My first camera


Aug 14, 2005
Hello hello... so i get my license in 16 day. Im going to buy a new electic and acoustic guitar but will be buying a camera soon. I would like a cannon eos or something good. O dont know whether to go with film or digital.... I would like to keep the price under 5-400$. Any suggestions?
Hupo said:
Hello hello... so i get my license in 16 day. Im going to buy a new electic and acoustic guitar but will be buying a camera soon. I would like a cannon eos or something good. O dont know whether to go with film or digital.... I would like to keep the price under 5-400$. Any suggestions?

Digital EOS series will cost you, more than what you're willing to pay. I wanted to keep it under 1000 when I got mine, and I've spent way more on accessories and lenses.
Digital is the way to go though. Their beauty is you can delete bad pics, when you load them on your puter. I dont do it on cam unless it is really bad because, in the LCD they sometimes look worse that they are. With film you get the oh shit factor, when you get a series of terrible shots.
I have a canon s2-is and I LOVE it. It has image stabilization, 12x optical zoom, tons of auto and manual shooting modes, very good picture quality, its easy to pick up and start shooting or really get creative (especially with the color swap/highligh, etc modes), and it has a great movie mode.

No, its not as good as a DSLR but its not far off at all. And for about 400 its great. Remember you will need to spend about another 50-70 bucks for a 1 gig SD card.
Panosonic Lumix dmc-fz5

It has everything you'll want. You don't want a "Canon EOS". It's big and heavy and the only way it'll take better photos than any other multi-megapixel camera is if you shell out another few hundred on top of the cost of the body for a decent lens. Also, you're better off with digital from what I can read.
can i maybe get a link to some good website that will sell those cameras?
Canon EOS are amazing camera but SLR's and DSLR's are not for everyone. You will be able to do far more with an SLR camera than a P&S but you will spend far more money to get equal optical range and also in apature on a SLR than a P&S.
thanks for the links.

I would like an slr. I dont want a point and shoot
Used 300D or 350D would be the best bet for DSLR....
I think your going to have a hard time finding a used Digital Rebel XT (350D) for $400.

I would recommend looking for a used Digital Rebel (300D) with the kit lens. Although the kit lens gets lots of bad press, It's very useable as a first lens even if it's not perfect. Here are some pictures taken with the kit lens.

I own the 300D and it's a great camera.
ebay would be your best bet. But I was talking to a professional, and she said, NEVER buy a used camera. You never know how some people drop things, and abuse them.

Newegg has the rebel XT for 900 with lens.
If your set on going digital SLR, I'd look past the 300D and just get a 350D (Rebel XT). There's a long list of worthy upgrades on the 350D that make spending the extra cash well worth it, since your spending so much already. You could go used or new, personally with such an investment I just went new and paid the bit extra. One things for sure, no way in hell will you be in the $5-400 range with a dSLR. I'd say $750 for kit if your lucky, Dell has occassional deals but I forget exactly how low they go.
Well Ill be a part time mechanic within a month (im gonna be 17 in 12 days) so i should be rakin in some mula. We'll see
Hupo said:
Well Ill be a part time mechanic within a month (im gonna be 17 in 12 days) so i should be rakin in some mula. We'll see
Good deal! It is good to see someone going to work. Just live frugally and, you will have the cash in no thime to get a good camera and, some lenses.
I will open 2 bank acounts. 1 for car insurance and another for whatever else(aka spending money) ill save up and ill get a GOOd 6-7-8 hundred dollar dslr camera :)
I would not buy a dslr from ebay. I would go on sites like fredmiranda or and buy from there buy/sell threads. Just because photographers tend to take better care of their equiptment, and a lot of people can vouch for some of the better sellers...
Okay I am a Canon guy but the 350D isnt worth it save up for the 20D or skimp on it and go with the 300D and good glass. The 350D is way to small and very akward to hold with a big lens.
VictorEM83 said:
Okay I am a Canon guy but the 350D isnt worth it save up for the 20D or skimp on it and go with the 300D and good glass. The 350D is way to small and very akward to hold with a big lens.
And since the 300D is lacking a lot of features, get a D50. :p
Or a KM 5D, you should be able to pick them up fairly cheap now...
Yes but if you want an EOS system none of the above cameras support EOS system, plus the EOS linup has the 1Ds MK II by far the best 35mm DSLR ;)

Plus Id wait on a KM sence I would want to see what Sony is gonna due with the KM mount system. If they do it right it will be nice but if the same people who said rootkit is a good idea manage the project I would stay away.
Hupo said:
ya i wouldnt trust ebay

I've bought all my equipment used. All of it works great, mind you, my camera was a local pickup, so I met the seller via ebay. I bought a lens from someone off a forum once and it was fantastic. The only problem I've had with a lens bought off ebay was my 50mm 1.4 USM smelt like cigarettes, obviously from a smoker's house heh, not that big of a deal.