs =)

I can image its heavy as hell, but looks nice.

Ahh yes, Yeong Yang, NetCube, Supermicro, PC & Power Cooling, Enlight, Antec. Brings back some memories.
I used three Kama Flex 92mm fans in my previous system. They are quiet, I had them running with SFLEX SFF21D's (800 rpm) and 1 to 1 noise output is similar. The Kama does have a slightly higher pitch (running at 1600rpm) but definitely nothing to complain about. I'd say the vast majority of the noise from the Kama will come from air movement.. I had mine push-pull on an Ultima-90 and the rush of air through the fins easily overpowered any motor noise.

If you're really worried, pick up a fan controller.

about as quiet as SFLEX SFF21D @ 800 rpm
a little higher pitch motor noise
air turbulence noise overpowers motor noise

Then that's perfect, the S-Flex running on my server's heatsink is silent. I'll definitely be using them. Thanks!
I miss the good old days of using server cases for gaming rigs =)

Yeah, it is a bit of a throwback. But this thing is far more than just my gaming machine. It is my workstation. I do everything on it. When I finally had it with the 900, I looked for months for a suitable replacement. Ultimately, this thing's size and flexibility were the deciding factors.
nice case. I have the soho version of this case. I noticed from the specs this case is deeper, allowing for easy fit of modern video cards.

My case is taller, but a few inches less deep, and I can't install one of my hard drives with my Nvidia GTX 260 installed. On the other hand, my case has removable drive bays, whereas this one has the old style clip on drive bays. Great case though.

I like cases with little to no side panel modification because I cut holes in the sides and mount 120mm fans using a round fram car filter normally used in older vehicles along with a cover.. no dust whatsoever, and plenty of airflow.. yes car air filters are designed to allow plenty of airflow while doing an excellent job filtering.

if this case drops in price I might pick it up. Right now my current soho is good enough.. the video card fits.. barely, but it does... :)